
Vertical Markets, Vehicles

EXP Autos - it's the only component that when you change categories, changes Makes,Models,Bodytypes,Equipments etc.
For example you are selling cars and trucks, cars and trucks have different Makes (funny to see in trucks Aston Martin, Audi etc.), different Models, different Bodytype(funny to see in trucks - sedan etc.), different Equipments etc.
The script can be used by a single or multiple sellers and as a portal for vehicle sales with an ability to register users.
The component allows adding listing from the front side of the website as well as the backside (administrational).
A total of 200 settings can be changed in the component configuration with the usage of which you can set your website.
The component uses an unlimited amount of Group Users, for every Group You can choose your own settings therefore you are able to set the Group settings that are most suitable for You. For every Category You can choose a set of fields which will be used for the particular Category, that will give the ability to sell vehicles starting from Cars, Trucks, Water transport to Bicycles.
With the use of only one code line You are able to insert an unlimited amount of positions for modules right into the component.

EXP Autos - it's the only component that when you change categories, changes Makes,Models,Bodytypes,Equipments etc.
For example you are selling cars and trucks, cars and trucks have different Makes (funny to see in trucks Aston Martin, Audi etc.), different Models, different Bodytype(funny to see in trucks - sedan etc.), different Equipments etc.
The script can be used by a single or multiple sellers and as a portal for vehicle sales with an ability to register users.
The component allows adding listing from the front side of the website as well as the backside (administrational).
A total of 200 settings can be changed in the component configuration with the usage of which you can set your website.
The component uses an unlimited amount of Group Users, for every Group You can choose your own settings therefore you are able to set the Group settings that are most suitable for You. For every Category You can choose a set of fields which will be used for the particular Category, that will give the ability to sell vehicles starting from Cars, Trucks, Water transport to Bicycles.
With the use of only one code line You are able to insert an unlimited amount of positions for modules right into the component.

USER OPTIONS (short description):

  • #Addition of a vehicle
  • #Multi languages support
  • #Multi currencies support
  • #Search multi Makes and multi Models
  • #Import/Export ZIP archive with images
  • #Support Mobile device
  • #Addition of Models of vehicles by users (if allowed in the group)
  • #Announcement extension
  • #Announcement editing
  • #Email receiving after announcement addition
  • #Email receiving before announcement end
  • #Receiving of emails from users
  • #Uploading of a picture via the AJAX technology (without rebooting)
  • #Ability to add description for every picture
  • #Ability to sort announcements
  • #Ability to highlight updates (Top, Commercial, Special)
  • #Depending on the Group, addition of ads allowed only for particular Group Categories
  • #Ability of switching skins (templates) by users
  • #Saved ads in ShortList
  • #Compare ads
  • #and more .....

ADMINISTRATOR OPTIONS (short description):

  • #Unlimited amount of Categories, Sub Categories, Sub Sub Categories and etc.
  • #Unlimited amount of Group Users
  • #Separate options for every Group
  • #On/Off switching of all usable fields for every Category
  • #Addition of vehicle Brands(Makes)
  • #Addition of vehicle Models
  • #Addition of Countries
  • #Addition of States
  • #Addition of Conditions (New, Used, Broken and etc.)
  • #Addition of Sellers
  • #Addition of Color names
  • #Addition of names of Body Types
  • #Addition of Drive names
  • #Addition of Fuel type names
  • #Addition of Transmission names
  • #Addition of Currency names
  • #Addition of Equipment names
  • #Unlimited number of skins (templates) for each page of the component
  • #Translation without database
  • #Subscribes
  • #Association
  • #Separate Equipment for every Category
  • #Ability to configure(change) options of every page
  • #Addition of a Vehicle
  • #Ability to allow/deny announcement extension
  • #Turn On/Off the automatic announcement deletion
  • #Ability to set the lifetime of announcements and their extensions
  • #Ability to publish announcements instantly or only after administration checking
  • #Ability to set announcement types (Commercial, Always on Top, Special)
  • #Ability to show photos by type (Commercial, Special, by Mark, by Model etc.)
  • #Import/Export XML/CSV
  • #Import/Export ZIP archive with images
  • #Unlimited amount of currencies
  • #Unlimited amount of languages
  • #31 Modules
  • #SEF support
  • #SEF Advanced Mode
  • #Support
  • #Credit(Mortgage) Calculator
Есть абсолютно всё и что самое главное для каждой Категории свои Марки и Модели и свои поля, поэтому можно продавать разные виды техники.
Ease of use
Не сложно , есть "Quick Start" после установки которого Вы получаете готовый сайт со всему установками и демо данными.
Поддержка отличная , причём если у Вас есть интересные идеи то разраб часто вносит их в новую версию бесплатно. Есть русская поддержка.
Из документации есть огромный Форум , видео уроки для каждой страницы , куча инструкций
Value for money
Стоит своих денег так как есть всё уже из коробки Меня поймут те кто хоть раз что то заказывал дописать под себя и сколько это стоит.
I used this to: ?? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??? ??????? ??????????? , ??????????, ????????? ? ????????????? ???????.
? ?????????? ???????? ?? ???? ?? ?????????? ??????? ????????????.

Awesome extension

Posted on 24 August 2016
All in one!Cars , Trucks , Motorcycles you can configure any of the fields for each category.
No one others codes no have such functionality
Ease of use
Have : Forums (more 30 000 questions\answers), Quick Start packages , Instruction , for each pages have video Instruction.
Best support . It helps not only the component and at the Joomla CMS too
Forums , Instructions , Videos .But no have full API .
Value for money
Worth every penny I've payed
I used this to: Vehicles Portal : Cars and Trucks
Next time I think open ?ycle site

Great Automotive S3cript

Posted on 21 June 2016
Has all the features you'd expect from an automotive script - lots of options and very configurable.
Ease of use
Very easy to install and configure. Lots of options which are fairly intuitive.
Support is great. If I had a problem (template related) support was quick to help fix it.
Documentation is via the forum - little hard to find some of the instructions - but most instructions are there if you look.
Value for money
It isnt any dearer than the other Joomla Automotive software - it's just a lot better! Yes very good value for money!
I used this to: Motorcycle sales portal - motorcycle listings.
There is nothing missed in this vehicles ads component. So complete in functions, flexible in configurations, has many skins that may serve any needs.

And I have to say that it has the best support I've ever received in many years working on Joomla! and using many different kinds of commercial extensions. Worth every penny I've payed.
Really best component for vehicles.With this component you can create unlimited Categories and for each Categories you can selected fields(Makes , Models , Body Types etc.) that allows you to use this component for sale of different vehicles:Cars , Trucks, Motorcycles etc.Component and modules have a many number of settings that you can configure the show as you want.Have templates system for each page.You can create unlimited a templates and you can create a separate templates for mobile devices (it's all there in the component) For me, it was nice that there is support in Russian too.

Thank you very much Grusha for this wonderful component!
We are currently starting to use Joomla CMS as a new tool, and we already like it as it is a very professional Component. Furthermore, the support is very fast and effective.
We have been using the software for a couple of years now and our experience with their company has been a great one. Once you have installed it, you can see how fast it works on your website. Then you can spend sometime to customize the website layout easily. Thanks a lot!
I have tested more than 10 vehicles component in the last few weeks which includes both paid and free plugins. I have came to the conclusion that this is the vehicles component available for Joomla CMS.

I had a issue which was fixed by the developer in few hours. Amazing

Component and Support!!!!

Best one!

Posted on 02 May 2014
EXP Autos is very flexible, nice design, all forms easy to customise. I

strongly recommend this product not only to its various functions but

also the developer's service.

Expo Autos Pro

Posted on 24 August 2012
it's a fantastic prodoct for ad vehicles... and the the developer is very helpful and professional...for me number one!!!
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JaM Contact

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EXP Auto

Last updated:
Mar 07 2019
6 years ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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