Extension Specific

SJ SlideShow III for K2
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SJ SlideShow III for K2

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
From the success of SJ SlideShow for K2 module, we are pleased to announce that SJ SlideShow III for K2 has been released. It creates a cool slideshow with text snippets laying on top of images, right of image. Otherwise, SJ SlideShow III for K2 allows you to create multiple slideshows within your Joomla! website, comes with 4 themes (Blue, Orange, Gray and Black), 2 Nagivation Type, 25 effects an...
QR-Code Field for SobiPro
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QR-Code Field for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The SobiPro QR-Code Field shows a QR Code within a SobiPro entry. Key features ECC (error correction code) adjustable Point Matrix Size adjustable Template for parse data Placeholders with entry data Available in several languages This application is available within a SobiPro club membership among with many other club extensions for SobiPro. Note: Installs using the SobiPro installer (App...
Content Statistics for Phoca Download
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Content Statistics for Phoca Download

By JoomlaThat!
Content Statistics extensions
Phoca Download Statistics with any TIMEFRAME. Go beyond the simple "number of hits" feature and add a time variable to your reports and lists. You can make statistics on anything on your Phoca Download site. Top viewed documents, top download, download graphics, top categories… Complete user activity log streams for admins to know everything: WHO did WHAT and WHEN on Phoca Download Make ranking...
Vina Category Menu for JoomShopping
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Vina Category Menu for JoomShopping

By VinaGecko.com
JoomShopping extensions
We are pleased to announce that Vina Category Menu for JoomShopping - a good module for Joomla 3.x and JoomShopping has released. This module allows you to show all categories of JoomShopping Component in Vertical or Horizontal menu. You can set the root category and sort category by ID, Category Name or Ordering to display in menu. You also can change color of main menu, sub-menu, link when activ...
Buy Points With Hikashop
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Buy Points With Hikashop

By Nordmograph
HikaShop extensions
Buy AltaUserPoints or Jomsocial , or EasySocial user points packages with Hikashop and have these automatically credited on order confirmed or deducted on order refund or cancelled....
Override product variant taxrates for Hikashop
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Override product variant taxrates for Hikashop

By brainforgeUK
HikaShop extensions
This plugin allows product variants to have different tax rates. E.G. child (small?) clothing product sizes may have a different tax rate to adult (large?) sizes. Requires: * Hikashop custom field on product table....
Tabs Template for SEBLOD
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Tabs Template for SEBLOD

By Octopoos
SEBLOD extensions
Tabs Template for SEBLOD displays any list of items (Articles, Categories, Users..) with a Bootstrap tabs/pills style. Ease of use: Easy Installation: Ready to use, after install through the Joomla! Extension Manager. Requirements: Latest release of SEBLOD 3.x Target: Builders, Integrators...
BM Scrollbar Master For Virtuemart
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BM Scrollbar Master For Virtuemart

By Brainymore
VirtueMart extensions
This is a scrollbar master module because it help you build a scrollbar for products virtuemart like you want. This Module support for Virtuemart 2 an Virtuemart 3. It support show scrollbar with One Row, One Column or Multi rows and Columns, is it amazing? If you show multi rows and columns you can config Columns number too. You can config width for each item. You can config width and height for...
GeopIP for EasyShop
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GeopIP for EasyShop

By JoomTech
Extension Specific
EasyShop GeoIP provides country-level geographic IP services using MaxMind's GeoLite2 database. It will track the location of customers to know from which city/country they are coming from based on their IP. Key features Detect country from back-end system logs Auto dettect country from registration Track the customers's country of their orders Sell products in difference countries...
OpenGlobal Downloadable Products for VirtueMart
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OpenGlobal Downloadable Products for VirtueMart

By OpenGlobal E-commerce
VirtueMart extensions
This Joomla! extension makes it possible to sell downloadable products directly from your Virtuemart 2.x/3.x web shop. This feature is missing from Virtuemart 2.x upwards and this extension solves this problem. It consists of 4 parts; a custom field to assign files to products, a shipping plugin, a hidden payment plugin to allow downloads directly from the receipt page, and a Joomla! component to...
Accordion Template for SEBLOD
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Accordion Template for SEBLOD

By Octopoos
SEBLOD extensions
Accordion Template for SEBLOD displays any list of items (Articles, Categories, Users..) with a Bootstrap accordion style. Ease of use: Easy Installation: Ready to use, after install through the Joomla! Extension Manager. Requirements: Latest release of SEBLOD 3.x Target: Builders, Integrators...
Phoca Download Button

Phoca Download Button

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Download extensions
Phoca Download Button Plugin is a Joomla! plugin which enables a Phoca Download button in editor. With help of this button you can easily add Phoca Download Plugin code to your articles. Phoca Download Button plugin demo...
EasyBlog posts for Geommunity Maps
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EasyBlog posts for Geommunity Maps

By Nordmograph
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
Adds EasyBlog located blog posts to Geommunity3 Google Maps. Also integrates EasyBlog posts in Map global search results, and Easyblog Categories in Map Dynamic Filter. This EasyBlog interations into Geommunity Maps include: Markers Ajax loading, and clustering Infowindow display Filtering markers by EasyBlog type Filtering Markers by EasyBlog categories EasyBlog markers search...
CSV Currency For VirtueMart
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CSV Currency For VirtueMart

By MGS Creativa
VirtueMart extensions
CSV currency plugin for VirtueMart This currency plugin for VirtueMart uses a manually generated CSV file by the store administrator. This plugin supports a wide range of world currencies manually loaded through a CSV file which is stored in the Joomla! cache directory. The plugin can be easily configured to fit your needs. This plugin works even at the moment of choosing the payment method in t...
Integration SLogin - EasySocial
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Integration SLogin - EasySocial

By Arkadiy Sedelnikov
EasySocial extensions
Plugin integration SLogin - EasySocial. Upon login from the social network plugin create EasySocial user with avarar. Subscribe to plug sold for one year in terms of updates regarding the use is not limited neither by time nor by the number of domains...
Robokassa for Phoca Cart
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Robokassa for Phoca Cart

By ProfiBits
Phoca Cart Extensions
This plugin for Phoca Cart provides integration to Robokassa - one of the most popular processing centre in Russia and Kazakhstan allowing to accept payments from major debit and credit cards, e-money, mobile commerce and payment terminals. Robokassa for Phoca Cart plugin corresponds to 54-FZ tax law and is PCI DSS compliance....
Phoca Cart View Zbozi.cz Conversion

Phoca Cart View Zbozi.cz Conversion

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Cart Extensions
Phoca Cart View - Zbozi.cz Conversion Tracking Plugin - plugin that adds the Zbozi.cz conversion tracking code when the order is successfully completed in Phoca Cart...
MIGS VAS payment gateway for Jomres
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MIGS VAS payment gateway for Jomres

By Rob Joyce
Jomres Extensions
This is the MIGS VAS payment gateway for Jomres. This is a redirect type payment gateway where the user is redirected to the Migs site to make payment and then back to complete the process. This is NOT the standard MIGS system. It is specifically for PNG (Papua New Guinea), Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands...