Joomla! Extensions Directory


Ajo Copyright module

Ajo Copyright module

By Danny Buytaert
Content infos
Display copyright message + year for use in footer. Auto update current year. Show sitename Add custom text...
JExtBOX Footer
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JExtBOX Footer

By Galaa
Content infos
This extension helps you to display copyright notice on the footer of your front-end web pages. The copyright notice is formatted as international standards and it provides a full custom footer module. Standard copyright notice Automated copyright year Custom copyright owner with a link. If it's empty, the site name and the site base url are automatically assigned as the owner and its link respe...
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By Shondalai (formarly corejoomla.com)
Gifts & Coupons
Elevate user engagement on your site with our simple and efficient Points Reward Extension. This powerful tool seamlessly integrates into your platform, providing a user-friendly experience while incentivizing interaction. User-Friendly Interface: The extension is designed with simplicity in mind, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for both you and your users. Efficient Point System: R...