
Communication, PMS

uddeIM allows users of your community to send Private Messages to each other (note that uddeIM is not a webmail component nor an email client). uddeIM wants to be simple and easy-to-use but it offers all the features you need in a Private Messaging System (PMS).

uddeIM is available in 34 languages. It integrates seamless with Community Builder, Joomlaboard, AlphaUserPoints, Fireboard, Kunena, JomSocial, Joo!CM, Agora, and Ninjaboard.

uddeIM runs on Joomla 1.0, 1.5 native, 1.5 legacy, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5, 3.x, 4.x, and 5.x.

The list of features is endless and includes features like:
* Public Frontend,
* File attachments,
* Local-, Global-, Restricted Distribution Lists,
* General- and System-Messages,
* RSS Message Feed,
* Autocomplete Names,
* Popup and Email Notifications,
* Message Control Center,
* Autoforwarding,
* Autoresponder,
* Message encryption and obfuscating,
* Message Archive,
* Multiple Recipients,
* Message forwarding,
* phpBB codes,
* Static- and Animated Smileys,
* Flooding protection,
* Captcha Protection (incl. reCAPTCHA support),
* CSRF-protection,
* 3 Modules, 3 Plugins, 4 CB Plugins.

All features are configurable.
Importing messages from most other PMS components is possible.

On the project homepage you will find screenshots from the backend interface which shows all options and features.

There is a comprehensive FAQ available that covers lots of issues with uddeIM on about 100 pages.
You find the most current version of the FAQ (and the most current code) on
or in the README folder in the uddeIM package.

Please do not forget to vote and to write a review. Thanks!

posting personal messages for other users inside of my site and sending info emails with or w/o PMS content.
Ease of use
it's easy to use with integrated info, how to install and use, for community builder there are additional plugins
I used this to: Sending personal messages to other users inside my site with info email to the users.
Simple and straightforward internal message system, using user names as adress. Has all functions needed for fast on-site communication.
Ease of use
Its pretty self-evident and lots of settings makes it easy to get a grip on how things work.
I haven't really asked for any, so I wouldn't know. Forum exists, but since j3.7 or .8 it does not work properly. Development has ended.
I don't know if there is any, but the settings are selfexplanatory to a huge degree.
I used this to: Collab site with Kunena as center piece, until fall of 2018 when it wouldn't work anymore after upgrading joomla. I just found that the developer has stopped development. I have had good use of this extension and I'm sad to see it go. Grateful for it as long as it lasted though.

Very Good

Posted on 25 October 2018
Very useful. The support for simple formatting, URLs, images, emoticons, and email notifications are very much appreciated.
Ease of use
It is pretty straight forward. Lacks support for [code][/code], sometimes misinterprets regular text as emoticons, and chops long threads.
I used this to: Communicating private information outside of the normal Kunena communication channels.

I do wish [code][/code] tags were supported. I do wish there was a way to delete the complete oldest message in a long threaded message. (e.g. by deleting up to the message separator line.

It's pretty decent.

Posted on 08 December 2015
It works without flaw but seems a little half-baked as far as layout and features go.
Ease of use
Install and flick the switch. It's peanuts and it works with CB right out of the box.
I used this to: allowing users to send and receive personal messages.

Great Messenger

Posted on 26 May 2015
Works as advertised! Tried a paid messenger first, it didn't work and support was poor. eddeIM installed and worked perfectly first try!
Ease of use
If you can use web based e-mail then you can use this. Lots of features to integrate with Kuenna forums and simple to configure.
Documentation was useful and gave me everything I needed. As a newer user of Joomla I found the documentation easy enough to follow.
I used this to: Installed this as a message system for my site. Does everything I need it to do. Was very pleased with the ease of install and use. My system users like it too!

useful component

Posted on 28 September 2014
A very excellent component to send private messages. But I think no ACL available within the component, so I can't use an user group to specify only a few receiver groups for system and globale messages.

It would be nice to have joomlas ACL available in a future version :-)

excellent component

Posted on 08 January 2014
This is very excellent component for private messaging system

It works

Posted on 29 November 2013
I like it, because it can be integrated in AdsManager component
Of all the extensions I run on my Joomla 2.5.x site I must say this is one extension that I am MOST PLEASED WITH. It was easy to install, configure and run on the site. It has also been easy for the site members to use. For the past two years, I have not needed to contact the support staff. That's just how easy it us.

I also want to add that while I can manage my Joomla website and a couple of others, I am not coder or someone who has expert knowledge of Joomla. I do just enough to not be ignorant... and not mess things up to much. With that said, "Setting up and using this PMS was a breeze." I wouldn't look any further than RIGHT HERE. GOOD JOB!!! Keep up the good work.

Awesome Messaging system!

Posted on 30 August 2013
Good support, and the extension worked amazingly. Also very flexible as to what you can do with it.


Stephan Slabihoud
Last updated:
May 10 2024
10 months ago
Date added:
Oct 06 2007
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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