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- Jomres Extensions

JPD Valentina for Jomres
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JPD Valentina for Jomres

By Rodrigo Rocco
Jomres Extensions
This plugin is a Jomres template / theme package that overrides Business List, Business Details, Booking Form and Booking Confirmation layouts. Open Street Map or Google Maps list text hereMap with in properties listing page and custom infobox. Sticky/Scroll menu for property details and avilability modules. Fade in/out map at property details page. Feature to be able to check availability in pr...
Multiproperties Delete for Jomres
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Multiproperties Delete for Jomres

By Rodrigo Rocco
Jomres Extensions
Backend AJAX driven multiproperties delete for Jomres This plugin allows you to delete jomres properties in a bulk way avoiding the hassle of do it one by one. It is AJAX driven. Follow our URL link to see a youtube video of how it works....
MIGS VAS payment gateway for Jomres
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MIGS VAS payment gateway for Jomres

By Rob Joyce
Jomres Extensions
This is the MIGS VAS payment gateway for Jomres. This is a redirect type payment gateway where the user is redirected to the Migs site to make payment and then back to complete the process. This is NOT the standard MIGS system. It is specifically for PNG (Papua New Guinea), Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands...
JPD Shortlinks for Jomres
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JPD Shortlinks for Jomres

By Rodrigo Rocco
Jomres Extensions
With this plugins you as a developer/site administrator would be able to create short links to any Jomres menu item plus publish/unpublish functionality. You also would be able to choose the shortlinks based on 3 different rights levels (recepcionist, manager and supermanagers). Also pick any of the bootstrap color/size for the shortlinks buttons and place the shortlink panel in 4 different positi...