
Booking - hosted, Vertical Markets, Booking & Reservations

With version 4, joomloc-PRO is also a Channel Manager (Distribution Channel Manager) and thus can now 1 single click to update the major part of distribution channels such as,,, ... and many other (more than 80 channels available, can be consult on our demo site) , for all the locations in your site.
Owners of small structure can manage their reservations with an online PMS* to do like higher property, like hotels...

###### UPDATE 4.2.1

security release

###### UPDATE 4.1.3
  • bug fix and optimize the responsive arround the slider of the property detail
###### UPDATE 4.1.2
  • Add mini-PMS* new feature application to help small structures manage their reservations schedules as he could do with an expensive professional software, but with a simple tool, try it on demo website...
  • Some bugs fix

  • PMS : Planning Management system

###### UPDATE 4.1.1
  • Add all the capabilities of a channel manager (with our partner) to be able manage your site or portal as a Channel Manager and then owners can update all their external web planning in 1 click !
  • Add price plan management for be able to create rate by person if needed
  • Export customers data in Excel file
  • Various options possible for promotions
  • Owner can view the schedule of all accommodation of an housing at a glance
  • add some other features
  • Some bugs fix
###### UPDATE 3.5.1
  • New template for component
  • New template for modules
  • Some bugs fix
###### UPDATE 3.4.1
  • Adding management discount rates according to the number of nights
  • Adding Yeald-Management function with possibility of discount rates according on booking date => arrival date
###### UPDATE 3.3.2

Help owners to sort images of properties and rooms
Define the default list photo
Minor bugs fix

###### UPDATE 3.2

Joomla SEF URL's rewriting support
Cart mode for multiples booking
Responsive Design


Joomloc is a complete component to allow the creation of a portal for renting/booking any type of accommodation (hotel, gite, camping, villa ...), you will define the types of locations you want, or for a single accommodation.

You can built from a simple booking page to a property website or you can manage your own rentals portal.

The system can offer rentals in a city, county, region, country, continent or all at once ... allowing you to change your offers from a city to the entire planet .... the number of geographical site is unlimited

Each rental/owner can manage accomodation with availability calendar, simple request booking form or complete booking on-line engine. All from the front-end for subscriber owners if you open your portal to owner, or back-end as an admin

A search engine can generate geographical links internal "hard" to all destinations and launch geographical search

* The number of renters is unlimited
* Each owner can create an unlimited number of properties
* For each property, create an unlimited number of accommodation (eg for a camping site, bungalow, cottage, caravan ...)
* Each accommodation has its own schedule of availability
* You can purpose an unic schedule for all accomodations or 3 different schedules: Night, Week, Month
* You define to display or not the housing complete contact information

As an administrator, you have access to all profiles, properties, accommodation on the back-end

* Create an unlimited number of options to refine the search (eg TV, internet, wifi, swimming pool ...)
* Special CSS file to adjust the component/modules to your template
* Joomla multi-languages compatible
* Delivered in French and English
* 7 differents modules are available (quick search, the last registered / most viewed, quick search by location: seaside, mountains, country, city, googleMap, random..)
* Slider and Lightbox Gallery for properties and accomodations
* and many other apramèters / options .....

Other modules will be developped in future, if you want a specific fonctionnality, just contac us

* Free Support by e-mail, with response within 24H00 on 6 month


By laubro
Booking & Reservations
Jooloc-LITE FREE is a free version of Joomloc, with this version you can : Update 4.1.1 Joomla 4 support * Joomla 4 support * Change the lightbox effet on the photos * Add compatibility to use reCAPTCHA Joomla 4 plugin configuration Update 1.4.2 Bug and sécurity update * Bug fix Update 1.4.1 Bug and sécurity update * Manage 1 housing (hotel, gites, villa...) * Create unlimited accomodati...


Last updated:
Aug 24 2021
3 years ago
Date added:
Oct 23 2009
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
Related extension :
c m

Uses Joomla! Update System