Ozio Gallery, by Alexred - Joomla Extension Directory


Photo Gallery, Content Photo Gallery, Photo Display, Google+ Images, Galleries

Ozio Gallery is a responsive photo and VIDEO gallery designed for Joomla, written in javascript which shows images published ONLY on Flickr.com and Google Photos personal profile and video from YouTube. All your images and video are cloud hosted and automatically scaled using hi-quality settings.

This is a non-commercial version of Ozio Gallery. You can continue to use this free version with limitations max 30 photos for album.
Remove the limitations max 30 photos for album, buying the paid version.

limit to 30 photo max for album in the free version

✔ Load image only from Flickr.com and Google Photos album.
✔ Load video only from YouTube in the Skin lightGallery.
✔ Unlimited photo uploads.
✔ Automatically photo resized.
✔ Category and image title.
✔ Support for adding image galleries inside your Joomla! articles or modules.
✔ Album list index view.
✔ Links that go directly to a single image.(Deep Linking).

You can also share photos in your site directly from your Android phone or iPhone by the Google Photos APP and Flickr APP.
Adaptive, detects visitor browser windows size and automatically creates,  caches, and  delivers device appropriate re-scaled versions of images.
Native Joomla extension, open source and GPL.

Do not support the Google Plus business page albums and Google Suite account. Only from the personal Gmail profile and Google Photos. Ozio Gallery do not support the video in Google Photos and do not support the 360° Photos.

If you do not want to have visible menu items of every galleries that you have included in the content or modules or list you need to move these menu items to a new hidden menu. Create a new menu which we will call such 'hidden' here you can move or create your menu items of Ozio Gallery that you want to insert in content or module or list. This menu should remain published and also the menu items should remain published. The module of this menu may not be published so as not to appear on the site giving you the possibility to use also the galleries created in the hidden menu. Simple :)

Skin Fuerte is based on Supersized Design/Development by Build Internet project by Sam Dunn of One Mighty Roar (buildinternet.com).
Skin Nano is based on nanoGALLERY Design/Development by Christophe Brisbois (brisbois.fr).
Skin jGallery is based on jGallery Design/Development by Jakub Kowalczyk (jakubkowalczyk.pl)
Skin lightGallery is based on lightGallery Design/Development by Sachin N (sachinchoolur.github.io/lightGallery/)

Note: The software is free of charge, its support is not. You need a subscription to request support by mail. However, its documentation and the public forum is free: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oziogallery/

Changelog Ozio Gallery
Ver. 5.1.2 : 11 Dic 2021 : Update only for the free version for JED compatibility.
*Ver. 5.1.0 : 27 Nov 2021 : Implemented new Google sign in API; Minor fixes.
*Ver. 5.0.4 : 13 Feb 2020 : Implemented loading of albums created by others Google users where we upload photos; Fixed bug with empty albums on Google Photos that blocked the loading of the gallery; Fixed "PclZip has a deprecated constructor"; Minor fixes.
*Ver. 5.0.3 : 14 Jun 2019 : Flickr.com full compatibility for skin Nano; Minor fixes.
*Ver. 5.0.2 : 14 May 2019 : XSS vulnerabilities security fixes; Minor fixes.
*Ver. 5.0.1 : 30 Apr 2019 : Whitelist fix; Minor fixes.
*Ver. 5.0.0 : 11 Mar 2019 : New Ozio Gallery version to use the new Google Photos Library API; Minor fixes.
*Ver. 4.8.2 : 01 Dic 2018 : The Google Picasa Albums Data API is being deprecated and will be turned down in January 2019. To access the API during the extension period, between January 2019 and March 2019, we add a flag as part of Ozio Gallery requests to the Picasa Web Albums Data API. (before March 2019 we release a new Ozio Gallery version to use the new Google Photos Library API); Minor fixes.
*Ver. 4.8.1 : 10 Mar 2017 : Update Skins jgallery v1.6.1, lightgallery v1.3.9, nanogallery v5.10.3; Better GET e POST Google API connections; Restore whitelist and blacklist; Fix cache problem for album list; Minor fixes.
*Ver. 4.8.0 : 20 Feb 2017 : New system to use Google Photo because from february 2017 Google no longer allows to make public the Google Photo albums; New params for the Google MAP API; New params for photos order; New params to use the file name in the photos title; Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.7.0 : 14 Jul 2016 : New 30 photo max for album limit in the free version; Fixed skin lightGallery album in the album list; skin lightGallery updated to v1.2.19; New skin jGallery params to disable thumbnails; New parameter for deciding the position of the description, above or below the gallery; Fixed skin Nano photos sorting alphabetically by description and by file name; Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.6.1 : 09 Mar 2016 : Joomla! 3.5 compatibility; New skin lightgallery zoom mode; Fixed Album permission page; Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.6.0 : 22 Feb 2016 : New Video and Foto Skin lightGallery; Now CSS and JS are in the media folder for Google bot happiness; Skin Nano Black List params fixed; New params for skin jGallery to fix the long description text; Data format fixed for the list; Ozio Gallery Full Screen templare are now compatible with all the skins; Skin Nano info box windows fixed in Chrome; Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.5.0 : 22 Dic 2015 : New auto-login button to find the Google ID; New button to set correct album rights on Google; Update Skin Nano Gallery 5.9.1; Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.4.3 : 28 Aug 2015 : Fixed language files; Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.4.2 : 04 Aug 2015 : Fixed skin Nano 1000 Photo limit; New parameter in jGallery skin to select Height mode; Fixed the unistall problem; Fixed skin Fuerte and Joomla 3.4.3 problem in admin album select; New parameter in jGallery skin to add link in the slider images; Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.4.1 : 17 Mar 2015 : Optimized loading thumbnails for skin jGallery; Fixed random effect for jGallery; Fixed fullscreen overlay for jGallery; Invisible old album where deleted all images; update nanoGallery to version 5.5.1; Fixed Deep Linking for skin jGallery; Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.4.0 : 05 Feb 2015 : New skin jGallery; Correct order error in album list; New Skin Fuerte param to hide toolbar; More Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.3.3 : 04 Dic 2014 : Fix Skin Nano error: "nanoGALLERY: Could not retrieve Picasa/Google+ data... [nanoGallery]"; Google+ profile album is no more availlable.
Ver. 4.3.2 : 29 Oct 2014 : Fix Skin Nano scroll page problem.
Ver. 4.3.1 : 28 Oct 2014 : Update Skin Nano to nanoGALLERY 5.2.1. IE7 & IE8 fix and allert message. All Skin Nano Thumbnail Hover Effect is ok now. Fix swipe in Skin Nano. Skin Nano social share button. Skin Nano RTL or LTR text support. Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.3.0 : 25 Sep 2014 : Update Skin Nano to nanoGALLERY 5.1.1 (more improvement). New parameter to write a text under each gallery. New parameters in the List view. Fixed IE11 problem in Skin Fuerte full screen image. Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.2.3 : 26 Aug 2014 : Fixed Skin Nano Picasa/Google+ data parsererror. Minor fixes.
Ver. 4.2.2 : 11 Aug 2014 : Fixed translation for NEXT and PREV labels for paging in Skin NANO. plugin s

Trying to set it up in a new J!4 site, but can't get past the 'Allow access' screen. Therefore, no functionality at all at all at all at all
Ease of use
Currently impossible to use, despite trudging around online for an hour or two - plenty of others with the same problem
None for this problem as far as I can see. The developer's facebook page has a number of people with the same issue but no response so far
I understand the developer's first language isn't English, so I'll be kind. It did get me through the maze that is Google API setting up :p
I used this to: Nothing at all, so am going to look at Event Gallery as that has been recommended by someone else who couldn't get Ozio Gallery to work :(

Good Extension

Posted on 21 February 2023
Responsive and fast!..................................................
Ease of use
Pretty good.................................................................
I used this to: Show my gallery picture from flickr...........................................
Trovo che sia il componente migliore per pubblicare foto. Tutto ciò che occorre è presente ed intuitivo..!
Ease of use
Estremamente intuitivo l'uso dello strumento..! Trovo che sia il componente migliore per pubblicare foto. Tutto ciò che occorre è presente e
Eccellente supporto in tempi brevissimi..! Trovo che sia il componente migliore per pubblicare foto. Tutto ciò che occorre è presente ed intuitivo..!
Eccellente documentazione di semplice consultazione..! Trovo che sia il componente migliore per pubblicare foto. Tutto ciò che occorre è presente ed intuitivo..!
I used this to: Per il mio sito..!Trovo che sia il componente migliore per pubblicare foto. Tutto ciò che occorre è presente ed intuitivo..!

Ozio Gallery

Posted on 12 April 2021
Laat op meerdere wijze foto's zien. Erg handig, omdat je gewoon in google foto's toevoegd in je album en die direct op jouw site staan.
Ease of use
Eenmaal ingesteld is het handig, maar om de eerste keer in te stellen adviseer ik je de video te volgen.
Ik werd snel geholpen en binnen enkele uren reactie en mijn probleem opgelost.
Beperkt, kwestie van goed lezen, waar het bij mij mis ging.
Wel is er een handige instructie op youtube die mij uiteindelijk heeft geholpen.
I used this to: show foto's on my websites with different albums tot show. You can change the way to view it. Very smooth.

Reviewing extensions

Posted on 15 February 2021
Functionality is solid,would improve a couple of things but overall its good
Ease of use
I have to say its is very easy to use and for that I give you 5 stars
Honestly,I didn't get much support,so for that i give you 3 stars.










Documentation is pretty good but could use a some mending,but overall I'am satisfied with it.Keep it up


I used this to: I used it for a couple of days for my work,I am a professional photographer so I'am familiar with this kind of extensions









Estensione Superlativa

Posted on 17 December 2020
Ozio Gallery ha davvero tante ottime funzionalità, ma soprattutto è una fotogallery responsive ma per davvero.
Ease of use
molto facile da usare, infatti si chiama OZIO ;) una volta installata, basta seguire le semplici istruzioni che si trovano nel loro sito
Ozio ha nel supporto la sua forza, ALexRed mi ha aiutato in maniera davvero cortese e soprattutto ha risolto. Eccezionale.
Buona la documentazione, niente da dire. Le spiegazione sul post installazione è chiarissima anche per i neofiti
I used this to: La uso per tutti i miei siti, e non saprei come farne senza. la metto un po' dappertutto sia in articoli sia in homepage, sia come modulo classico
Does what it says. Adds photo galleries to your website from Google Photos albums.
Ease of use
You have to make the galleries as menu items which seems a bit cumbersome, however I have a lot of galleries so it makes sense for me.
I think Alex answers directly and is always very helpful to show you how to fix things.
Excellent documentation which is needed, you have to read it well.
I used this to: I used this to add photo galleries to my site from albums in Google Photos.

slow loading

Posted on 28 August 2020
basically does what it should. The loading time to display the albums simply takes far too long.
Ease of use
once it is set up, it is relatively easy to use.
i only use very simple whitelist filters nothing else
Without a Facebook account there is no way to contact support. :/
available. is enough for what I need, but could certainly be a bit more detailed in parts.
I used this to: hiking club, hiking club, hiking club, hiking club, hiking club ......
It's one of the best Google photos integration with Joomla........
Ease of use
Very easy to set up and use. Got a few layouts to choose from... And works as expected.
Awesome support. Prompt each time. Simple documentation. Gets the work done.
I used this to: School website.. works great. Their support is just awesome.

Only had some minor issue with accounts with 200-300 albums... Since Google photos API does not have paging/filter option...

Ha molte funzioni, prima fra tutte è quella di essere "Responsive" con foto anche di dimensioni elevate.
Il caricamento delle foto su google
Ease of use
Una volta inserite le credenziali google tutto fila liscio. Estensione dalle molteplici caratteristiche.
Il supporto è eccellente. AxelRed ha risposto alle mie esigenze molto rapidamente ogni volta che era necessario il supporto.
I used this to: Album fotografici sul mio sito personale e album fotografici per il sito Web

Ozio Gallery

Last updated:
Jun 05 2022
2 years ago
Date added:
May 13 2008
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c p
J3 J4

Uses Joomla! Update System


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