
Site Management, URL Redirection

This plugin loads at Joomla! startup and checks if the domain used in the URL matches the one specified in the parameters. If it does not, the plugin gracefully redirects the visitor to the exact same URL, replacing the domain with the preferred one.

Useful if you can't (or won't) modify your .htaccess files for Apache redirection. Or if you can't write Rewrite Rules, just like me…

Very little documentation is provided, as there really is only one important parameter to set. Support by mail only to the author.
Version 2.0.1 includes :
- DEBUG mode
- Enhanced code and admin texts
- Changed version detection and redirect method to avoid "deprecated" warnings and ensure compatibility with Joomla! 3.2+ (including 4.x)
- Correct redirect() method now used according to Joomla version (from 3.2 we have to use CMSApplication, not JApplication)…
- And a bug squash
- BUG FIX : debug mode was kept activated in the 1.1.0 release. Sorry about that !
- Safer and more correct coding
- Ability to define a landing page instead of redirecting to the equivalent page in the target domain
- Even more clear language files
- Safeguard mechanism for the champs who do enter http as part of target domain despite the warnings
- Joomla Update System compliance (with Backblaze as a CDN to prevent updating issues)

ATTENTION ! Version 1.1.6 can be downloaded from the author's website and is compatible with Joomla! 3.x to 5.x with B/C plugin enabled.

Domain redirect worked perfectly for me. I couldn't be happier with the simplicity of this plugin.
Ease of use
Extremely simple to use (ensure that you read and follow the notes).
I had a small issue with an earlier version & when I requested assistance, Xavier was extremely helpful and quickly updated the plugin.
Excellent. There are precise instructions available on both the Joomla Extensions Directory and Domainredirect's Petitpoisson website.
I used this to: Redirecting all URLs from my old Joomla website to the Shop page of my new WordPress site.

What's should be!

Posted on 10 December 2020
This plugin saved one of our site that cloned someone on another domain (by A record weakness in apache default vhost)!
Ease of use
I just installed it. enabled it and filled the domain field! there is nothing to do!
I did not use support but really do you think that necessary using support?
Absolutely enough. simple simple simple and simple! you can find it in download page.
I used this to: Hopefully after a few days, google change the URL's to our site and problem fixed.
Works exactly as advertised, you enter the domain and any domain is auto-redirected to the entered domain.
Ease of use
Very install and enable
I used this to: Client sites.

Had a small Issue

Posted on 23 June 2016
Worked great I just made an error in including http
Ease of use
Simple to use and very straightforward
Great support from developer contacted me back with a solution within a few hours
I used this to: Redirecting existing Joomla to Squarespace
I put the redirect website as and it has a bug where it redirects to https// (missing colon)
Ease of use
This meant my whole website was inaccessible. Had to ftp in and delete /components/system/domainredirect/domainredirect.php
It can't redirect a website if your joomla is installed to a subfolder of your domain
I used this to: Uninstalled. The most buggiest plugin I've ever installed. Fkn scary and i'm a web developer.
Owner's reply: Hello,
I'm sorry to hear domainredirect did not work for you.
I would like to respond to your quite harsh critic, though…

- functionality and ease of use : unfortunately, you entered the http:// part of the URL in the parameters, which is not allowed. I should advertise this more openly, but the example input reads "FQDN", which does NOT include the protocol part (as you probably know because you are a web developer). I'm uploading a clarified language file right now with more precise instructions, as well as an english translation.

- you blame support but did not even try to contact me. I'm really sorry but you are welcome to say my support is crappy if you contact me and I don't reply or can't help. You didn't contact me, hence you can't know if support is good or bad.

- the issue you mention in the "support" part of your review is actually a functionality issue : domainredirect substitues a domain with another domain. It does just that and does not pretend to do something else. By the way, if your Joomla! site is in a subfolder of domain, a hit on the root folder will NOT trigger Joomla! and thus the plugin would not have any chance to kick in, so the mechanism you are asking for can not , in any way, be in the scope of a Joomla! plugin. You should give .htaccess directives a try. It should be easy as you are a web developer.

- giving a 1 for documentation means documentation is bad. There is no documentation (none is needed as this plugin is simple as hell) and I'm not pretending there is any. You should not give a notation to something that is non-existant.

- FTP-deleting is a last resort measure. Would you have contacted me, I would have gladly told you how to unpublish the plugin by accessing the DB (through phpmyadmin, for example). In any case, the plugin never kills admin access unless you activate redirect for admin (which is NOT the default setting and is STRONGLY advised against in the tooltip instructions). You should not have unchecked that box unless being sure everything worked correctly. I'm sorry you did and I don't blame you, it's tempting, but once again, I had no chance to explain because you did NOT contact me!

Finally "most buggiest" is a strange expression (though I'm not a native english speaker, so I might be wrong) but I think I get your point. You are dissatisfied. And scared, though I can't understand what you are afraid of. I do welcome any constructive comment on my coding design (or lack thereof) and suggestions. I will disregard insults and uninformed comments, though ("Fkn scary" is kind of broken, but kind of insulting too).

Does what it says

Posted on 15 January 2016
This plugin does exactly as described.
Ease of use
Could not have been easier to setup. Only 1 parameter to configure.
I used this to: Redirecting one domain to another on an externally hosted server that does now work well htaccess redirects from one domain to another and from non-www to www.

easy and helpfull

Posted on 01 March 2015
redirection from a leagcy sitre to new one in 2 clics

Redirection d'un ancien domaine vers un nouveau en 2 clics, efficace et facile
Ease of use
très simple
Product does what it says - redirecting the request to a preferred domain
Ease of use
not needed in my setup
so simple - self explaining
I used this to: re-directing to a hosted ssl secured server (.htaccess did not work in this scenario). With this plugin, problem easily solved! Having a more secured server now :-)

Simple & easy

Posted on 19 August 2014
Really simple and easy to use.

Does what is says and excellent!
I wanted to get rid of using rewrite rules and hardcoded redirections inside template.

Previously used plugin was only capable of redirecting traffic between www/non www addresses, and stumbled upon a problem of having two domains pointing to same content.

This plugin not only redirects all incoming visitors to root domain, taking care about duplicated content. It also handles redirection from/to www subdomain. And most important, works with J!3x.

Big thanks for this simple but powerful plugin.
Owner's reply: Thanks for the nice review! And thanks for testing woth J!3, I have had no time for this so it's really cool :-)


By Xavier Spirlet
Admin Navigation
This little plugin creates a quickicon in the section of the Administrator dashboard, and allows the user to customize it with standard Fontawesome icons and a custom destination URL. It can create only one quickicon for now. Very handy if you create a website for clients who needs a to use a specific page (for instance in a component) to edit their site. You can then create a very visible shortc...

Domain redirect

Xavier Spirlet
Last updated:
Aug 26 2024
2 months ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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