This is the FREE version of the popular DPCalendar Joomla calendar and event manager. It is a of full responsive extension package to let your visitors know about your important events on your Joomla site.
Here is a list of features the free DPCalendar version offers:
* Super fast with a small CSS footprint and defer loading Javascript files
* Fully responsive
* ACL everywhere also who can view the content of events
* Nested calendars
* Ajax powered calendar with a smooth design
* Google and OpenStreetMap map integration with clustering and intelligent gesture handling
* Batch editing of events
* History tracking per event
* Joomla tags support
* Coloring individual events
* Upcoming events module
* Content plugin
* Counter module
* Mini module
* Downloading events to google calendar and Outlook
* Search plugin
* Native joomla language support
* SEO optimized with rich snippets (structured data)
* Drag'n Drop and resize in the frontend
* Template override support
* Multiple locations per event
* Layout and template override support
* Attachment support trough DPAttachments
* Custom Fields support with Joomla custom fields
* Privacy suite support with action log and and data requests
DPCalendar works fantastic together with:
* DPAttachments
DPCalendar Lite
- Version:
- 9.1.0
- Developer:
- Digital Peak
- Last updated:
Jun 26 2024
8 months ago - Date added:
- Feb 11 2007
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Related extension :
- DPCalendar
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5