
Affiliate Carts, Virtuemart Ads & Affiliates, Extension Specific, VirtueMart extensions, Affiliate Systems

Virtue Affiliate is the complete affiliate solution for Joomla and VirtueMart! Easy to install and to use, Virtue Affiliate is the perfect component to manage your affiliate network!

Some of Virtue Affiliate features:
- unlimited number of affiliates
- multi-level marketing ( unlimited levels supported )
- admin and affiliate e-mail notifications
- option to turn your users into affiliates
- traffic reports ( affiliate, referrer, banner, ip, country, browser, os, commission, date )
- orders reports ( order id, affiliate, referrer, banner, order value, order status, commission value, date )
- flash chart for traffic and orders reports
- reports can be exported in .csv format
- reports can be deleted without affecting affiliate balance
- messages, you can write to your affiliates or read messages from them
- 4 commission types: commission per Click, commission per Order, commission per Product, commission per Category
- each commission type can be set as fixed or/and as percent
- you can manage affiliates from back-end area ( add affiliate, delete or modify affiliate's details )
- you can give different commissions to your affiliates
- 4 built-in Payout Methods: PayPal, MoneyBookers, Bank Transfer, Check and option to add how many Payout Methods you want
- in the Payments section you can see Payments History and Pending Payments also
- affiliates can be paid whenever you want with any amount you want
- 5 banner types: image, text, link, product, category
- you can manage banners as you wish ( publish, unpublish, resize, add new, delete etc )
- you can edit front-end layout
- detailed Help section
- in the Settings area you can set: cookie lifetime, affiliate registration fields, affiliate approvement ( manual or instant ), if you want to be notified when someone applies for an affiliate account, Terms of Service, Affiliate Login page message, Signup page message, footer content, currency you want to use, number of digits displayed after decimal point for all amounts, flash chart dimensions and others
- you have power to assign or deny affiliate's commissions
- back-end and front-end language based on standard Joomla! ini language files easy to edit
- 100% MVC structure follow
- code easy to modify for advanced users

Compatible with:
- Joomla! 3.x & Virtuemart! 3
- Joomla! 2.5/1.7/1.6 & Virtuemart! 2
- Joomla! 1.5.x & Virtuemart! 1.1.x

Functions were spotty with improper data reporting during simple tests
Ease of use
The script is easy to use
Support left me high and dry with NO help at all.
I contacted support with clear list of issues. 3 weeks later, still no support assistance
Documentation is very light and does not go deep into the system for good understanding
Value for money
This is cheap solution but you will pay developer a lot to fix and make it operational because of NO support help.

Очень рад1

Posted on 23 June 2016
Очень порадовала возможность добавления неограниченного количества уровней аффилиатов
Ease of use
Все необходимые функции под рукой, адаптированно joomla 3.5
Поддержка оперативно и компетентно помогает
Value for money
Цена по сравнению с конкурентами небольшая если учитывать такой функционал которого не видел у конкурентов))
Hi everyone,

I wanted to post this review to inform others of my very positive experience with this product and my happiness with the amount of helpful support that Beesto offer. The Virtue Affiliate component and the corresponding plugins are developed very well and come together to form a very robust affiliate management system, which is a pleasure to use - for both the website administrators and the frontend affiliates. The product is built with a very nice interface, which is easily customisable from the backend, and the component includes many features beyond what I had expected. Moreover, the developers behind the product are extremely kindhearted and very understanding when it comes to issues you may be experiencing with the product. They give extra time, and reply with very concise and helpful responses, and I really feel that they went the extra mile to provide me with support tailored to my individual needs for the product. They also offer a customisation service which allows you to request for modifications to the product if this is necessary for you.

Overall, I am very happy with the way the product works, and with Beesto service and support. Thanks once more, I'll be recommending you to others and purchasing further nice products of yours in the future. :)
Virtue Affiliate was the only VM affiliate package I found that stated that it had "subaffiliate" capability. One or 2 negative reviewers said it didn't really have it. It does!! Like every complex extension I have used (I have used many), its not drop dead simple to understand at first, and much of that may be language issues and lack of extensive (and expensive) documentation. But the support team made that problem go away with excellent and timely response to my cries for help thru their Support Ticket system. They even re-installed it correctly for me.

If you have need of affiliates or consultants, or what ever, buy it! Its worth it, and ask for help if you need it.

Thanks guys!
Owner's reply: I would like to thank you for your kind words and I assure you that we'll do our best to improve and update Virtue Affiliate as often as we can.
Software is fully functional and easy to manage. No bug found till now after almost one month of use. The only request/suggestion I have for developers is possibility to run click commision and sale commission both in the same time. Also it will be great if the registration page, login page and welcome page can be enabled/disabled. Support fellows helped me with a little customization in that way but it will be more than nice if this it will be implemented in the future. One more tought: I think you should specify on your customer area that offline affiliates plugin is optional, just for people who needs to work with offline codes. Hope you'll remember my suggestions for the next release.

Best Regards, Charles Mayers


Posted on 21 March 2012
Excellent product and team support. I had a request few months ago for offline affiliates and they released a version with this feature int it.

The best!

Posted on 13 March 2012
I'm very excited and very satisfied using this. 5 stars!
Please, don't throw away your money. If you are lucky and don't need any support, it's not a bad component. But I found a big bug (there where many comisions for just one single order), and all I got from the developer was "We try to fix this in the next version". My support ticket is #2MYFYWZOWZ (in case he tries to say I'm not a customer). I then sayed I couldn't wait, so maybe I could edit some php file if he told me which file to edit (so that at least the affiliates could see the order number, something they can't do now), he said "my job is not to be a php teacher". And in his final answer, when I showed how astonished I was for getting such a bad response, he just said "If you already know is a bug that means nothing else that you are billion times more smart than us".

I understand that components may have bugs, and that it may be hard to detect or correct them sometimes, but I cannot understand how is it possible that a developer answers in such un unpolite way to his paying customers.
Owner's reply: Hello,

What is stated here is completely false. We'll skip the fact that's not a review but more like an attack to our business and we'll present the facts as they are.
We never identify you as one of our customers and we don't have any ticket with the number you provided.
We are completely devoted to our customers and anyone can see that checking our forum and we are offering support in a shortest possible time with a maximum of efficacy.
Our product is updated frequently and if any bug reported we try to release the fixes as soon as possible.
It's sad to see how decent Joomla! developers, serving community for years, providing high-quality extensions are attacked by these people.
I'm more than satisfied that I choose to buy this awsome extension, excellent support, functionality and flexibility. More features that I will ever need, multiple commissions, banners. I just want to apologize Virtue Affiliate guys that took me about a year to write a review about their work. Thank you guys and wish you to stay on top of the list.

With Respect,

Yangir Mang


Posted on 04 December 2011
After looking around for an affiliate solution, I've decided to go ahead and purchase VAffiliate for a client's website. Mainly because it was cheaper than other solutions, and seemed to do what I needed.

However, once I installed it and messed around with it, I started to find many things I don't like.

The claim that it supports multi-level marketing is bogus. You have to manually link the affiliates from the backend. That's of absolutely no use, since I can't know who referrer who in the first place.

That, together with SEF issues and other bugs and quirks made me pull the plug on this extension.

I'm sorry to write this review, as I really thought this was good at first, but it has too many flaws. The whole system is thought out mainly from a programmer's view, and not properly tested in a real-world, business environment.

I now have to waste some more time and money to find a suitable solution.
Owner's reply: Hello,

This should be a review regarding Virtue Affiliate functionality not something about "many things I don't like", as you stated above. For example, you must tell us here if some search function works properly not that you don't like the search box is not aligned to the left or to the right.

The way multi-level system was built is based on a survey which was attended by several hundred people not only "programmer's view".

There are many things I can say but I will end here, mainly from a huge doubt that you are one of our customers. I'm about 99,99% that you are nothing else than a new arrow thrown here from our competitors side. You are adviced to learn how you can play fair without using methods like that.

I will be more than happy if you can prove I'm wrong. Nothing can stop you to identify yourself as one of our customers.

Best Regards,
Popa S. Alexandru

Virtue Affiliate

Popa Alexandru
Last updated:
Jul 20 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
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Uses Joomla! Update System


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