
Google Analytics with gtag.js

Google Analytics with gtag.js

By pwouda
GDPR compliant Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager script This simple but usefull plugin adds Google Analytics code to your website, using gtag.js that is recommended by Google (in 2018). It has AVG / GDPR privacy-rules options to be fully compliant with the new European regulation that started 25 may 2018. Release-notes: Version 1.2.1, june 2018: Modified description and labels Version 1....
Clicky Analytics Dashboard

Clicky Analytics Dashboard

By Alin Marcu
Clicky Analytics Dashboard is a Joomla! module that will display Clicky Analytics data on your website backend. Analytics data, provided through Clicky API, is integrated into a simple dashboard in your Admin Panel. Using Google Charts, Clicky Analytics Dashboard displays detailed info and statistics about: number of visits, number of actions and online visitors. With Clicky Analytics Dashboard...
Visual Website Optimizer for Joomla

Visual Website Optimizer for Joomla

By Analytics for Joomla
Visual Website Optimizer is an easy to use A/B testing tool featuring point-and-click test designer and WYSIWYG editor for creating variations. In addition to being dead-simple split testing software for marketers, it also dramatically shortens time to go live with your A/B tests because of the innovative "tag-less" integration (not to mention it reduces your dependency on IT and web development d...