Joomla! Extensions Directory - Page 540


Add Audiofly Item
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Add Audiofly Item

By ExtensionSpot
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
One item display for AudioFly is a Joomla module that runs with Audiofly music player. With One Item, you can create simple "Play" buttons and place them anywhere on your website - eg. inside an article, inside a module position... It also allows you to play music from local files or Dropbox Cloud. If you want to place music inside an article, or inside a module position, or you have low storage a...
VM Payment - BTCPay for VirtueMart

VM Payment - BTCPay for VirtueMart

By Andreas Tasch
A VirtueMart (Version 3 and 4) payment method plugin to integrate with BTCPay Server as a payment processor. BTCPay Server is a free and open-source cryptocurrency payment processor which allows you to receive payments in Bitcoin and altcoins directly, with no fees, transaction cost or a middleman. BTCPay Server is a non-custodial invoicing system which eliminates the involvement of a third-part...
WT JShopping Swiper.js carousel

WT JShopping Swiper.js carousel

By Sergey Tolkachyov
JoomShopping extensions
A JoomShopping product slideshow module using the Swiper javascript library. To work, you need to install the WP Super plugin, or connect swiper.js manually by yourself. How to set up swiper.js see in the documentation. To work, you need to install the WT JSwiper plugin, or connect swiper.js manually by yourself. How to set up swiper.see js in the documentation. Module features 3 module modes:...
VP Abandoned Cart Recovery for VirtueMart
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VP Abandoned Cart Recovery for VirtueMart

By Abhishek Das
VirtueMart extensions
Enhance your sales with VP Abandoned Cart Recovery for VirtueMart. This powerful extension automatically saves abandoned carts, including those from guest users, and allows administrators to configure and customize automated recovery emails to be sent at specified intervals. Take advantage of advanced filtering options based on products, categories, payment methods, etc. Each email contains a reco...