J2XML, by Helios Ciancio - Joomla Extension Directory


J2XML is an easy to use import/export solution for your Joomla!® powered website.

It allows you to export content (articles, categories, users, tags, weblinks, viewing access levels, contacts, fields) to an xml file, import them from an xml file, or send them to another Joomla! website.

Trotz Meldungen dass J2XML ab Joomla V5.1 nicht funktionieren soll, habe ich es heute auf Joomla V5.2.3 ausprobiert.
Funktioniert nicht!
Ease of use
Es wäre ja sehr einfach zu nutzen. Aber wenn bei einem z.B. Artikel auf Export klickt, flackert es kurz und nichts passiert.
Habe verschiedentlich gehört, dass der Support keine Anfragen mehr beantwortet.
Das wäre wahrscheinlich der Tod eines früher sehr guten Tools. Vielleicht findet sich ein neuer Entwickler für diese Aufgaben: Export/Import
I used this to: Die Idee war > Artikel von einer Webseite zur anderen zu transferieren

A good free extension

Posted on 05 November 2024
Funciona, permite importar artículos y categorías, sólo que en un sitio grande, hay que hacerlo de 5 en 5 artículos y esperar unas horas.
Ease of use
Fácil de utilizar, es intuitiva. La forma de estructurar el componente permite realizar la tarea.
La ayuda que brinda el componente fue suficiente para utilizarlo como es debido.
No encontré documentación adicional aquí o fuera de este portal, tampoco la necesité.
I used this to: Utilicé j2xml para exportar artículos de joomla 3.10.12 a joomla 5.2.0. Aunque hay que exportar categorías y artículos de 5, 6 o máximo 7 a la vez, es una gran ayuda si el sitio es grande.
The J2XML its not working on the latest joomla 5 update 5.1.0. . the update before the latest 5.1.0. was working just fine
Ease of use
The J2XML its not working on the latest joomla 5 update 5.1.0.i the extension need an update
i am trying to contact the developer to apply the issue that J2XML has but i am not getting any reply
i use this to export articles from a joomla 3 website and import them to a joomla 5 new website.
I used this to: i use this to export articles from a joomla 3 website and import them to a joomla 5 new website. the update before the latest 5.1.0. was working just fine
Super! Beides: der Export der Benutzer bei Joomla 3 und der Import bei Joomla 4 hat perfekt funktioniert.
Ease of use
Ich bin problemlos zurechtgekommen und musste nur einen kurzen Blick in die Dokumentation werfen.
Für mich war die Dokumentation nachvollziehbar und einleuchtend.
I used this to: Ich musste eine grosse Anzahl User von einer Joomla3 Webseite auf eine Joomla 4 Webseite transferieren. Dank dieses Tools hat es perfekt funktioniert.

Semplicita ed efficienza

Posted on 27 February 2023
Si esportano i dati. Si evita un upgrade joomla che è spesso disastroso. Per chi vuole importare dati in una installazione pulita.
Ease of use
Basta un click per esportare ed un click per importare. Più semplice di così.
Il supporto è inutile ma c'è. Il programmatore risponde subito. Volevo solo delle rassicurazioni e lui mi ha scritto dopo che ho inviato una
La documentazione non serve iin nquanto è tutto chiaro inn fase di configurazione. Non mi è servito leggere le istruzioni.
I used this to: Ho utilizzato questa estensione per fare la migrazione di un forum da Joomla 2.5 a Joomla 4. NOTA: c'è anche la versione per Joomla 4 ma qui su JED non è specificato.

j2xml Joomla! 4

Posted on 01 November 2022
Great extension works perfectly in joomla 3. but not yet available for jomla4
Ease of use
straightforward with simple steps, not complicated I use it frequently for article transfer
I used this to: I used it to transfer articles between joom 3 websites, looking for edition for joom4
Utilitaire fonctionnel qui fait gagner du temps à l'administrateur du site Web lors du transfert de contenu entre les versions
Ease of use
Très facile à utiliser car s'intègre nativement à joomla. J'ai testé sans souci la version de mai 2022 sur un joomla 4
J'ai eu un bug à la première utilisation qui a été corrigé rapidement
Pas vraiment nécessaire tellement c'est intuitif mais pour ne pas pénaliser j'ai fais comme s'il y avait de la doc
I used this to: un transfert d'un site pour lequel je n'arrivais pas à monter en version de joomla

Great Tool

Posted on 19 January 2022
It´s a very handy Tool. It save so much time for website administrator, when transferring content between joomla versions
Ease of use
It´s easy to install and very easy to configure. And the Best, the component is so easy to use.
Questions are answered quickly, friendly and competently by e-mail. That's exactly how you want support if you have problems. Great Support1
The documentation is detailed and meaningful.
The component is also almost self-explanatory.
I used this to: I use the component to transfer content between two Joomla versions / installations in the easiest and fastest way.
An essential tool makes the transfer of information between sites a breeze! Neatly built in to all forms.
Ease of use
A slow start perhaps but simple to use and efficient. The necessary controls are built in to the form.
I just have not found much support to be necessary. It just works as intended. Fast response when required,
Sort of built in & really not essential. The product is simple enough to understnad and use
I used this to: Development and maintenance of several sites over several years. Now looking forward to 3.9 for Joomla 4.
Once I finally muddled my way through the multi-step installation and import process (3 downloads required), users imported quite easily.
Ease of use
The documentation could be laid out better. To import users, you need to download three files and use them in concert.
I used this to: Fast and easy importing a batch of users into joomla for course registration.
Users Importer for J2XML

Users Importer for J2XML

By Helios Ciancio
Users Import & Export
How easy is it for you to register a lot of people into your Joomla! site? Do you have to do a massive user registration via CSV? Users Importer for J2XML is what you need. Users Importer for J2XML Plugin requires J2XML Library 16.5.278 or above to work properly....
J2XML Grab Images

J2XML Grab Images

By Helios Ciancio
Data Import & Export
This plugin makes local copies of all the remote/external images in a transparent manner to the user. When an article is saved, it will fetch all remote/external images that are referenced and upload them to your site....
Wordpress Importer for J2XML

Wordpress Importer for J2XML

By Helios Ciancio
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
J2XML Wordpress Importer is a plugin for J2XML 3 which allows you to import posts and categories from a WordPress export file. Please install the main app 'J2XML 3' before importing WordPress data. Requires J2XML 3.1.rc2 or above....
Short URL for Content

Short URL for Content

By Helios Ciancio
Short URL
Would you like to create shortened urls without using third party services? This plugin uses the component redirect to create shorten URLs to make them easier to share....
Attachments for J2XML

Attachments for J2XML

By Helios Ciancio
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This is a plugin for J2XML 3.7 and J2XML 3.9 which allows you to export/import attachments....
Password Policy

Password Policy

By Helios Ciancio
Site Security
Password Policy Plugin extends the password policy defined by Joomla!. Features Maximum password age Minimum password age Enforce password history Password expiration reminder Account expires User Actions Log...


By Helios Ciancio
Security Tools
The System - Syslog plugin provides logging by sending RFC 3164 compliant messages to multiple remote syslog servers as well as the logging facility of your web server's operating system. Options Log categories: A comma separated list of log categories to include. Common log categories include but are not limited to: database, databasequery, database-error, deprecated and jerror. If empty, all c...


Helios Ciancio
Last updated:
Dec 06 2023
1 year ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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