- Site Navigation

Top of the Page

Top of the Page

By Michael Richey
Site Navigation
Pure JS/CSS rewrite! Full compatibility in all major browsers (including IOS and Android), Joomla cache friendly, and a ton of other features - this is ORIGINAL WORK and the most advanced top-button plugin available for Joomla! "Return to Top" links do nothing for SEO and can even detract from it, and they can clutter your page. When you have a very long page, how do you decide where to put the...
Skyline Scroll to Top

Skyline Scroll to Top

By extstore.com
Site Navigation
Scroll to Top is a lightweight yet dynamic plugin for Joomla. It adds a linked button which appears when the users scroll down, and disappears when users reach the top of the page. This button quickly scrolls the page to the top once it is clicked. Scroll to Top gives your website better navigation and adds a more professional look to your current layout. This free plugin is a must-have extens...
Smooth Scroll Anchors
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Smooth Scroll Anchors

By Pluginaria.com / Jtricks.com
Site Navigation
Use named anchors on your pages? Give an extra polish to your site by adding smooth scrolling effect with this plugin! This way the visitors will have a glimpse of the distance moved by clicking the link. Horizontal and/or vertical smooth movement can be configured. Can be used with: - jQuery (default for Joomla! versions 3.0 and above) - MooTools More (for older Joomla! versions before 3.0) C...

Krizalys Breadcrumbs

By Krizalys
Site Navigation
Krizalys Breadcrumbs is a module for Joomla! that provides the same breadcrumbs functionality as the built-in Breadcrumbs module, and additionally makes use of rich snippets. This helps search engines such as Google to better understand the structure of your website and leads in better SEO. Using this module will allow conforming search engines to offer comprehensive breadcrumbs of your pages dir...
BreadCrumbs Advanced

BreadCrumbs Advanced

Site Navigation
BreadCrumbs Advanced for Joomla! 3.x/4.x is a module which replaces the default breadcrumbs module from the Joomla! installation. It supports all default breadcrumb options but with several extras. With the BreadCrumbs Advanced module you can set the breadcrumbs options just like the default module but this one has some extra functions added to it. When you want extra animated effects for your br...
Scroll To CK

Scroll To CK

Site Navigation
Add a nice effect to scroll the page to enhance the visitor experience with a smooth animation when using the navigation. Scroll you page where you want, and when you go down you can activate the Go To Top button to come back to the top nicely. ** Features :** * Scroll to any element in the page (using its ID) * Works on any link, even in any menu * Easy to use, just add a css class to the link...
GiMeSpace Readmore Ajax Loader
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GiMeSpace Readmore Ajax Loader

By GiMeSpace
Site Navigation
This plugin enables you to load articles right in place where your Read More buttons and links are. So if you are in a Category Blog view, your users can quickly see the whole article without reloading a whole new page. It's possible to enable the option to also load articles in the Category List view. You can also make your own Ajax loading Readmore buttons. You can put for example a button in a...
Page Scroller
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Page Scroller

By PulseExtensions Team
Site Navigation
Scroll your pages from bottom to top with help of easy module. Just Easy to configure install it make publish with all pages and Scroll your pages bottom to top with Help of JQuery altra Effect. ★ UPDATE 1.0 :- -> Now you will able to Enter any Text from administrator its display on Front Side like " Go to Top" , "Press me" , "Reach Top" etc... ★ UPDATE 1.2 :- -> Now you will able to set Ima...
JT Scroll to Top

JT Scroll to Top

By Joomlatema.net
Site Navigation
JT Scroll to Top adds a linked button with or without a text which appears when the users scroll down, and disappears when users reach the top of the page. Scroll to Top button quickly scrolls the page to the top once it is clicked. joomla 2.5.x and 3.x Version Smoothy Scroll to top effect. Adjust Scrolling speed. Customize Scroll to top button (Show-Hide text, change scroll speed, text, Backgro...
itcs Scroll to Top Button

itcs Scroll to Top Button

By it-conserv.de
Site Navigation
"Scroll to Top" Button with Smooth-Scroll and Hover Effekt A small simple but chic plugin for a "scroll to top", with a smooth scroll effect and a hover effect, consisting of CSS3. The hover animations come without javascript, since the effects are made of CSS3. The style of the button and the CSS script is a free resource from jomla51.com. I have modified it for a scroll to top button and added...
AJAX Infinity
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AJAX Infinity

By Emir Sakic
Site Navigation
AJAX Infinity is a plugin for Joomla that replaces Joomla pagination with auto-loading infinite scroll. Instead of clicking on pagination links, you can now simply scroll down to reach more content. The older articles will auto-populate as you scroll down through the page. AJAX Infinity offers a whole new experience for your Joomla website. Whether you run a blog site or news site your visitor wi...
Scroll Back to Top

Scroll Back to Top

By CodePlazza
Site Navigation
Joomla Scroll Back to Top Button for Joomla websites. Lightweight, easy to use It allows you to add a button to your Joomla site, and after the user clicks that the browser scrolls to the top of the page. Features ( Free Version ) 100% Responsive - Cross browser support 100% responsive and compatible with all mobile devices. Tested on different browsers. Lightweight The sum of the styles and s...
Back to Previous Page
Paid download

Back to Previous Page

By Contona.com
Site Navigation
This is a well-thought-of tiny tool required for every website. If the referer is of the same domain/host, the link will go to the previous page else it will go to the home page. ★ You can publish it on any page. ★ The 'back' link will go to the previous page. If the referer is of the same domain/host, it will send back to the previous page. If the referer is an external web page for exampl...
2J Scroll To
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2J Scroll To

By 2JoomlaNet
Site Navigation
2J Scroll To it's multifunctional scrolling tool for Joomla! 2J Scroll To allow you to create multipurpose buttons on selected pages of joomla website which could scroll your page up to the window, to some anchor in content, css id or class on page. Even more you can define custom link for button to the internal or external page. No limits for amount of scroll buttons per page. Front end interface...
R2H Page Refresh

R2H Page Refresh

By R2H
Site Navigation
Do you want a Joomla article or page to refresh automatically? With the Page Refresh extension for Joomla you can reload or refresh a specific page after a certain amount of seconds. You don’t need any knowledge about HTML code. Just select one or multiple ‘single article menu-items’ and type the number of seconds after which the page must refresh. It’s a great solution for: - news pages...
Back Button

Back Button

By Wojciech Smoli?ski
Site Navigation
It does what the title promisses. It put's a back button in your article where you put a {backbutton} tag. 3 parameters: 1 - Display text - The text used within the tag. If the field is left empty, it will use the default value from the plgcontentbackbutton.ini language file. 2 - Wrap div - Yes/No put a div-tag around the anchor. 3 - Add class to the link - Yes/No adds a backbutton class directl...
AA Scroll To Top
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AA Scroll To Top

By AA Extensions
Site Navigation
It will show a nice Scroll To Top with website. It will show on footer. Features it has : ✅ It will show a nice Scroll To Top Icon. ✅ You can choose right or left position. ✅ Very easy to use. ✅ Support is always available. ✅ It is fully responsive. ✅ Cross-browser support. ✅ Simple and Friendly user interface. ✅ Ease to use. ✅ Compatible with all Page Builders. If not, support...
BA Dock Menu
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BA Dock Menu

By BestAddon.com
Site Navigation
If you are a big Mac fan, you will love this dock menu. It is using JavaScript native with beautiful Interface and some of icons that expand on rollover. It comes with many dock positions and easy to customize. Features: • Supports linking images • Set duration between items in milliseconds • Easy text, background color styles for user configuration. • Fixes the horizontal/vertical main...