


By JoomlaBamboo
Education & Culture
Mod Skillset features three different layouts that help portray your skills / character and activity. As the user scrolls down the module animates the progress bar, counts up to the desired number or encircles the nominated value. Displays an animated list of skills, competencies, characteristics Dynamic administrator with live preview of front end display Three unique layouts - circular, count u...
Product Bundles for Virtuemart
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Product Bundles for Virtuemart

VirtueMart extensions
Prompt your users to buy multiple products, at a discounted price, instead of a single one....
Opening Hours PRO
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Opening Hours PRO

By Joomill
Opening Hours
The Joomill Opening Hours PRO module simply inserts your business hours on your Joomla! website. Show your today's openinghours using our beautifully stylized highlight today option. With the PRO version of this module you can set up dates, Holidays, shopping sundays or other exceptional opening hours and show a message when you 're open and/or closed. Features: Highlight today: Showcase your to...
Radius (Distance) Shipping for VirtueMart
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Radius (Distance) Shipping for VirtueMart

By GJC Web Design
VirtueMart extensions
This is the Virtuemart 3 Radius Shipping Plugin that makes real time distance calculations between the Vendors address and the customer and returns calculated shipping costs to the cart. This is ideal for business or more "deliver" than "ship" .. e.g. restaurants, florists, companies selling services that require travel time and distance to be calculated etc. The plugin has a wide range of config...
WhatsApp Multi Agent
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WhatsApp Multi Agent

By TemplatePlazza
WhatsApp Multi Agent is a lightweight, easy to use WhatsApp floating chat widget that is enable you to display list of support agents in your website so your web visitor can start a conversation with them through WhatsApp app or WhatsApp web Features : - Multi-agent support, add multiple phone number and customer service agent - Email Form Fallback. Getting message from your customers even during...
Custom reCaptcha

Custom reCaptcha

By Olivier Buisard
Site Security
Custom reCaptcha is a plugin that gives you control over the look of Google's reCaptcha. It can replace the standard reCaptcha plugin packaged with Joomla! and adds solutions to make any version of the reCaptcha widget responsive. supports version 1 (outdated by Google), version 2 (no captcha reCaptcha) or the invisible widget, use test mode to try reCaptcha without getting domain keys (test key...
Advanced inventory for Virtuemart
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Advanced inventory for Virtuemart

By DayCounts
VirtueMart extensions
Save some precious time with this advanced inventory manager. No more need to open each product one by one to update the stock level or modify the low stock threshold. With this extension, you can update all your products from one single screen via ajax. Update current stock, adjust ordered values, change the low stock notification, change the availability date, enter a barcode, publish and un p...
PCE - Page Cache Extended

PCE - Page Cache Extended

By Viktor Vogel
Page Cache Extended generates copies of the rendered pages and loads the entire output on further requests from the previously generated cache files. By loading the content from static files, no database queries have to be processed. This improves the loading speed greatly! This plugin is based on the core plugin "Page Cache" but was extended with useful features. You can specify which pages shou...


By TemplatePlazza
Popups & iFrames
JBounce is a small, free Joomla module enabling you to display a modal before a user leaves your website. It's created based on ouibounce script by carlsednaoui. JBounce helps you to increase landing page conversion rates. But as it's very easy to create something spammy-looking with tools like this, please use JBounce wisely. Provide value to your visitors by providing useful contents. JBounce m...


By progreccor
A radically new approach to creating feedback forms This is a free plug-in that will remain so. You do not need jQuery for this plugin! Works anywhere on the site, there are no restrictions. (relevant for various page builder, online stores, etc.) This is ajax plugin. Works great in pop-up windows. It is possible to close them after submitting the form. You can conveniently insert the yandex met...
VJ Org Chart
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VJ Org Chart

By VJ Tools
Education & Culture
VJ Org Chart: Show structures with nested elements in a hierarchical view - organizational charts (org charts). VJ Org Chart allows you to display hierarchical structures and org charts. TOP FEATURES Single or multiple top items possible You can completely customize the structure of the chart according to your needs. Two beautiful layouts Choose between two beautiful layouts to present your...
J Domain Search
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J Domain Search

By Md. Shaon Bahadur
Domain Search
You can search any domain name with combination of up to 65 different TLDS. This extension comes with a plugin and module to show domain search bar on any page or module position on you site. Module/Plugin settings page has option to turn on/off different TLDs, it also has option to change color, text and placeholder text. You can turn on/off GoDaddy, Google, Namecheap and Bluehost checkout links...
SidePanel JT1
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SidePanel JT1

Modules Panel
Side Panel JT1 Module allows you to publish html content or modules as a sliding-panel at the right,left top or bottom of the page. Panel uses jquery for sliding. Features; Features and Admin Panel Options - Joomla 2.5 - 3.0 4.0 and 5.0 compatible - Select Article, Module or Html mode - Add Unlimited modules - Change panel width, border width, background color etc. - Left, Ri...
GiMeSpace Readmore Ajax Loader
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GiMeSpace Readmore Ajax Loader

By GiMeSpace
Site Navigation
This plugin enables you to load articles right in place where your Read More buttons and links are. So if you are in a Category Blog view, your users can quickly see the whole article without reloading a whole new page. It's possible to enable the option to also load articles in the Category List view. You can also make your own Ajax loading Readmore buttons. You can put for example a button in a...
J51 - Icons

J51 - Icons

By Joomla51
Content Links
Our J51 Icons module extension allows you to quickly and easily place a set of icons in a module position along with a title and caption for each. This module includes support for some of the most popular icon sets available including FontAwesome and Typicons. This in total gives you a massive 1300+ scalable vector icons to choose from. We have included a host of layout and styling options includi...
Article Book Effect

Article Book Effect

By Team
Articles styling
View Joomla articles with the effect turns the page of a book. This plugin will display the contents of an article in Joomla as a real book or magazine, using all the benefits of HTML5. (No Flash) It is an experiment, try it and let me know! It is based on the javascript library turn.js. It works in all modern browsers including touch devices! Features ✓ Works on iPad and iPhone. ✓ Pur...


By Denis Mokhin
MyAnniversary will show you anniversaries of the current day. All you need to do - just prepare your articles for showing and put them in specified category. Module checks current day and shows titles of articles, which became anniversaries at that day. Easy to use and easy to configure. Usage: Download latest version of module. Make base settings of module, using Extensions - Module Manager....
Header Notification Bar
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Header Notification Bar

By Infyways Solutions
Popups & iFrames
Header Notification bar is a simple yet powerful responsive module that can be used for notifications, promo, event or anything related on the top or bottom of a website on page load or page scroll. The bar will be fixed at the top/bottom of the page. It is easy to configure.The text color can be changed and the message can have links and images. Key Features ★ Show the notification attache...