- Performance

HTTP/2 Push

HTTP/2 Push

By Bluewall, LLC
Introduction HTTP/2 Push is a feature of the latest HTTP revision that enables the web server to preemptively send resources to the requesting client before the client knows that they are needed. As a result, the number of round-trips that are required to fully load a web page may be reduced, resulting in a potentially large performance boost (especially on slow cellular networks). System Requir...
Toogle Boostrap

Toogle Boostrap

By Mike Feng
Toggle Bootstrap lets you easily toggle between different versions of Bootstrap. It also lets your disable Joomla's MooTools Core and/or More scripts. This is a very useful plugin for everybody, especially web developers creating their custom template for a particular website. Currently, Joomla core uses Bootstrap version 2.3.2. Toggle Bootstrap lets you choose to load Bootstrap version 3.3.7 or...
Http Server Timing headers

Http Server Timing headers

By tbela99
HTML(5) Server Timing API This Joomla plugin enable Server Timing HTTP headers. See https://w3c.github.io/server-timing/ It help you track performance of your website in the browser console (supported by google chrome)[https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/network-performance/understanding-resource-timing] This plugin must run as the last plugin in system group. You need to re...
Simple HTML Minifier

Simple HTML Minifier

By Philip Sorokin
Simple HTML minifier for Joomla! removes extra whitespace characters and HTML comments in the document. This can increase page load speed and google page rankings. Flexible plugin options allows you to save conditional comments or certain HTML blocks that must not be compressed. Joomla! 5 ready!...
Lab5 Übercompressor JS

Lab5 Übercompressor JS

By Lab5
///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Übercompressor JS - Speeds up page loading - Powerful JS minifier / compressor and unifier. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// One plugin to rule them all, to find them, to compress them all and into the cache to bind them. Powerful JS minifier / compressor and unifier. The purpose is to speed up page loading time. Signif...