Joomla! Extensions Directory


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By RolandD Cyber Produksi
Data Import & Export
RO CSVI is an import and export component for the Joomla Content Management System. RO CSVI enables you can import and export data into and from different Joomla components. Every component features its own import and export types to allow control over every part of the component. Using a system that works based on a set of pre-defined fields you can match your fields with the RO CSVI fields to e...
Migrate Me
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Migrate Me

By Barnaby Dixon
Joomla Migration
Migrate Me: Joomla migration made easy! Grab your old Joomla 1.5 database, click a few buttons and... hey presto! Your new Joomla 3 system is ready to go! This is migration unlike anything you've seen before. It actually works - and it saves your old articles as native Joomla 3 articles, complete with all the correct asset table entries, article IDs, categories, access levels, user creator ID......
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By DayCounts
Joomla Migration
Finally a solution to easily migrate to Joomla 3. If you are still running an old version of Joomla your website is at risk. Old enough that Joomla development team is not supporting these versions anymore. Some other third party extension follow the same roadmap and DayCounts.com is not an exception as we already stopped any further developments on those platforms. This migrator, is a giant le...
Product excel-like manager for Virtuemart
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Product excel-like manager for Virtuemart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
Product excel like manager for Virtuemart 2/3 Must-have super simple utility component for VirtueMart online shops. It enables for user to change prices and stock very easy and fast like they do in MS Excel. UI and keyboard behavior is same as in MS Excel. Users can also add or delete products form online spreadsheet. Component is compatible both with VirtueMart 2.0.12+ and VirtueMart 3.x.x Ave...
google Sitemap for virtuemart

google Sitemap for virtuemart

By Studio 42
VirtueMart extensions
Easy add your products and categories sitemap in Google webmastertools with this component. Setting Free Go to your virtuemart 2+ SiteMap component, all your virtuemart language are displayed and you have only to click the links to preview the XML file or copy the text in the input box and paste it to google. The code is improved to minimise your server memory needs und run at maximum Speed....
Selling commander - Products/Orders/B2B for Virtuemart

Selling commander - Products/Orders/B2B for Virtuemart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
Selling Commander is an ULTIMATE bulk product & order manager tool for VrtueMart and many other platforms like WooCommerce, GCM, Instagram, Facebook... This is a Selling Commander platform connector package for Joomla(3 & 4 ) / VirtueMart Manage products, import, export, find-replace, mass operations. Manage orders, export, find-replace, mass operations. B2B panel ability Selling Commander off...