Joomla! Extensions Directory


JAK2 Filter and Search extension for sh404SEF

JAK2 Filter and Search extension for sh404SEF

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
sh404SEF extensions
To use it: 1. Install and activate sh404sef 4.1.x component for Joomla 2.5+ 2. Copy the file found in the package inside folder Joomla 2.5.x in your joomla installation in /components/comsh404sef/sefext/ directory. 3. Be sure that K2 component and JomlArt K2 plugin is enabled in the sh404sef configuration (Use sh404SEF plugin if available is choosen in the Configuration>By Component tab) 4. Purge...
Zoo for sh404sef
Paid download

Zoo for sh404sef

By yoonique[.]net
sh404SEF extensions
shg404sef plugin for the latest Zoo version and Anythingdigital's sh404sef component. Before you can install this plugin you must have installed the sh404sef component. Besides the usual SEF rewriting it allows you to add News numbering, insert blog date, remove/rename hardcoded keywords like category, item and frontpage etc. Please check the demo on our site to see how the URLs look like exactl...
PhocaDownloads for sh404SEF

PhocaDownloads for sh404SEF

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
sh404SEF extensions
sh404SEF plugin for PhocaDownloads. Based on code by Branislav Maksin (www.maksin.ms) and Johan Lindh (www.linkdata.se). Beta version - works on the downloads site. Tested on Joomla 2.5.8, sh404SEF and PhocaDownloads 2.1.8. Don't expect any kind of warranties, use it on your own risk....
TorTags extension for sh404SEF

TorTags extension for sh404SEF

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
sh404SEF extensions
To use it: Install and activate sh404sef 3.4.x..x or newer component for Joomla 1.7+ Copy the file found in the package to your Joomla installation in /components/com_sh404sef/sef_ext/ directory. Be sure that TorTags component is enabled in the sh404sef configuration (Use sh404SEF plugin if available is choosen in the Configuration>By Component tab) Be sure to have a menu item (can be in a hi...