Zh YandexMap, by Dmitry Zhuk - Joomla Extension Directory


Component for dispaying maps by Yandex Maps service. You can also use module and plugin.

You can
* create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks
* multilingual interface
* configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type, Map Type Control,
Toolbar, Search Control, Double Click Zoom, Scroll Wheel Zoom, Zoom Control, Scale Control, MiniMap, Traffic Control)
* create any routes (use route API) and paths (use polylines)
* set you custom image on placemark
* you can specify YMapsML-document for map
* markers can include site reference and image
* you can create marker groups and show|hide using list of groups
* add object manager for placemarks (displaying placemarks only in defined zoom)
* you can specify KML-document for map
* you can specify GPX-document for map
* you can add not only one YMapsML, KML, GPX file
* you can use contacts in placemarks
* you can create your own map types (user's layers)
* you can use integration with ZOO (only for joomla 3)

Developed for Joomla 3/4/5

You should keep in mind - the extension archive is more than 2M: The File Size Upload Limit (uploadmaxfilesize) on your Web Server might be set to low to allow larger files to be uploaded. By default PHP allows files up to 2 MB.

it's a great plugin to create all kind of maps, add markers and display additional information. used it replace my custom scripted maps
Ease of use
well be careful - don't load api twice as this module sends coords in a wrong order (as designed). Otherwise quite simple to use
loading twice the api had few issues until i got pissed and wrote a developer. immediate reply following thorough investigation! amazing
I used this to: providing map of warehouses with my product, very easy to see and informative. I'm quite certain ain't using all the features, yet to learn!
Thanks for the component! Very useful extension. Very easy to install and has many useful features. Developer very quickly responds to questions on the forum. I have not tried everything else))

Excellent component

Posted on 30 December 2012
Excellent component. Quality and powerful. Now has support API.2 not only in the component, but also in the module and plugin. I admire by the fact that it's free.
Installed and worked as a charm.

I very glad that used it, but waiting for Api 2.0 support

This extention works great to show path for magazine, marks on city map and other means

Performance is optimal for Russia. since it use Yandex maps, for non-Russia GoogleMaps maybe better.

Config is little too complicated, maybe, for simple "find us on map" page it's overkill, but still - very powerful, lot of abilities and ways to configure.
Owner's reply: Thanks.
The API v2 is coming soon.
I've done about 70%.
Just wait a little ;)

Great component

Posted on 24 March 2012
It's very powerful component with many options and many abilities. Thank you.

Yandex Map

Posted on 14 February 2012

The best and the only one

Posted on 07 December 2011
The only google maps alternative for Russian-language sites.

A little bit tricky, but easy to use after reading wiki.

Only pros:

It is possible to create own maps at ya.maps website and import them.

Can be inserted everywhere on page.

Thanks for excellent extension!
Owner's reply: Thanks.
And you can try to use Zh GoogleMap :)


Posted on 27 May 2011
Thank you. It was I needed.

I do not know what else to write ...

It works! :)
Owner's reply: :)) Thanks
Zh GoogleMap

Zh GoogleMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Google Maps v3 service. You can also use module and plugin. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * multilingual interface * configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type, Map Type Control, Double Click Zoom, Scroll Wheel Zoom, Zoom Control, Scale Control, Traffic Layer, Bicycle Layer, Transit Layer) * create any routes (use Directions API) and...
Zh BaiduMap

Zh BaiduMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Baidu Maps service. You can also use plugin. The Module will be available in nearest future. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * configurate many map settings * create any paths (use polylines) * set you custom image on placemark * markers can include site reference and image, and HTML code * you can use marker clusterer (markers grouping...
Zh OpenStreetMap

Zh OpenStreetMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Leaflet library. You can also use module and plugin. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * multilingual interface * configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type...) * markers can include site reference and image, and HTML code * you can use contact and user information in placemarks * you can use OpenTopoMap layer * you can use plugin to call...

Zh YandexMap

Dmitry Zhuk
Last updated:
Feb 13 2025
1 month ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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