- Mailing & Distribution Lists



By Holger Brandt IT Solutions
Mailing & Distribution Lists
Mailster - a flexible mailing list solution for Joomla Similar to programs like Mailman or Listserv this extension allows you to run a discussion mailing list. That means that every email sent to a central email address is forwarded to the rest of the members of the list. When members reply to such emails Mailster again forwards them to the other list recipients. Mailster allows your users to...
Newsletter Subscriber

Newsletter Subscriber

By Christopher Mavros
Mailing & Distribution Lists
Newsletter Subscriber is a simple subscribe form that comes as a module and plugin. Free Works out of the box with Joomla 3, 4 and 5. Simple Visitors enter their details, you receive an email. Allows you to manage your mailing list using any external software. No-brainer Install, enable module or write {newsletter_subscriber} in your content. Customizable texts All texts are customizable t...


By Techjoomla
Mailing & Distribution Lists
J!MailAlerts is an automated periodic Email Alerts system. Have you seen mail alerts that network like Facebook & Linked in send to their users periodically? Using J!MailAlerts by Techjoomla you too can send your users periodic email alerts of whats happening on your site. Users can select if they want to receive daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly updates. J!MailAlerts is great for Intranets, S...
Encouragement Email Marketing

Encouragement Email Marketing

By Joomlasales.com
Mailing & Distribution Lists
Encouragement was specifically designed to send email campaigns to your Joomla site users easier than ever before. Includes -com encouragement-v-2.7.zip - Encouragement Email Marketing Component v2.7 - the brains of the operation -plg joomlasales htmleditor-v-1.1.zip - Template HTML Editor v1.1 - powers the administrator template editor -plg encouragementrunner-v-1.1.zip - Encouragement Runner...
Mailchimp Subscribe Action for Chronoforms V6
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Mailchimp Subscribe Action for Chronoforms V6

By Sky Spider
Mailing & Distribution Lists
The MailChimp Subscription Action lets you quickly and easily subscribe a user to any of your MailChimp lists, all without writing a single line of code. This custom built action for Chronoforms and Chronoconnectivity v6 also allows you to add any of your form data to your custom fields set up through your Mailchimp list....
JF AjaxChimp
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JF AjaxChimp

By JoomForest.com
Mailing & Distribution Lists
JF AjaxChimp is a Joomla MailChimp® Subscribe Module. It relies on an undocumented feature at MailChimp® that uses JSONP to allow cross-domain ajax to work. It is completelly customizable module, where you can set up styles, titles, callback texts....
ochSubscriptions - AcyMailing
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ochSubscriptions - AcyMailing

By Ruud van Lent
Mailing & Distribution Lists
ochSubscriptions - AcyMailing - Send Targeted Emails to Your Customers Based on the Products They Subscribe to The ochSubscriptions AcyMailing plugin adds the power of AcyMailing to ochSubscriptions, giving you the ability to automatically subscribe customers to mailing lists based on the products they purchase. This allows you to send targeted emails to your customers, which can help you to incr...