Zh GoogleMap, by Dmitry Zhuk - Joomla Extension Directory


Component for dispaying maps by Google Maps v3 service. You can also use module and plugin.

You can
* create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks
* multilingual interface
* configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type, Map Type Control,
Double Click Zoom, Scroll Wheel Zoom, Zoom Control, Scale Control, Traffic Layer, Bicycle Layer, Transit Layer)
* create any routes (use Directions API) and paths (use polylines)
* set you custom image on placemark
* you can specify KML Layer for map (field on map tab), just write URL for KML or GeoRSS
* you can also display not only one KML Layer and control its behavior
* markers can include site reference and image, and HTML code
* you can use marker clusterer (markers grouping when map zoom out)
* you can group placemarks and show|hide all group with addition control, create many clusters with its own icon
* you can use MarkerManager functionality to show|hide markers depend on zoom
* you can use OpenStreetMap layer
* you can use Places API
* you can use Elevation API
* you can use contact and user information in placemarks
* you can use New Zeland Topomaps layer
* you can use OpenTopoMap layer
* you can use plugin to call from K2 items
* you can add custom map types and use it
* you can use Projection in custom map types
* you can use Styles for map
* you can use InfoBubble as InfoWin
* you can enable for registered users enter placemark from front end
* you can set Google Maps API Key for monitoring or billing over quotas limit
* you can use Street View
* you can create polygons (areas), circles and polylines
* you can manage KML Layers (show|hide it by its list menu)
* you can set rate for your placemarks
* you can set labels for placemarks, with its styles
* you can use placemark table view or placemark details view
* third party content plugins work in some description fields
* you can import your placemarks from CSV file

Developed using Google Maps JavaScript API V3
Developed for Joomla 3/4/5

You should keep in mind - the extension archive is more than 2M: The File Size Upload Limit (uploadmaxfilesize) on your Web Server might be set to low to allow larger files to be uploaded. By default PHP allows files up to 2 MB.

Absolutely the Best

Posted on 05 November 2024
Does it all. Amazing range of functions and features which provide a lot of choices for customization.
Ease of use
Requires a learning curve to understand how to use its many customizing functions, but well worth it.
Absolutely excellent! Prompt and extremely thorough response to your questions in the forum from the developer.
Very thorough, well explained documentation. Covers all the bases.
I used this to: County wide amateur radio repeater coverage map for our emergency communications volunteer group.

Incroyablement complet

Posted on 01 January 2023
Vraiment top : un panel de possibilités infini. Je n'en connais pas d'aussi complète et elle est devenue ma référence en la matière
Ease of use
Compte tenu de ses possibilités étendues, il faut bien accepter de payer un peu de sa personne, l'un peut difficilement aller sans l'autre.
J'y ai eu recours 2 fois, dont 1 demande personnelle : réponses quasi immédiates et ma fonctionnalité perso a été intégrée au composant
Toujours trouvé ce que je cherchais et quand il en est besoin, le forum est là !!
I used this to: Tous les usages qu'on peut attendre d'un composant de cartes !!! (Et les rayons lors du confinement !!)

Excellente extension

Posted on 16 November 2022
Énormément de fonctionnalités, presque trop pour un amateur et/ou un usage classique mais permet de faire ce que l'on veut.
Ease of use
Facile d'afficher une carte si l'on veut vraiment personnaliser il faut prendre un petit temps d'apprentissage les fonctionalités étant très
Il y a un forum sur le site du développeur, j'ai posé une question et j'ai eu la réponse en moins d'une heure.
Très correcte nécessiterait parfois quelques explications supplémentaires mais on peut déjà s'y retrouver
I used this to: Activité personnelle et amateur. Afficher les endroits de mes voyages sur un site personnel avec une description et un lien vers un article.
Basically I cannot enter a KML file and display it ? All I want to is enter the location of my KML file
Ease of use
Cannot find where to enter my Google Maps Key. Google requires each user to have their own key
Didn't ask Didn't ask Didn't ask Didn't ask Didn't ask Didn't ask Didn't ask Didn't ask Didn't ask Didn't askDidn't
Cannot find what I want Cannot find what I want Cannot find what I want
I used this to: Not able to show a KML file ....where do I enter it . totally lost
Owner's reply: If you can download extension from JED, you can also click on extension buttons: "Support" and "Documentation".
Or you can't manage to do it?

You can ask it on my forum, I answer as quick as possible.
Forum contains many answers for KML files, for API keys and so on.
Documentation has description for every part of my extension.
Tout est parfait dans les fonctionnalités de base et semble très précis pour une utilisation de façon beaucoup plus poussée. Rien à ajouter.
Ease of use
Tout est parfait dans la facilité d'utili. de base et semble très précis pour une utilisation de façon beaucoup plus poussée. Rien à ajouter
Téléchargement dernière version sur site éditeur inaccessible
Joomla m'indique une version inexistante
I used this to: Pour mes sites personnels et professionnels. Positionner des endroits particuliers, utiliser des parcours, etc...
Owner's reply: Thank you very much.
You can get new version (it is exist), it is component little bugfix. Just apply it in Extension Manager
Excellent range of features, but it works by inserting over 200 lines of javascript into the page. It badly affects SEO and page loading
Ease of use
OK, but not intuitive as there is little help in figuring out how to accomplish a task
I have not used the support as I do not like how the extension works with its extensive reliance on inline javascript
Docs explains each property within the extension, but does not explain how to accomplish a task. Nor does it explain terminology
I used this to: Displaying the location of my client's office with a Google Map, and using route and directions functionality.
Owner's reply: Thanks.
If you have any questions you can ask me on forum.

You can get less page size by using ajax loading map objects. Just set it in map details.
Exactly what I need, it has plenty of options, plenty of possibilities. I've tried some other maps extensions but this is realy the best
Ease of use
I am not very good in these things but I've done it, so it must be easy to use :)
I asked for a help twice at the forum and I have got the answer very quick so I am very thanksfull!
I used this to: I use both google maps and open street maps at my site where there are plenty of maps, and it works very well (the site is about Sicily)

Perfect all the way

Posted on 26 March 2019
One of the best extensions in its field. And it is free! It has tons of options and excellent support.
Ease of use
It is easy to use. But it has so many options so maybe in the beginning it looks hard.
The support is a really professional one. 10 stars!
It's manual is also excellent.
I used this to: I use this for various projects.

Perfect Solution

Posted on 01 February 2019
Exactly the solution I was after.
Ease of use
Once I became familiar with the system it was a breeze to add new data.
There is naturally a learning curve and the App is very versatile.
Dmitry has always been very quick to respond to my queries and includes suggestions on how to overcome issues.
The documentation is mainly a presentation of the options for each variable.
You have to examine the Demo site carefully to understand.
I used this to: 1) On the Home page the map shows where ALL of the puppies we have bred now live.
2) On the page for each puppy, the map shows where ONLY that puppy now lives. I use the MarkerList format like {zhgooglemap-markerlist:30,4;1}. Where example Puppy location =30 and our Home = 4.

Ease of use

Posted on 30 August 2018
Perfect it did the job just in a few minutes
Ease of use
Very easy no need to any documentation
Zh YandexMap

Zh YandexMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Yandex Maps service. You can also use module and plugin. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * multilingual interface * configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type, Map Type Control, Toolbar, Search Control, Double Click Zoom, Scroll Wheel Zoom, Zoom Control, Scale Control, MiniMap, Traffic Control) * create any routes (use route API) and pat...
Zh BaiduMap

Zh BaiduMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Baidu Maps service. You can also use plugin. The Module will be available in nearest future. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * configurate many map settings * create any paths (use polylines) * set you custom image on placemark * markers can include site reference and image, and HTML code * you can use marker clusterer (markers grouping...
Zh OpenStreetMap

Zh OpenStreetMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Leaflet library. You can also use module and plugin. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * multilingual interface * configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type...) * markers can include site reference and image, and HTML code * you can use contact and user information in placemarks * you can use OpenTopoMap layer * you can use plugin to call...

Zh GoogleMap

Dmitry Zhuk
Last updated:
Feb 12 2025
1 month ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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