Live Graph JX, by Tools JX - Joomla Extension Directory


Graphs and Charts, Core Enhancements, Data Reports, Admin Reports

With Live Graph JX you can get your data moving. Set up a graph and display it directly from the data stored in your database and insert it into an atricle. You can select multiple datasets to be displayed on the same chart. You can display graph dinamically, which means that in each step another part of your data is displayed. This results in the graph line that moves across the graph area as you can see on the example below.
Key features:

  • Simple and Intuitive User Interface
  • Simple database table and column selection and renaming
  • Dynamic representation of your data
  • Line and Bar charts supported
  • Dimension and color adjustment
  • Legend position adjustment
  • Remote Database connection ...

The admin interface is very similar to other Tools JX products. It allows you to select a database table from the list of all tables. Further more you can select and rename data sets from the selected table, set the color of the graph lines and more. There is also a simple preview is included within the admin interface. This product is suitable for any kind of data reports. For example to generate an online report of your web store, webpage statistics or any other kind of dynamic report that you want to represent graphically to yourself or to your users. You are invited to take a look at demo and documentation pages for more information.

Live Graph JX was exactly what I was looking for. With some help from support I was able to get it working. Highly recommend!


Posted on 17 January 2014
Just what I need to show analysis of my data. Works great with Table JX. I got this extension when it is brand new and there were a few bugs. The developer worked with me and worked them out. He helped me with problems on my end and also educated me on how to use phpMyAdmin better than I knew it. Fantastic support and beautiful and useful product. Thanks!
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Live Graph JX

Tools JX
Last updated:
Jul 05 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
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c p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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