Joomla! Extensions Directory


Canonical Links All in One
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Canonical Links All in One

By ManageCMS
SEO & Metadata
Do you care about SEO? Are you tired of being penalized by Google for having a duplicate content? Install Canonical Links All in One and you'll get a full-featured solution! With our plugin you will get real canonical links for your Joomla content/K2/VM3/EasyBlog. We've tried all other solutions, tried Joomla 3 native solution, and found out that they all had various issues. We care about SEO, s...
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By J!Extensions Store
URL Redirection
JRedirects finally makes it possible to manage redirects from old to new links automatically! It's a revolutionary way to break with the past when you needed to map old links to new ones! It's an invaluable tool to improve SEO, ranking and indexing of your website! With JRedirects everytime that you change a menu or article alias or you change the structure of menu items, the old links are automa...
Aimy Canonical PRO
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Aimy Canonical PRO

By Aimy Extensions
SEO & Metadata
Aimy Canonical creates a canonical link tag for your website. If your website can be visited via more than one URL you can set the preferred domain name and protocol (http, https) with this plugin. For search engine optimization (SEO) you prevent the duplicate content problem by defining a canonical URL. Aimy Canonical is easy to use and set up within less than 5 minutes: Install the plugin, type...
Paid download


By Yannick Gaultier
SEO & Metadata
4SEO is our latest SEO extension. We've been working on it for nearly a year but it's the direct result of 15 years of experience working with Joomla SEO. It uses the latest technology, new in the Joomla world, to provide a best-in-class and fastest user experience but combines it with our SEO experience to let you achieve the best possible SEO results. Our goal: automate every bit of SEO work t...
Crusco Canonical URL

Crusco Canonical URL

By HTML Crusco
SEO & Metadata
The Crusco Canonical URL plugin offers complete control of Canonical URLs in Joomla and solves content redundancy problems caused by two or more different URLs pointing to the same page. It places the correct canonical tag link in each Joomla item. ✔ Supports ⭐ all Joomla! elements and the popular ⭐ Convert Forms and ⭐ SP Page Builder extensions! Articles Multipage articles Single artic...
Route 66 PRO
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Route 66 PRO

By Firecoders
Beautiful SEF URLs, SEO content analysis by Yoast, Google Lighthouse/PageSpeed optimization, Facebook Instant Articles and XML Sitemaps for Joomla! Route 66 PRO supports Joomla! content, K2, Virtuemart, HikaShop and eShop. Flexible SEF URLs definition using patterns Route 66 allows you to define your site SEF URLs using patterns and not be restricted by limited URL options! Patterns can includ...
Custom Canonical

Custom Canonical

By Daniel Morell
SEO & Metadata
The Custom Canonical plugin provides Joomla administrators with a simple way to create persistent, URL agnostic canonical tags. What is a persistent, URL agnostic canonical tag? Persistent means that it does not vanish even if the page is not loaded correctly. The canonical tag is married to the item it is assigned to. Everywhere that item is the primary content the canonical tag is served. URL...
Route 66

Route 66

By Firecoders
Beautiful SEF URLs, SEO content analysis by Yoast, Google Lighthouse/PageSpeed optimization, Facebook Instant Articles and XML Sitemaps for Joomla! Flexible SEF URLs definition using patterns Route 66 allows you to define your site SEF URLs using patterns and not be restricted by limited URL options! Patterns can include any URL friendly character along with some tokens for generating dynamic...
www Redirect

www Redirect

By Web357
URL Redirection
With this tiny Joomla! System Plugin you can redirect all of the requests from non-www to www, or from www to non-www. (Example: from yourdomain.com to www.yourdomain.com, or from www.yourdomain.com to yourdomain.com). USEFUL PARAMETERS Fixing non-www Redirection in Joomla!: (non-www → www, or www → non-www). Force site access with or without HTTPS. (HTTP → HTTP[s], or HTTP[s] → HTTP)....
Aimy Canonical

Aimy Canonical

By Aimy Extensions
SEO & Metadata
Aimy Canonical creates a canonical link tag for your website. If your website can be visited via more than one URL you can set the preferred domain name and protocol (http, https) with this plugin. For search engine optimization (SEO) you prevent the duplicate content problem by defining a canonical URL. Aimy Canonical is easy to use and set up within less than 5 minutes: Install the plugin, type...
Custom Canonical CK

Custom Canonical CK

SEO & Metadata
Multiple uses Use the Custom Canonical plugin to manage the canonical attribute and improve your SEO Woks in the menus articles categories tags Automatic tag It can manage automatically the tag for you and add it on every page of your website Need more ? Don't hesitate to contact us on the forum...
Articles canonical

Articles canonical

By Ahmad Balavipour
SEO & Metadata
Joomla Articles canonical is a plugin for solving joomla articles duplicate problem. this plugin ensure you each article just has one url and other url of article canonical to main and correct url....