Virtuemart accordion menu, by Nick - Joomla Extension Directory


Community Builder Store, Extension Specific, VirtueMart extensions

The good addition to any e-commerce site for user this navigation...
Let try to use it and tell me how is it?
* Compatibility with SH404SEF search engine optimization

+ Change speed of slide.
+ Change mouse over or click ot both event
+ Change link in parent menu or no.
+ Fix problem with light box, we use Mootools for accordion
+ Fix problem with level 3 menu items. Please view two attached images for more details.
New version 3.0 avaiable:
Chang log:
+ Insert three styles.
+ Fix some bugs you have emailed me.
Please view demo site for more details
New version 3.1 avaiable:
Chang log:
+ You can display or hide empty category.
+ Fixed some error with module style.

New version 3.2 avaiable:
Chang log:
+ Fixed problem in old version: Display disabled category.
New version 3.3 avaiable: Fixed category order, etc...
Version 3.4 avaiable: Fixed style error, problem with SEO Frendly Url.
Version 3.5 avaiable for Joomla 1.5, 1.7, 2.5
Version 4.0 avaiable: More style, custom style: You can put any color code for text, background, choose icon for open/close menu
Version 5.x: Mobile theme support.
Version 8: Support Joomla 4.
Version 9.0: compatible with Joomla! 3.10.x and Joomla! 4 and Joomla! 5 and Virtuemart 4
Product at Ladadeal.com: http://www.ladadeal.com/joomla-extensions/virtuemart-accordion-menu

Good extensions

Posted on 21 February 2016
Does exactly what it is supposed to do
Ease of use
Very easy to use.
easy to use
Value for money
I used this to: client website. recomment Joomla and this dev
I used this to: Joomla3-vm3
Owner's reply: Dear sir,
What is your account username? if it does not work, why do you not ask a refund?
Hope to hear from you here or by ticket system. I am sure our module works good with VM 3.

One of Best Extensions

Posted on 20 August 2015
Full function for a store navigation.
Ease of use
Very easy to install and setting it
Excellent support. I ask some questions to custom module color and he help me very much.
Full document.
Value for money
100% value. Very cheap only $12 for big module.
I used this to: I am a platinum member of this site. I used some their extensions for client 's site.
recommended their service.
great functionality
Ease of use
Easy for installing and use. So usefull
Very quick and friendly
full documentation.
Value for money
Very cheap
I used this to: My client 's site
Very poor. Initially it was fine, but 5 days later and the company is still promising a "fix".
I used this to: I WOULD have used this for Virtuemart Accordion menuing.

Very great support

Posted on 29 April 2012
Very cheap and very great. I bought Platinum Membership. I received very good support from developer. This module works perfect. recommend


Posted on 14 December 2011
This is a module and modules should be very careful in including resources such as frameworks.

This module does include the complete dojo framework without checking if it is already included. I was using a template which uses dojo. I spent about 5 hours to find out what breaks my site.
Owner's reply: We fixed module. Please download new version
It is the highlight of my day. I've installed 18 modules this day, some working, some not, some with nice style but none of it realy satisfiying - even payed for it.

But this free version works out of the box and it even looks nice too.

Of course one could always do with some more parameters and those are the few bucks for the pro version worth it.
I was thrilled this did exactly what it said without any effort. Install, activate, and *poof* It worked. YAY! :)

That said, I do wish I had some easy control of the colors and the order of the list. My OCD needs the categories displayed alphabetically and the link colors to match the template. ;)

I'm looking forward to the next update!
Owner's reply: You will have new version next month.
Thanks a lot

Not good as should

Posted on 06 April 2011
Unfortunately it is showing categories which are disabled.
Owner's reply: Dear sir,
Can you give us your site Url? We will check it
thanks so much
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JD News Headlines

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Articles Display
JD Headlines is a module allow display article's title from one or many categories, The module support a lot of animations display. Please see the backend image for more details. Same product: Accordion News at http://www.osthemeclub.com/extensions/item/3-os-accordion-news.html New Headlines at LadaDeal: http://www.ladadeal.com/joomla-extensions/news-headlines...

Virtuemart accordion menu

Last updated:
Oct 13 2024
5 months ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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