
Mx news display
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Mx news display

By mixwebtemplates
News Display
News Display module it allowed to build pages with news in many awesome styles. It displays joomla content in many unique layouts. Article settings Select Category Child Category Articles - Include / Exclude Category Depth Tag selection Featured Articles - Only / Hide / Show Article Field to Order By Ordering Direction - Descending / Ascending Count Open Link - New Window / Same Window / Popu...
BA News Ticker
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BA News Ticker

Articles Display
The module adds a News Ticker with which you can create Articles tickers with updates and news in every positions of your Joomla site. This module is especially useful for displaying news headlines in magazine and news websites. You can control and adjust the style of the bar from the admin panel. Features: Responsive and friendly to any mobile devices You can use it to display News, Breaking...
Hot Image Scroller
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Hot Image Scroller

By HotThemes
Photos & Images
The Hot Image Scroller module allows you to display a horizontal scroll of your chosen images on the screen. This module achieves smooth animation entirely through CSS, eliminating the need for any JavaScript code or external dependencies. You have the flexibility to pick a set of images from those uploaded to your Joomla website and assign alt text to each one. Moreover, you can customize the dim...