U Default Picture, by Mircea Rusu - Joomla Extension Directory


Articles Showcase, Articles Images, Articles Display, Articles styling, Article Preview

Missing images can cause a mess in your template's layout, breaking the structure of your homepage's modules. This happens because the modules lack a backup image to display when the article's intro image is missing.
There are several plugins available in the Joomla! repository designed to deal with this issue by supplying fallback images for empty article slots. However, these plugins are set up to function triggered by the 'onContentBeforeDisplay' event. If the module doesn't trigger this event, these plugins won't work. Simply put, without the 'onContentBeforeDisplay' trigger, these plugins become useless.

The U Default Picture plugin ensures no image field is left vacant by inserting a fallback image directly into the database at the onContentBeforeSave event:
- If an image has been assigned to the article's category, that image is used as the fallback image for the article's image fields.
- If no image has been assigned to the article's category, a global, site-wide image is used as the fallback for the article's image fields.
These fallback image settings can be either used together or individually, for the Intro Image and Full Article Image, as per the plugin settings which are quite straightforward.

add default or fallback images for articles . if a article has no intro / full image, a default image is used.
Ease of use
install, enable plugin. define image and way of process. thats all there is
no need for support. it works out of the box. interface is clear, logical. so i dont expact any support needed
i have not check if documentation is available. but not needed. it does what it should do, easy as that
I used this to: sites with several users creating content. the often forget to add intro images. makes the frontend not nice. this way blog views multi colom always looks the same, same height , titles in line etc.
some feature request mailed to the developer to extend the features.
Owner's reply: Didn't get any request. How may I help you?

U Default Picture

Mircea Rusu
Last updated:
Jul 21 2023
1 year ago
Date added:
Nov 15 2022
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4

Uses Joomla! Update System


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