MightySites, by AlterBrains - Joomla Extension Directory


Core Enhancements, Multiple Sites, Multi-lingual Content

MightySites allows you to run multiply sites on same Joomla installation and share database data between different Joomla sites.

No hacks of core files are required and no Joomla! core files are patched.*

Ability to use content, users (with Community Builder and JomSocial support) from other sites.

You can have many Joomla! websites using a single hosting account, with same users and JomSocial contents but with different template etc.

Single login and logout feature is implemented for your websites. Session sharing is possible if sites have same top-level domain.


  • Using parked domains (also known as domain aliases) as separate websites hosted on same Joomla! installation.
  • Ability to create virtual sites in subfolders (http://mastersite.com/subfolder) hosted on same Joomla! installation.
  • Cloning databases for new sites from existing sites.
  • Sharing database data of default Joomla! components for Extensions, Permissions, Users, Templates, Categories, Content, Languages, Menus, Modules, Newsfeeds, Weblinks, Banners, Contacts, Smart Search.
  • Single frontend login/logout in specified Joomla! websites if login/logout on website with the extension installed (requires installation of plugins to all sites).
  • Single frontend login/logout in domains with same top-level domain (http://master.com and http://xxx.master.com) via session sharing.
  • No hacks to Joomla! are required*.
  • Overrides for sites running with single database and files: custom CSS files, custom homepage menu item selection, custom frontend template style selection, ability to hide menu items and modules, custom Favicon image, custom language file loading, custom 'File Path' and 'Image Path' settings of Media Manager, 'New User Registration Group' of Users Manager.
  • Sharing database data of 3rd-party extensions from different websites. We can add the desired extension if you wish, please contact Support for checking the availability of using the 3rd-party extension before purchase.
  • Free installation on request.

Please read about all features and find case studies on our site!

  • Only configuration.php file is auto-changed by the component.


Posted on 22 January 2024
Two sites with the same Joomla install. One domain a directory for craftsmen, the other for marketing and membership/subscribtions.
Ease of use
Took me 10 minutes to setup and get it up and running. 5 minutes out of the 10 was reading the manual
No support needed, but I'm shure it will be excellent. These guys know what their customers need.
Perfect. Not much to read, easy to understand (since you know what you want to achieve). I don't think I will have to read it again :-)
Value for money
Yes :-) This mightyness comes for a reasonable price. Especially regarding the time you save with this lovely peace of software
I used this to: Each site has a different Logo, Menus/Items have to be excluded, Templates/Styles changed, etc.
Works like a charm - highly recommended!
Works great, does its job exactly as described. I haven't had any errors so far
Ease of use
Works great, does its job exactly as described. Those from support help to implement the component if necessary
We had a compatibility problem between another component and mightysites, which was immediately resolved after reporting it
Value for money
For what the component offers but also for the excellent support that is offered i think is a fairly good price-quality ratio.
I used this to: We have translated our website in 5 different languages each of which has another separate domain with the help of MightySite

it is enough for me

Posted on 23 August 2022
very good. i use this and run almost 20 different domain but use one default database
Ease of use
it is simply and i don't use that deeply and all of features,but i use some advanced feature like , force default style, or default style
i don't need to support deeply but he reply to contact us message soon, but I expected the answers to be more friendly,Maybe I am too strict
very simple and good. i use F&Q in his website and it is enough for me. maybe you must understand something about domain and database
Value for money
i guess it is appropriate, i don't use other extension with similar price. it is ok for me
I used this to: i use for create multi different domain and each get domain to each of my admin. but need to use other extension for limitation of each admin.


Posted on 03 January 2022
Die Erweiterung kann genau, was sie können muss. In meinem Fall der Aufbau einer Multidomain-Website (pro Sprache eine Domain). Perfekt!
Ease of use
Die Erweiterung ist recht kompliziert - aber das spielt keine Rolle, denn der Support von Alterbrains ist unglaublich gut und schnell!
Der Support ist einfach exzellent. Jeder Wunsch wurde rasch umgesetzt, die Kommunikation ist schnell und freundlich. Perfekter gehts nicht!
Value for money
die Erweiterung ist ihr Geld bei weitem Wert - insbesondere der support, der dazu noch geleistet wurde. Hervorragend!
I used this to: Ich habe damit eine mehrsprachige Website umgesetzt, die pro Sprache eine eigene Domain verfügt. Mit MightySites war es möglich, die Integration der einzelnen Domains bis hinunter zum Sprachumschalter perfekt umzusetzen. Alterbrains hat mich dabei perfekt unterstützt. Danke!

Great app

Posted on 13 December 2021
Very good , did exactly what i needed ..
many other options didn't need to use them yet
Ease of use
Easy, many many options Thanks for support first configuration
Thanks for support configuration , help and some advice
Very good
documentation short and prises , need maybe some extra explanation but it's fine sufficient
Value for money
Very good for what it do , support help for installation and advice , and follow up
I used this to: Multi language site , multi domains pointing to same site with specific URL extension , full navigation

VEry happy with this

Posted on 09 November 2021
This did exactly what I was hoping it would and has made my multiple sites so much easier to administer
Ease of use
I was a bit worried that this would be 'over my head' to set up but was very surprised how easy it was.
Any questions have been dealt with promptly and to the point. Even pre sale advice was most helpful
It looks like it's going to be very difficult and confusing with the documentation but it's much easier that it looks.
Value for money
Excellent and saved me so much time. Had been thinking about it for a little before buying but very happy with it
I used this to: Connecting various branded membership sites to share membership details, privileges and content
Nearly no limitations, I used this extension to create regional sites for a national multilingual enterprise with different departments.
Ease of use
Very easy to use, does exactly what you expect, run multiple sites from one installation i. e.
Outstanding support! Solution-oriented and fast. Had an issue with CiviCRM/CiviMobile, which was solved within an hour!!!
You should read the case-studies on the alterbrains-website, where the most common use-cases are described.
Value for money
Well worth the money, you won't be able to find a similar solution.
I used this to: Creating a whole network of sites/domains with only one Joomla-installation.
This extension allows me to provide multiple public facing sites with a single joomla install Perfect for clients that have different brands
Ease of use
Well documented and very easy to configure for the average joomla site manager
Exceptional! I cannot say enough about the responsiveness and ability to solve any issue.
Very well documented. Easy to follow, easy to configure. Both the PDF that is available for download and their online knowledge base helped.
Value for money
Once again Exceptional! Clients that were spending hundreds of extra dollars on hosting multiple sites now can consolidate those sites
I used this to: Primarily Travel Agencies that have multiple branches or work with multiple affinity groups...share content, unique branding.
Die Erweitung funktioniert einwandfrei. Wir benutzen MightySites seit 2013 mit über 20 Domains und hatten nie Probleme damit.
Ease of use
Nach einer kurzen Einarbeitung ist die Installation recht einfach. Anschließend kann man sich in jede "Webseite" einzeln einloggen.
Grandioser Support! Wir hatten ein Problem da wir alles falsch konfiguriert hatten. Der Support hat umgehend alle Fehler beseitigt
In die Dokumentation muss man sich ein wenig einarbeiten. Dennoch wird alles sehr gut erklärt.
Value for money
Der Preis für dieses mächtige Tool ist als angemessen, eher noch als günstig zu bewerten.
I used this to: Meine Firmen-Webseite, welche für verschiedene Orte, an denen wir tätig sind, eigene Inhalte zur Verfügung stellt.
Very powerful and flexible extension allowing for many different multisite solutions
Ease of use
Component itself is quite easy but multisite architecture requires much attention in server, domain and CMS configuration
Fast and reliable support, providing solutions and suggestions, never missed a question... just GREAT!
Just the essential and useful informations, but the pdf format isn't very handy
Value for money
Yes, it is a complete and professional solution, absolutely worth the money!
I used this to: Create a portal website with some subdomains, and SSO authentication
Direct Alias

Direct Alias

By AlterBrains
Allows you to control menu item alias and have short SEF URLs without including aliases of parent menu items. Joomla native routing is not quite robust and you can't control how the SEF URL of menu item is built. You can only define menu item alias - a component of URL. By default aliases of Joomla menu items are relative: aliases of all parent menu items are auto-prepended to SEF URL. So child...
AJAX toggler

AJAX toggler

By AlterBrains
Admin Performance
Revolution in Joomla Administration - AJAX toggler! Speed-up Joomla! administration with AJAX support! The plugin provides AJAX features and backend page isn't reloaded on various actions like publishing/unpublishing, featuring/unfeaturing, sorting tables by columns, pagination links, filtering, ordering, searching the rows etc. and even shows system messages. Works in all modern browsers and w...
p8pbb comments
Paid download

p8pbb comments

By AlterBrains
Forum add-ons. Autonomous
Comment on Joomla! articles in phpBB forums. Auto-creating of phpBB topics for each Joomla! article with including/excluding certain sections or categories. Supports phpBB BBCodes and smilies. Completely AJAX-driven system. Works with MyBlog. Features: Auto-creating of phpBB topics from Joomla! articles with preserving of main HTML tags and images. Selecting which sections/categories to use/ski...
Direct Alias Pro
Paid download

Direct Alias Pro

By AlterBrains
Allows you to control menu item alias and have short SEF URLs without including aliases of parent menu items. Removes menu items aliases from articles URLs leaving only single article alias. Joomla native routing is not quite robust and you can't control how the SEF URL of menu item is built. You can only define menu item alias - a component of URL. By default aliases of Joomla menu items are re...
Alter Surveys
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Alter Surveys

By AlterBrains
Powerful tool for organizing surveys or polls in your site with advanced statistics results. This extension is a comprehensive but easy-to-use Survey and Polling Tool. Alter Surveys is designed to create surveys or polls or forms, collect data and present advanced statistics results. Features: Frontend views 'List of Surveys Categories', 'List of Surveys from Category', 'Single Survey'. Configu...
Alter Glossary
Paid download

Alter Glossary

By AlterBrains
Extremely powerful and full-featured glossary component for Joomla! Unique advanced performance optimization for highlighting terms in content items: average server database load and memory usage are significantly minimized. Frontend views 'List of Categories', 'List of Terms from Category', 'Single Term' and 'Add a Term'. Frontend edit and creation of terms. Separating of term full title and a...
Alter Tags
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Alter Tags

By AlterBrains
Tags & Clouds
Displays item tags in backend lists and adds tags for Joomla! users, articles, categories, contacts, menu items, modules and Regular Labs Advanced Module Manager. You can add tags for Joomla! users: assign tags in backend user edit page and see item tags in backend user list. You can add item tags column in backend articles, categories and contacts lists. You can configure background and foregr...
p8pbb bridge
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p8pbb bridge

By AlterBrains
Forum Bridges
Full-featured bi-directional integration of phpBB 3 forum with Joomla! CMS. Forum is displayed inside Joomla! template as usual component. No hacks of core files. Community Builder, JomSocial, EasySocial and Joomla profile integration. OSMap and AlphaUserPoints plugins. SEF URLs and enhanced SEO for the forum. Basic forum customization and modification options. Read about all features on our...
p8pbb bridge light
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p8pbb bridge light

By AlterBrains
Forum Bridges
No hacks to Joomla! or phpBB3 is required. Only four Joomla library files are auto-updated but the changes are safe and does not affect normal Joomla behavior. Synchronization of login/logout in phpBB to Joomla and vice verse. Synchronization of registration in phpBB to Joomla and vice verse. Synchronization of user delete in phpBB to Joomla and vice verse. Synchronization of user delete/activate...
Alter Articles
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Alter Articles

By AlterBrains
Article Elements
Expand functionality of Joomla articles with highly customizable map, gallery, attachments and related articles features. Admin can configure additional data in backend article edit page, each feature can either inherit global settings or use own individual settings per article. Common features: Each feature can be enabled/disabled for certain categories. You can setup the feature position: 'A...
Alter Fields Pro
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Alter Fields Pro

By AlterBrains
Custom Fields
Displays Joomla custom fields in backend item list. For each custom field, you can enable its display in backend item list with some handy settings like CSS classes for table column heading and data cell, field layout (except frontend templates overrides). Support display of custom fields for Joomla articles, users, contacts and categories by default. Its possible to allow table ordering by cus...
AJAX Toggler Pro
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AJAX Toggler Pro

By AlterBrains
Admin Performance
Speed-up Joomla! administration with AJAX support! Change publishing status, order and sort items in a new amazing way! Works in all modern browsers and with most 3rd party extensions. Ajaxified ordering and pagination of items lists. Ajaxified changing of statuses in items lists. Ajaxified sorting of items lists by search filters. Ajaxified search withing items lists....
Alter Reports
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Alter Reports

By AlterBrains
Data Reports
View and download reports in both frontend and backend. Nested categories for reports. Frontend views of categories (list of categories), category (reports from category) and single report. Using different databases for loading reports data. Standard Joomla database drivers are supported including MSSQL via 'Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP'. Creating of reports by entering SQL query, editing...
Paid download


By AlterBrains
Personal Layout
Improve usability of your website - make modules always visible and available for the user. Allow user to drag-and-drop modules and use them by his choice. This extension auto-scrolls modules vertically and they are always visible for the user. The modules become draggable and the positions are preserved for each user. No database tables or queries, everything is smart and robust. Works with 99...
GSearch - Google search
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GSearch - Google search

By AlterBrains
Site Search
Search different areas of your website using Google custom search engine. You select your menu items - and search is separated for them! Ideal search solution for big websites. Search module can search all menu items content or only by specific menu item....
Alter Optimizer
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Alter Optimizer

By AlterBrains
Applies advanced module and content caching to speed-up website performance. Special adjustments help to improve Core Web Vitals score and rank your site higher in Google. The extension provides unique Joomla content and module caching techniques for faster page load. Additionally, it helps to improve page asset loading for faster page load and rendering. Native Joomla component view caching fo...
Alter Fields

Alter Fields

By AlterBrains
Custom Fields
Displays Joomla custom fields in backend item list. For each custom field, you can enable its display in backend item list with some handy settings like CSS classes for table column heading and data cell, field layout (except frontend templates overrides). Supports display of custom fields for Joomla articles, users, contacts and categories by default. Works with 3rd-party Joomla extensions if...


Last updated:
Dec 13 2023
1 year ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c p
J3 J4 J5 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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