
TF Weather

TF Weather

By Tech Fry
Joomla! module that displays either user (from Joomla custom field) or fixed city weather information using Open Weather Map API....
Fields - WT Yandex Map

Fields - WT Yandex Map

By Sergey Tolkachyov
Custom Fields
The plugin adds a new type of custom field for Joomla 4 / Joomla 5 - Yandex.Maps. It allows you to display the label on Yandex Maps in those extensions that support custom fields in Joomla 4. PLugin is free. Joomla 5 ready Yandex.Maps API 3.0 standart markers on the map markers with custom HTML You need Yandex Maps API key for work...
BA Weather
Paid download

BA Weather

This Weather is a lightweight and versatile Joomla module displaying weather information for any location. It’s simple and quick to do – just type in the location you want to the weather module and click save it. Then show on the front-page! Highlight features: Real-time weather forecast Fully responsive Beautiful design with CSS 3 transaction effects Provide all the latest weather informat...