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  1. Jelly
    Paid download

    Jelly Side Menu

    By PulseExtensions Team
    Menu Systems
    After success Altra Side Menu and Altra Top Menu we just think same as it but little bit new so we come with new jelly Side menu in it icon display on your sidebar and when you navigate it its display Lable for it and you able to link internal pages for your site or external link as per your need ,
  2. JRedirects
    Paid download


    By J!Extensions Store
    URL Redirection
    JRedirects finally makes it possible to manage redirects from old to new links automatically! It's a revolutionary way to break with the past when you needed to map old links to new ones! It's an invaluable tool to improve SEO, ranking and indexing of your website! With JRedirects everytime that yo
  3. JMZ
    Paid download

    JMZ Flickr API

    By jumazi
    Social Display
    A great solution for quickly and easily adding high quality images to any Joomla site based on Flickr API. is an image hosting website that is widely used to share photographs. You can set the gallery to display images by photoset, user, group or by keywords.
  4. jBar
    Free download


    By ThemeXpert
    jBar is a powerful web toolbar for Joomla catch your visitors attentions and promote your website’s most important content. Our visual style editor makes creating a jBar dead simple. You just need to add your message and call-to-action.
  5. JLex
    Paid download

    JLex Block

    By JLexArt
    Site Access
    The Joomla extension is used to protect one or more pages with a password or restrict views based on factors such as IP address, Country or user. First released in 2014, JLex BLock is a popular security extension for Joomla, it works with most of the components available on JED.
  6. 3D
    Paid download

    3D Flipbook - Dearflip

    By Dearhive
    Print & PDF
    Joomla Flipbook Extension with Realistic 3D! Embed PDF in Joomla by transforming it into eye-catching flipping book. Get multiple view modes including Lightbox, categories, and many customization options. Dearflip-Joomla offers all you need to bring life into your PDFs & images.
  7. EB
    Paid download

    EB Notification Bars

    By Extnbakers
    Popups & iFrames
    EB Notification Bars is a custom notification and alert bar extension for Joomla which is perfect for marketing promotions, alerts, increasing click-throughs to other pages and so much more.
  8. Hotspots
    Free download

    Hotspots Core

    By compojoom
    Maps & Locations
    Bring the power of Google Maps to your site! Get a customizable and fast loading Google map component for your Joomla site! Hotspots comes with comprehensive documentation, making it very easy to install and set up.
  9. JomEvents
    Paid download


    By Comdev
    Overview JomEvents provides a robust event management system that integrates seamlessly with your existing Joomla setup. Its modern, responsive design ensures your website looks stunning and functions perfectly across all devices, from desktops to smartphones.
  10. Youtube
    Paid download

    Youtube Feed Pro

    By JLexArt
    Social Media
    Youtube module is used to display Youtube channels, Youtube playlists, Youtube videos or Youtube Mixed Source on your website. The output is displayed as a Grid, Slide, Horizontal, Vertical and Youtube Background Video.

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