





Other Filters

  1. Rapi
    Paid download

    Rapi Before After

    By RapiCode
    We often need a way to show the differences between two images. For this purpose, we typically juxtapose two images. But we suggest a better way which highlights the differences to bring everything into focus. This module is based on twentytwelnty script with a few differences.
  2. LM-Proverb
    Free download


    Displays a phrase randomly or according to an hourly, daily, weekly cycle
  3. AdminOrder
    Free download


    Admin Navigation
    AdminOrder allows you to define and store the default order of sort for the tables for articles, plugins, modules and extension management.
  4. Rapi
    Paid download

    Rapi Custom Text

    By RapiCode
    Editor Buttons
    A simple plugin to add text using the buttons to article Set a custom text on buttons and insert text in the editor by clicking on it The possibility of setting up to 5 buttons Tested on tinymce editors and jce
  5. Content
    Paid download

    Content Notifications

    By Minitek
    Allow users to subscribe to content change notifications. Minitek Content Notifications is a Joomla extension that allows users to subscribe to content and receive notifications about content changes.
  6. Digi
    Paid download

    Digi Netatmo

    By Digigreg
    With Digi Netatmo you can easily integrate Joomla and Netatmo, to show on your website the data coming from your Netatmo weather station or from your Netatmo thermostat.
  7. Inner
    Free download

    Inner Content

    By htmgarcia
    Ads & Affiliates
    The Inner Content plugin allow you to insert Google Adsense, modules or any custom HTML code between the paragraphs of your Joomla articles. This helps to monetize more your Joomla site by adding custom snippets inside your contents.
  8. Phoca
    Free download

    Phoca Open Graph System

    By Jan Pavelka
    SEO & Metadata
    System - Phoca Open Graph Plugin Phoca Open Graph System Plugin is a Joomla! CMS Plugin. It allows adding of open graph information into site. Such information stored in meta tags can be then automatically displayed on e.g.
  9. Geek
    Paid download

    Geek Facebook Chatbot

    By JoomlaGeek
    Live Support
    Geek Facebook Chatbot is a Joomla component that dipped its foot into the world of artificial intelligence by offering a customer support and online service. The component enables you to handle unlimited number of customer, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week processing data and assisting customers.
  10. qlcopyright
    Free download


    By Mareike Riegel
    This module simply displays copyright, company name and year. It does nothing spectacular, yet I programmed it, for it's just useful.

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