Admin Tools, by Akeeba Ltd - Joomla Extension Directory


Site Security

Admin Tools is a true Swiss Army knife for your site. Our freely available Admin Tools Core fix your files' and directories' permissions, protect your administrator directory with a password, migrate links pointing to your old domain on-the-fly and perform database maintenance, all with a single click. Now with Joomla! 5 support!

We have two currently maintained version families. Admin Tools 7: Joomla 4, PHP 7.2 or later. Admin Tools 6: Joomla 3.10, PHP 7.2 or later. Older versions for end–of–life versions of PHP and Joomla available without support on our site.

A commercial edition (Admin Tools Professional) with extra security-oriented features is also available from our site for a fee. This listing is about the free version, Admin Tools Core.

The software is free of charge, its support is not. You need a subscription to request support. However, its documentation, the troubleshooting information, video tutorials and searching the public tickets is free of charge.

Note: Admin Tools 7 is actively supported on Joomla! 4 and 5. Admin Tools 6 for Joomla! 3 is on security maintenance (no new features or bug fixes will be released).

The tool for security right there. A lot of development work went into this and it continues to grow and evolve to emerging threats.
Ease of use
Very easy to setup. It comes with a setup that walks you through the process to get up and running quickly. Good stuff
Don't get me wrong, support is amazing, but his tone is not. Maybe not a native english speaker but his tone is always sarcastic.
I used this to: An additional layer of protection for all websites that I work on. I would highly recommend this to all users using joomla. You have to protect your website.
Owner's reply: As you said, we are not native English speakers. One of us is Greek, the other Italian. Tone of voice in written text is very much culture-specific and very hard to dial in when communicating in what is, to us, a foreign language which is why all our replies have a big signature block underneath them which tells you which languages we speak and at which level, the timezone we currently live in, and has the text "Please keep in mind my timezone and cultural differences when reading my replies". We try to do matter-of-fact, neutral tone, but we are limited by the fact that that communicating in a foreign language, over written text, with a global audience from a multitude of cultural backgrounds.
Çok işlevsel bir uygulama. Web sitenizi hızlandırmak için birçok gereksiniminizi karşılayabilecek özellikleri vardır.
Ease of use
Kullanımı çok kolay. Kurulumla birlikte gelen ayarlarla hemen kullanmaya başlayabilirsiniz. Sorun yaratmadan kullanılabilmektedir.
Destek talepleriniz geliştirici tarafından gecikmeden yanıtlanmaktadır. Herhangi bir sorun karşısında hızlı çözüm sunulmaktadır.
Ayarları düzenlemeyle ilgili gerekli destek belgilerini geliştiricinin web sitesinde ulaşabilirsiniz. Yardım için fazlasıyla bilgi vardır.
I used this to: Ben web sitemde uzun süredir kullan?yorum. Hiçbir sorunla kar??la?mad?m. Kolay ve sorunsuz güncelleme yap?labiliyor. Geli?tiricisi çok emek harcam??t?r.
It is a great help to administer a site. And it helps you improve the security.
Ease of use
All functions are very simple to understand and use. All the items are intuitive and self explained.
I used this to: help me administer the Joomla sites that I take care of. I helps me manage the temporary file system and to improve the security of the sites.

Nice tool for Joomla site owners

Posted on 06 December 2021
A must have Joomla extension for every Joomla! sites, it does its job nicely
Ease of use
Functionality is self-explained, got no time to learn and use. Installation and setup is easy.
I used this to: we use this extension for building Joomla sites and manage them more efficiently
This is the best extension with high level of functionality that I have with my site which is 12 years old.
Ease of use
At first sight it has many options, but when you try to use it in several minutes you will understand it and it will be easy and great!
I can't find any other word except BRILLIANT to explain what kind of support will you have with this extension.
No need to be IT engineer, because the docs are very useful and easy to understand.
I used this to: For my website which is 12 years old. Before Admin Tools I had lots of problems with malware files, with htaccess (joomla), with security. From the day when I start to use admin tools I forgot about any problems regarding security.
Password protection for the admin panel, clearing the tmp folder, changing the database encoding, fixing and optimizing database tables etc.
Ease of use
It took me about 10-15 minutes to configure the component as I needed.
Very detailed documentation with good navigation. Help in setting up the component.
I used this to: admin protection with a password. Also, the component turned out to be very useful for creating redirects from HTTP to HTTPS.

Good completion

Posted on 03 December 2018
Security features for the website, good together with backup component
Ease of use
A bit more difficult than backup but well done
En general,hace lo que dice. Problema: útil en MySQL/MariaDB, no instalable en PostgresSQL.
Ease of use
Es sencilla y clara la interfaz.
The functionalities are perfect
Ease of use


Posted on 28 November 2017
I don't use nearly all the features it offers, but everything has been great!
Ease of use
Again, the features I have used have been easy.
I used this to: Clearing temp, fixing permissions and database.
Akeeba Backup

Akeeba Backup

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Site Security
Akeeba Backup Core is the most widely used open-source backup component for the Joomla! CMS. Its mission is simple: create a site backup that can be restored on any Joomla!-capable server, making it ideal not only for backups but also for site transfers or even deploying sites to your clients' servers. Akeeba Backup creates a full backup of your site in a single archive. The archive contains all...
Admin Tools Professional
Paid download

Admin Tools Professional

By Akeeba Ltd
Site Security
Admin Tools Professional is a comprehensive security enhancing component and site administration toolkit for your Joomla!™ site. We were the first component to offer a triple layer of security for your site: active server security with our .htaccess, NginX Conf and Web.Config Maker; active application security with our Web Application Firewall; passive security with our PHP File Change Scanner w...
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By Akeeba Ltd
User Management
Allows Joomla! administrators to log in as any other user. Sometimes users report issues on your site which at first glance don't make sense. Troubleshooting them requires having access to their user account on your site. For example, reported issues with discount coupon codes in e-commerce sites, or users not seeing modules / menu items which according to their user groups they should be seeing....
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Help Desk
A simple, powerful helpdesk component for Joomla!. Now with Joomla! 5 support! Users can be given permissions to create support tickets in one or more support categories. Only the person who filed the ticket called the owner and specifically authorised users called the support staff (or “managers”) can reply to them. This is unlike a forum where anyone can reply. Support tickets can be priva...
Akeeba Ticket System Professional
Paid download

Akeeba Ticket System Professional

By Akeeba Ltd
Help Desk
A simple, powerful helpdesk component for Joomla!. Now with Joomla! 5 support! Users can be given permissions to create support tickets in one or more support categories. Only the person who filed the ticket called the owner and specifically authorised users called the support staff (or “managers”) can reply to them. This is unlike a forum where anyone can reply. Support tickets can be priva...
Akeeba DataCompliance

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By Akeeba Ltd
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A simple tool to facilitate GDPR conformance of your Joomla! sites. Now with Joomla! 5 support! The component allows the site's visitors to: give or revoke their consent for personal data processing (and prevent the user from using the site if they have not provided consent). export all data we have on them to a commonly machine-readable format (XML). exercise their right to be forgotten (accou...
ALTCHA for Joomla!

ALTCHA for Joomla!

By Akeeba Ltd
Access & Security
Joomla! plugin to implement ALTCHA (https://altcha.org/), the Open Source, proof-of-work, self-hosted CAPTCHA alternative. What is ALTCHA Unlike regular CAPTCHA solutions, it does not require your users to solve puzzles, identify blurry photos, or read distorted text. It uses JavaScript and cryptography to prove that it's running on a real browser, which strongly implies there's a real person on...

Admin Tools

Akeeba Ltd
Last updated:
Mar 07 2025
2 weeks ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
Related extension :
Admin Tools Professional
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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