
Captcha, Authentication, Site protection, Site Security, Security Tools

Admin Bruteforce Protection was designed to manage the access to Joomla administrator login page. Plugin creates the wall between your login page and the hackers.

This is simple, but very effective tool to limit access for brute-force scanners and bots.

Main features:

  • Easy to install, easy to use
  • One click verification (easy for human, complicated for robots)
  • Perfects against different type of the bots and hacking tools
  • No need to use database (no MySQL usage)
  • Works perfect on very slow/busy shared servers
  • Very low server CPU usage
  • Absolutely free

Working good

Posted on 27 November 2020
I feel more secure with this Joomla extension, there were no hacking issues on my website.
Ease of use
Very simple, no difficulties. Just install in several clicks and enjoy.
I used this to: I use this for additional security for my business website. It works as described, I cam recommend it!

very useful tool

Posted on 19 March 2020
This is not a bad solution to protect your Joomla website. Blocks unwanted hacking attempts.
Ease of use
Yes, it's a simple extension and easy to install and use immediately.
I'll give it good because I don't need the support. Good good good.
I did not read to refer to the documentation because it's straightforward.
I used this to: Use it to protect my club's website. Just read the extension description.
This is a good function if you can have an updated version and its easy to understand and use as other similar free Joomla brute force plgs
Ease of use
Install it and set up as any other Joomla plugin and you can have some settings to prevent brute force attacs.
No changelog prove the development for extension and his Joomla developer is serious about his reputation as a quality developer and trust
No correct updated changelog for this Joomla extension to the JED listing!
I used this to: I would like to use it but I cant trust a Joomla developer that post his extension on Joomla extension directory and claim its updated which cause Joomla people waist their time!


Posted on 20 February 2017
Extension works good, claimed functions executes.
Ease of use
No need
After I enabled this plugin I was locked out and couldn't acces administrator area because server couldn't verify request.
They answered and told me to give them FTP info, after I refused and told them to guide me on how to disable plugin, they stoped respondig
I used this to: .


Posted on 19 July 2016
All as described.
Ease of use
Easy enough.

Useful thing

Posted on 05 July 2016
One click to make it work and absolutely free, I recommend
Ease of use
Very simple to use
I used this to: protection the site from bruteforce attacks.
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Admin Bruteforce Protection

SafetyBis Ltd.
Last updated:
Dec 05 2024
3 months ago
Date added:
Apr 11 2016
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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