Most Reviewed Joomla! Extensions - Page 5130


Inceptive Multiple Extra Field Groups for K2

Inceptive Multiple Extra Field Groups for K2

By Inceptive Design Labs
K2 extensions
Inceptive Multiple Extra Field Groups for K2 is an easy way to assign multiple extra field groups to K2 categories without hacking the K2 core....
Scroll to Top
Paid download

Scroll to Top

By Contona.com
Site Navigation
FEATURES ★ Beautiful "Scroll to top" effect. Smoothy scrolls. ★ You can adjust Scrolling speed according to you. ★ "Scroll to top" button can be customized in many ways(You can change scroll speed, text, Background color, background-hover color, text color, text-hover color). ★ 12 Pre-loaded up-arrow images. ★ You can show this module at any position of your page( You can change horizon...


By Davide
Articles Display
Description: This is a multi row accordion module. Main features: Use image to open row You can create up to 31 row Each row is an article category...
TeddyID Password Manager

TeddyID Password Manager

By TeddyID
Site Access
TeddyID Password Manager allows your users to log in without entering a password, yet more securely. Users will have to enter a password only once, TeddyID will suggest encrypting and saving the password. The next time the user tries to log in, the user just clicks his username (see the screenshot above), we pick a random picture and send it to user's two devices: his computer and his phone (wit...
testimonial slider with thumbnail images

testimonial slider with thumbnail images

By joomhome team
Testimonials & Suggestions
testimonial slider with thumbnail images , it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for testimonial or description web joomla This module, we will create slideshow auto loading images with members display, with the possibility to add an image, a name, job title and biography for each...
Sixe Auto Navi Map

Sixe Auto Navi Map

By Sixe Team
Site Map
Gaode map module is a gaode map module developed by sixe team for Joomla system. You can add the functions of displaying a certain geographic location, map coordinates and other functions in the pages of your website such as "contact us". Multiple maps can be inserted into the same page, and the map supports the selection of language, type and style. Simple configuration, easy to use....
RCA Products Listing Mini for HikaShop
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RCA Products Listing Mini for HikaShop

By RcaTheme.com
HikaShop extensions
This module displays minimised HikaShop Products. Best way to displays few HikaShop products on left or right sidebar of your template. FEATURES: Responsive design Option to set maximum number of products to display. Show products from all HikaShop categories or from one or more categories. Show products from all HikaShop brands or from one or more selected brands. Show only manually selected p...
IWS.BY Cookie notification
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IWS.BY Cookie notification

Cookie Control
IWS.BY Cookie notification - a module that displays a notification to users that the site uses custom cookies. Main features of the module: Support for Joomla 3, Joomla 4 and Joomla 5. A simple module for notification of the use of cookies by the site. Notification contains 9 ready-made designs: light, dark, blue, green, red, orange, pink, purple and turquoise. The module has the ability to cus...
JC Pricing Table
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JC Pricing Table

By JoomCoder
JC Pricing Table is a Joomla component and plugin which allow you to easily create, show, customize and manage pricing tables on your website....
WT Quick links

WT Quick links

By Sergey Tolkachyov
Site Navigation
The module allows you to quickly create sets of repeatable elements: title + text, responsive photos and/or responsive videos. And also make these elements links to Joomla components - articles categories, Virtuemart, JoomShopping, Phoca Cart, a menu item or a custom link. By creating your own display layouts for this module, you can make a slide show, an image gallery, assemble the main page of t...
NorrCompetition Image Moderation
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NorrCompetition Image Moderation

By NorrNext
Photos & Images
This plugin for NorrCompetition provides deep Image Analysis using benefits of SightEngine prevents users to upload images that does not correspond ethical values and may violate site's Terms of Use. Nudity Detection Weapons, Alchochol & Drugs Offensive Graphic Violence & Gore Text Moderation in Images Embedded Text & Watermarks QR Code Moderation Tobacco Products AI-Generated Images Minors (chi...
Indicadores Económicos Chile

Indicadores Económicos Chile

By Juan Angelo Iturra Echeverría
Currency & Exchange
Module to show Chilean economic indicators, the data show are: - UF - UTM - Dollar - Euro - TCM All information is extracted from the Central Bank of Chile. More information http://www.codenova.cl DEMO: http://www.codenova.cl...
OS Virtuemart Product
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OS Virtuemart Product

By OSTheme Team!
VirtueMart extensions
One of the advance of OS Virtuemart Product was the columns and pagination handling. It can limit how many product in 1 page you want to show and automatically create pagination correlative to it. With fading animation and link directly to selected category, JV VirtueMart CatPro can surely be your most used module on your website. All parameter options for the OS VM product module. Type Products T...
Vina Treeview for Menus
Paid download

Vina Treeview for Menus

By VinaGecko.com
Menu Systems
Vina Treeview for Menus is a great module of Joomla 3. It's allows display Joomla Menus in a tree view, like a file explorer. This is useful for using Joomla Menus as business directory or any listing type. You can run multiple Vina Treeview for Menus on a single page with much more options via module parameters. Main Features: 6 module styles: Default, File Tree, Red Tree View, Black Tree Vi...
Code Seller

Code Seller

By Amreeta Ray
Paid Downloads
I have decided to provide all my components for free. Please use it and if you find it useful please give your valuable feedback. Code Seller is completely revamped and upgraded to meet demands of developers. It can now generate a unique download id for every order purchased and allow your users to update their product remotely. This will comply with JED requirements. Codeseller has lots of featur...
Switch language in product for Virtuemart
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Switch language in product for Virtuemart

By Studio 42
VirtueMart extensions
Automatical associate language(s) for all your product, categories and manufacturer having translation in your shop. Only to do is adding a menu link to your VIrtuemart home page. Use the same render and Flags as Joomla Core, this mean that most of time, you have only to unpublish the core language module and set the virtuemart language switcher in the same position in your template! Better SEO...
Admin Customizer
Paid download

Admin Customizer

By Solidres Team
Admin Styling
Welcome to Admin Customizer - Beautify your Joomla admin! We’ve been working with Joomla! a lot, and we look at the Joomla! admin screens almost every single day. To be honest, it is boring. The Joomla! admin template allows us to configure some colors using its parameters, but it is quite limited and it is also very time-consuming to find a good and satisfying color scheme, is there a better/q...
Sixe Captcha

Sixe Captcha

By Sixe Team
Access & Security
Captcha plug-in is used for Joomla forms to add human-computer interaction captcha function to prevent spam code to automatically submit forms to Joomla website, which has completely replaced the Google captcha plug-in. SixE verification code plug-in form protection is very simple, after the plug-in installed this verification code can automatically match the form function. Available in Joomla for...