EU-Cookies, by VERITAS DATA GmbH - Joomla Extension Directory


Cookie Control

EU-Cookies for Joomla! 3
Responsive EU Cookies Policy Module

Create and configure the cookie notification on your Joomla! fast and uncomplicated.

Better to be on the safe side and an EU cookie banner as a module on your own Joomla!

But then also your own banner designed according to your own ideas, in terms of color, text and also links and position concerning your individual needs.

Now New:
Analytical cookies
Under Settings, set the desired basic behavior of your website including your Google Analytics ID / Google Tag Manager and the rest will be handled by the module for you. No additional plug ins or modules are needed anymore for Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager to work. The same applies to Matomo formerly Piwik. Just enter your Matomo / Piwik URL and SiteID, and the rest will be for you. Again, no additional plug-ins or modules are needed anymore.

Features at a glance:
-Position of the banner: top, middle and bottom
-Overlay Adjustable
-Note text freely customizable for users
-Text color free customizable banner
-Font can be selected
-Adjustable step size
-Linking texts freely adaptable
-Text color link texts freely adaptable
-URL link text freely adaptable (data protection and imprint separated)
-Target window free customizable
-Free customizable text confirmation button
-Free customizable confirmation button text color
-Checkbox status basic settings customizable
-Confirmation button can also be displayed as text only
-Adjustable introduction text on the detail view
-Show close Text customizable
-Free customizable background color
-Free customizable opacity (%)
-Easy integration of Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Matomo/Piwik and Facebook Pixels
-Predefined code usable Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Matomo/Piwik and Facebook Pixels
-Own code usable for Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Matomo/Piwik and Facebook Pixels
-Automatic integration of tracking code for Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Matomo/Piwik and Facebook Pixels
-Recall the settings via freely customizable icon or JavaScript link

Changelog V1.35:
Joomla 4.4.2 compatible
Small bug fix for PHP warning
Compatible with Joomla 5.x

Changelog V1.32:
Google Maps
Google reCAPTCHA

Changelog V1.29:
Joomla 4 Support

Changelog V1.28:
Fix some Template errors

Changelog V1.26:
Add Facebook Pixels
Bugfix for some Templates

Changelog V1.24:
URL link text freely adaptable (data protection and imprint separated)
Recall the settings via freely customizable icon or JavaScript link

Changelog V1.20:
The biggest update ever!
Implementation Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Matomo / Piwik
New position added by banner
More design options for the buttons
Button only possible as text
Approval required adjustable
and much more.

Changelog V1.16:
jQuery Option to Enable oder Disable

Changelog V1.15:
Bugfix for some Templates

Changelog V1.14:
Bugfix for Prior PHP Versions <5.5

Changelog V1.13:
Update for Joomla! 3.6.1
CSS Bug Fix
Add French language

Changelog V1.12:
Update for Joomla! 3.6
CSS Bug Fix

You can customize the most parts of the module: position, background, font, text color and wording.
Ease of use
After installation i only selected the proper position and menu assigment. That's all waht you need to setup it correct.
Value for money
It has all features what i need.

Very Good Support

Posted on 01 September 2016
All that you need to be compliant with EU Cookies Regulation.
Ease of use
Very easy to install and configure
The version I bought had a bug that its use on a server with PHP version < 5.5. I contacted the support and they immediately fix it.
It is a very simple extension, you don't need documentation
Value for money
Best value for money.
I used this to: be compliant with the EU laws regarding Cookies

Easy to install

Posted on 12 August 2016
This is what I've been looking for. Easiest way to configure the cookie notification.
Ease of use
Very easy to install and to use. Even me could install it very fast and without any questions.
I became the mail in 24 working hours. Could be a little bit faster. But it is still ok.
Compact and easy to understand.
Value for money
quiet cheap.
I used this to: my shop.

Great with many features!

Posted on 11 August 2016
Allows editing of text, colors, opacity and position
Ease of use
Easy and intuitive to use.
Good, helpful and quick customer support
Value for money
Best value for money
I used this to: My Joomla 3.6 website.

Simple and Good

Posted on 08 August 2016
Just basic functionality, but quite enough
Ease of use
Download, install and use it. can't be easier
Value for money
i guess its fair, and you save a lot of developement time.
I used this to: a lot of Homepages ;)
This simply does the thing, what it has to do. You have rich configuration possibilities.
Ease of use
Very simple to use! Simple download and use it.
No need for a huge documentation: the admin area speaks for itself. It's simple to use and configure.
Value for money
For this functionality and simplicity of use it's very good price.
I used this to: I use this for building pages for my clients from Europe. My clients and also I as developers want to make the pages which are used in European Union conform for the new EU-Cookie law.
Switch Advertising
Paid download

Switch Advertising

Popups & iFrames
Create and configure the pop-up window on your Joomla! 3 / 4 website quickly and easily. Switch Advertising Module offers numerous possibilities when creating Switch Advertising windows. It doesn't matter whether you want to display an image, a post, a video, Youtube video or your own HTML code on the page, this module is ideal for this. The module is responsive, has a large number of settings,...


Last updated:
Feb 20 2024
1 year ago
Date added:
May 18 2016
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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