Joomla! Extensions Directory - Page 432


Just a Blog

Just a Blog

News Display
Just a Blog FREE module - free blog Joomla! module / extension shows articles from one or more categories in nice blog view. There are many Blog components available for Joomla, but how to deal with the situation if it is necessary to display a set of filtered articles like a small block (blog element) on a page, if another component is already used on this page? Or do you want to post links in...
db8 Backend Content Images

db8 Backend Content Images

By Peter Martin
Plugin to display images in the back-end Article and Category lists, making it easy to see which items have images or not. Available Languages English (en-GB) Dutch (nl-NL) French (fr-FR) German (de-DE) Spanish (es-ES) Installation Install like any other Joomla 4 or Joomla 5 plugin. Configuration After installation, configure the plugin via: - System > Plugins > select Content - db8 Backen...
photo image auto list

photo image auto list

By joomhome team
Photos & Images
photo image auto list , it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for photo image gallery or banner web joomla...


By Sergey Pronin
Contacts & Feedback
Module for sending E-mail messages to site owners, as well as a convenient side panel with buttons of social networks. Capabilities: It works in three modes: 1. Feedback form (see the button and when you open a feedback form) 2. Buttons soc. networks (button panel without feedback) 3. Show all...
Web3 – Crypto wallet Login & NFT token gating

Web3 – Crypto wallet Login & NFT token gating

By miniOrange
Access & Security
Joomla NFT Token Gating & Web3 Wallet login This plugin allows you to Sign up/log in to a Joomla website using a cryptocurrency wallet, restrict/lock/gate specific pages, posts, and videos on their Joomla website, and allow you access based on the NFTs owned in the Crypto Wallet. The plugin also authenticates the user and checks your ownership of their crypto wallet. By using this plugin you can...
Paid download


By Joomla Pro
PCuikit is built for the great Phoca Cart extension for Joomla 4! Phoca Cart is a modern ecommerce suite that follows Joomla CMS framework and new Bootstrap 5 backend. This plugin works with YOOtheme Pro Builder Template ONLY....
Invisible Google reCAPTCHA all Page
Paid download

Invisible Google reCAPTCHA all Page

By WeDevlops.com
Access & Security
Displays the Invisible Google reCAPTCHA badge on all pages Invisible reCAPTCHA: This plugin integrates Google's Invisible reCAPTCHA v2, which is designed to protect websites from spam and automated abuse while maintaining a seamless user experience. Unlike traditional CAPTCHAs that require users to solve puzzles, Invisible reCAPTCHA works in the background, allowing legitimate users to interact w...
WT Highlight.js

WT Highlight.js

By Sergey Tolkachyov
Core Enhancements
Code highlighting plugin using Highlight.js. Works only with Joomla 4. The package includes 2 plugins: content and editors-xtd groups, don't forget to include them. Highlight.js version 11.10.0 supports more then 197 programming languages and 248 display styles. For more information, see the plugin settings....
JoomHelper Sharing
Paid download

JoomHelper Sharing

By JoomHelper
Access & Security
The Social Sharing module will increase your sales and drive more traffic to your website. JoomHelper Sharing is one of the Free modules to help you with that. This module support: Facebook, Linkedin, Mastodon, Messenger (require Facebook App ID), Odnoklassniki (Одноклассники), Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, Telegram, Twitter, Viber, Vkontakte, Whatsapp....
Joomla error notification

Joomla error notification

By Dmytro Sakharuk
Joomla system plugin to the site administrators notification about error....
Easy Image Overlay
Paid download

Easy Image Overlay

By Infyways Solutions
Photos & Images
Easy Image Overlay is a simple and easy to use system plugin which can be used to create image with text overlay. The short code allows to color, transparency and fontawesome icons. The extension uses joomla jQuery framework. What can you do with the Shortcode? Different overlay colors for different instances of image overlay. Overlay opacity can be defined. Color of the overlay text can be def...
Options Manager Lite

Options Manager Lite

By Peter Martin
With Options Manager Lite you can re-use all your Component settings on your new Joomla sites. Options Manager Lite supports: Backup Options for single Component Export Options for single Component** Import Options for single Component** Menu Item Checker It can even export the license keys of components like Akeeba Backup and JCE editor so you can easily reuse them at your other sites! How...


By Mareike Riegel
Access & Security
This module display a link to the actual generated page of a menu item. Problem: You administrate a menu item and you want to see the actual page generate, without clicking 5 times through your website's menu. Solution: Display a button within menu item administration that links straight to the very page of your website. The module is self explanatory. Just install it Attach the module to...
Easy GCalendar PRO
Paid download

Easy GCalendar PRO

By Daniel
Calendars & Events
Easy GCalendar PRO Easy Calendar is a fully responsive native Joomla calendar extension based on Google calendar integration. List of included features: 1. Joomla! 4.0+ extension 2. Full responsive 3. Support for Bootstrap 4 & Bootstrap 5 based Templates 4. Multi-language support 5. Multiple calendars on a single page 6. Calendar Month, week, day views 7. Display Tooltips with calendar event det...
Agile Downloads lite

Agile Downloads lite

By nx-designs
Directory & Documentation
A module for Joomla! that dynamically offers the contents of a folder for download. Content is dynamically updated as documents in the watched folder change. It often happens that you want to / have to offer a list of documents for download on a website. To install a heavy file management component for this purpose is mostly overkill. But if the files are needed to be updated by third parties o...
JBD Campaigns for J-BusinessDirectory
Paid download

JBD Campaigns for J-BusinessDirectory

By CMSJunkie
Directory & Documentation
Make your business stand out with our new JBD Campaigns application! Get the most out of your advertising campaigns with our flexible and easy-to-use application. Customize your ads to perfection, and get more leads in no time! Make your business thrive with our powerful and intuitive Campaigns application....
Scroll to change
Paid download

Scroll to change

By olwebdesign
News Display
Scroll to Change displays articles in beautiful layouts during scrolling down. It can be used also to create custom items in three elements, Bar Chart, Before After and 3d Photo scale. Data Source: Articles Select Category Child Category Articles Category Depth Featured Articles Article Field to Order By Ordering Direction Count Open Link Articles custom Fields - Yes / No Category Title Item Tit...
Rail Gallery

Rail Gallery

By KWProductions Co.
Photos & Images
Rail Gallery is so simple and practical for website designers, it is designed for Joomla 3.x, you may select as many as images you need with short explanation for each of them. By clicking on each thumb, all images move like a train till the chosen one becomes magnified....