- Admin Reports

db8 404 Errors

db8 404 Errors

By Peter Martin
Admin Reports
This Administrator Module displays a list of 404 Errors in the back-end Control Panel, so the errors are clearly visible for Webmasters right after login. The Module retrieves the lists of 404 Errors from the Redirect Manager. With the Module webmasters become better aware about incoming traffic to non-existing pages so that they can redirect those to working pages. The Module has a couple of c...
Content Statistics Extended - Activity logs
Paid download

Content Statistics Extended - Activity logs

By JoomlaThat!
Admin Reports
Complete activity logs for admins - Make reports on ANY Joomla extension: you can see WHO did WHAT and WHEN. See the activity stream for your users, articles, K2 articles, VirtueMart items, Zoo items, SobiPro listings, Mosets Tree, Kunena... it works with every extension! You can also keep track of what your admins are doing on your administrator area: extension installation, article edits and pu...
Broken image notifier

Broken image notifier

By freakedout
Admin Reports
Broken images on a website make it look unprofessional and poorly maintained. They need to be fixed as soon as possible but how do you even know about them if you don't go through all your sites manually from time to time? Here is the solution. This plugin scans your website on each page load for broken images and sends out an email if it detects one. This allows you to fix your website as soon as...


By Michael Richey
Admin Reports
Are your server error logs hard or impossible to retrieve? Do you even know how to get them? Loggie can help! If your host is anything like mine, your log files are hard to get to. When they are available, they're slow to retrieve. In my case, it takes 5 minutes or more for a log to appear in the log file - and I must download it repeatedly looking for the errors I'm trying to find. Loggie i...


Admin Reports
The LM-mailModif plugin meets several needs: - organize content management by groups of users/administrators. Such a group will be notified when an article in a given category is added or modified. - put under 'friendly supervision" the editors of a site to be notified of additions or changes. - have a log of changes made to an online site during a local redesign. This plugin sends an email when...


By Bill Minozzi
Admin Reports
errorlog is a system plugin to shows errors from the PHP error log file named error_log. Only the last 200 lines will show up. The error log will search these 2 paths 1) Joomla root 2) /administrator This plugin is free and no display advertisements or links to my sites or services....
Phoca Redirects Dashboard

Phoca Redirects Dashboard

By Jan Pavelka
Admin Reports
Phoca Redirects Dashboard Module - displays important information about redirects in the administration dashboard....


By Joomla Gears
Admin Reports
Track your core Joomla!® metrics & keep your finger on the pulse of your site. Joomla!® is an extremely powerful CMS. Whether it's just you creating content or a whole team, it's critical to see the big picture. JStats provides that higher level look at your site so you can understand what is getting your users' attention and what is falling flat. JStats Core comes packed with tools to track...


Admin Reports
Extension Update Notification (ExtUpNotification) is a Joomla!™ 3.x Plugin to send e-mails to one or more SuperUsers when an update of an installed extension is available. We have created this plugin because our customers really like the Joomla! Update Notification plugin which is standard available upon a Joomla! installation. But our customers (and we ourselfs too) missed the feature to be n...