Search & Indexing

Filter - Tags

Filter - Tags

By bram
Tags & Clouds
This module allows filtering content (articles) on tags. Works on the category, featured and archive views. include / exclude tags from the filter include / exclude from indexing by search engines user/search engine friendly URL possible, replacing ?filter_tag=id with /filter-tag/id or /filter-tag/alias. Idea based on modtagsfilter by Rene Kreijveld Webdevelopment Should work with PostgreSQ...
System - Voice Search
Paid download

System - Voice Search

By Michael Richey
Site Search
Siri, Android, Cortana - The big web companies have been using voice for years. With the fast maturing SpeechRecognition API, you can bring this functionality to your website! With nearly complete implementation in Chrome, and a better than 50% of users browsing with Chrome - it's possible to expose a fair number of users to voice search. If you're using any of the browsers listed below, you shou...
JMG Look Around
Paid download

JMG Look Around

Search & Indexing
JMG Look Around is an easy to use consultant locator component for Joomla. Let your customers find your stores, branches, consultants, dealers, or any other types of locations....
Search - Mediawiki

Search - Mediawiki

By Cem Aydin
Site Search
Joomla search plugin for mediawiki database (Joomla 3+) (a simple search plugin) Allows the search of a self-hosted mediawiki database, using the integrated Joomla search. (Exact match not implemented.)...
Search for JomSocial

Search for JomSocial

By The Krotek
Extensions Search
Extends standard Joomla search and allows your visitors to search for any kind of JomSocial content from any place of your site: users, groups, photos, videos, events, discussions and announcements. A must have for every JomSocial based community. ★ FEATURES ★ Allows to search in all kinds of JomSocial content: members, groups, statuses, photos, videos, events, discussions and announcements...
Search Content Pro

Search Content Pro

By The Krotek
Site Search
A great replacement for standard Сontent Search plugin. Allows you to fully customize searching process: exclude or include categories and articles, limit search results by archived or featured articles, search in titles, author names, aliases and much more. ★ FEATURES ★ A lot of options to fully customize search results according to your needs. Greatly improved and simplified searching al...
GSearch - Google search
Paid download

GSearch - Google search

By AlterBrains
Site Search
Search different areas of your website using Google custom search engine. You select your menu items - and search is separated for them! Ideal search solution for big websites. Search module can search all menu items content or only by specific menu item....
Google Tagmanager 4 Joomla

Google Tagmanager 4 Joomla

By Analytics for Joomla
Tags & Clouds
Want to focus on marketing instead of marketing technology? Google Tag Manager lets you add and update your website tags, easily and for free, whenever you want, without bugging the IT folks. The basic Google Tag Manager code will implement the standard code in both the < head > section and the < body >....
QuBit Tagmanager 4 Joomla

QuBit Tagmanager 4 Joomla

By Analytics for Joomla
Tags & Clouds
Want to focus on marketing instead of marketing technology? QuBit OpenTag lets you add and update your website tags, easily and for free, whenever you want, without bugging the IT folks....