Joomla! Extensions Directory - Multiple Sites

- Multiple Sites

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By AlterBrains
Multiple Sites
MightySites allows you to run multiply sites on same Joomla installation and share database data between different Joomla sites. No hacks of core files are required and no Joomla! core files are patched.* Ability to use content, users (with Community Builder and JomSocial support) from other sites. You can have many Joomla! websites using a single hosting account, with same users and JomSocial...
Multisites Single Sign In for domains
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Multisites Single Sign In for domains

By Edwin2Win sprlu
Multiple Sites
This plugin allow the users remain logged when they change from one domain to another one. This extends the apache or IIS http server with the facility to share the session information betwee different domains. This is a plugin must be installed in each websites in which you want to share the login. It can also work with and without Jms Multi Sites. When the extension is installed without Jms Mu...
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By Barnaby Dixon
Multiple Sites
Welcome to StageIt - the only staging environment extension for Joomla! Have you got a Joomla site, and want to make changes? If so, you'll know that it's a nightmare trying to get it right. What if that new plugin crashes your site, or you want to make lots of changes without your users seeing what's going on until you're ready to launch the new site? And that's why I built StageIt - the only...
Multi Sites
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Multi Sites

By Edwin2Win sprlu
Multiple Sites
JMS Multisites extend joomla with Multi Sites and user sharing. This allows multiple domain names or sites to have their own joomla configuration file using the same joomla installation. Starting with Jms Multisite version 1.3.80, it is also not only compatible with Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.x, 4.x but also partially compatible with Joomla 5.0. Possibility to share the users, and extensions lik...