





Other Filters

  1. Minitek
    Free download

    Minitek FAQ Book

    By Minitek
    A Joomla component for creating Questions and Answers lists.
  2. SermonSpeaker
    Free download


    By Thomas Hunziker
    SermonSpeaker is a free Joomla component for churchs to publish their sermons. It focuses on easy administration and operation by trying to copy the look and feel of regular content items so it feels familiar.
  3. MightySites
    Paid download


    By AlterBrains
    Multiple Sites
    MightySites allows you to run multiply sites on same Joomla installation and share database data between different Joomla sites. No hacks of core files are required and no Joomla! core files are patched.
  4. Social
    Paid download

    Social Fancy Sliders

    By PulseExtensions Team
    Social Display
    We just seen many Social networking tabs and Sliders over here , we have make something new for you just make all 5 social networking sites slides at one place with fancy lookup its represnet your profiles with different way here , see some features list below...
  5. Embed
    Free download

    Embed Google Map

    By Petteri Kivimäki
    Maps & Locations
    Embed Google Map is a plugin for embedding one or more Google Maps to Joomla articles.
  6. Accordeon
    Free download

    Accordeon Menu CK

    By Cédric KEIFLIN
    Menu Systems
    The menu Accordeon CK is an advanced accordion menu system that allows you to insert some descriptions for each menu link, to load any module in the menu structure, and display some image beside the text or just without any text.
  7. Template
    Paid download

    Template Creator CK

    By Cédric KEIFLIN
    Style & Design
    You can create your own Responsive Joomla templates with few clicks with no need of high CSS knowledge. Template Creator is a tool to constuct Joomla templates in few minutes. You can create your own HTML structure and add set your css (colors, dimensions, etc) without code knowledge.
  8. jDiction
    Free download


    By Harald Leithner
    Multi-lingual Content
    jDiction is a translation component for Joomla 3.9, its designed for managing multilingual content. The main focus is the simple management of 1to1 translations.
  9. ByeByeGenerator
    Free download


    By Michael Richey
    SEO & Metadata
    Anyone can change the generator tag - This is the only generator extension that can remove the generator tag entirely - even from your RSS and ATOM feeds! This simple plugin allows the site administrator to customize the generator tag or remove it entirely. As of version 1.
  10. Monthly
    Paid download

    Monthly Archive

    By Web357
    Articles Display
    This Joomla! component is ideal for improving user navigation on your website and works as a search tool.

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