Joomla! Extensions Directory


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By MCTrading
Social Edition
Article-Generator is a SEO extension for Joomla, which automatically generates new articles with own keywords by pulling text from any feed-source you want, to help with SEO. It gives you the ability to set many different configurations for each feed-source. It keeps you’re site fresh and gives you’re visitors something to read and you have nothing to do. All is done by an cronjob - every 5 mi...


By Mareike Riegel
Social Edition
Add qlwiki tag into article text. Via url parameter you can connect to a public wiki (e. g. wikipedia) or local wiki. E. g.: [qlwiki url=http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joomla] - of course with { instead of [. If you use a local, private wiki (with private user access), enter the url in qlwiki tag or simply use the default settings of plugin in backend. Every default setting can be overridden in...