Joomla! Extensions Directory - Page 18


Console - Save old articles aliases

Console - Save old articles aliases

By Sergey Tolkachyov
Site Management
The plugin updates the aliases of Joomla articles by adding the article id to them, according to the old Joomla routing rules. This will allow you to save the old URLs of the articles and at the same time transfer Joomla site to a new router. For example, you're update a big old site from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 5. Why use this plugin The problem with the id in the URL of Joomla materials on old si...
Brixy content add/edit

Brixy content add/edit

By brixyapp
Content Construction
Enhance your Joomla with the Brixy Content Add/Edit Module. This tool integrates the Brixy App Builder API to show Brixy-built forms into Joomla - whether in articles or directly in your template using the {loadmoduleid XXX}, where XXX is the Joomla module ID. Key Features: Allows adding a record via predefined Brixy form; Allows editing a record via predefined Brixy form; Different options for...