ImageSizer, by reDim GmbH - Joomla Extension Directory


Articles Images, Image effects, Photos & Images, Images

With our ImageSizer plugin, scaling images on your website is quick and effortless. A simple click on a scaled image will display it in an enlarged lightbox. You can easily create a small image gallery without any hassle. Once ImageSizer is installed on your Joomla system, it automatically activates for any post containing scaled-down images.

Easily fix common image issues like oversized files or awkward file names with spaces, special characters, or umlauts – those problems are a thing of the past! Images can be automatically converted to the WebP format during upload, helping your website load faster and perform better.

Best of all, your customers won’t have to worry about uploading oversized images anymore, as sizes, file names, and formats are automatically optimized.

Optimal. Bild in einen Beitrag einfügen, kleiner ziehen - ImageSizer erledigt den Rest.
Ease of use
Plugin installieren, aktivieren, gewünschte Bildgrößen angeben - fertig. Sehr unkompliziert.
I used this to: Automatisches Erstellen von Thumbnails (mit Lightbox) für einzelne Bilder und Bildergallerien.
Insert an image of a large size, plugin will create its thumbnail and when you click on the thumbnail, a large image will appear.
Ease of use
It took me 5 minutes (in the literal sense of the word) to install, configure and deal with the plugin.
Normal documentation in English and German. Some options are not described in detail, but this does not affect the ease of use of the plugin
I used this to: create thumbnails of images with a pop-up window on your personal site.


By reDim GmbH
Cookie Control
Simple setup. Only one installation is necessary. 100% free of charge. No subscription or license fees. Especially developed for the CMS Joomla! Completely blocks all types of scripts and cookies. Texts and styles can be adjusted by yourself at any time. Compatible with Joomla! 3, Joomla! 4 and Joomla! 5 Bug and issue reporting to support@redim.de ❤ THANK YOU! For over 200k downloads and the...


By reDim GmbH
Admin Styling
Do you want to disable Joomla! 5's dark backend-style without messing with your browser's settings? NoDarkmode can help you with that! As is widely known, Joomla! 5 automatically switches its backend theme to dark mode when prompted by the browser, without providing an option for manual control directly. Understandably, this has caused frustration among many users. NoDarkmode aims to address this...


reDim GmbH
Last updated:
Sep 30 2024
5 months ago
Date added:
Sep 29 2015
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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