
Events Management, Booking, Events Calendars, Date & Time, Events Registration, Date Calendars, Calendars & Events, Payment systems, Events, Booking & Reservations

The all in one events and webinar solution for Joomla. From event management and presentation, over flexible booking forms, till payment processing!

Matukio Events supports multiple categories, recurring events, offers full Joomla ACL support, 100% dynamic booking-forms, payments, location- and organizer- management and presentation, various export options, frontend and backend management!


  • Advanced event-lists with multiple filters and search options, maps and more
  • Easy to use public event submission form
  • Advanced Calendar with event colors and event information on mouse over
  • Upcoming events
  • Beautiful detail pages for events, bookings, organizers and locations.
  • RSS Feeds, ICS calendar files
  • 100 % responsive! Matukio is optimized for smartphones and tablets!


The booking system is 100% customizable, you can easily edit and create booking-fields, have event specific ones and much more. Matukio supports different fees and you can even override them for single events. You can offer coupon codes and it is also possible to book multiple places at once! Matukio comes with payment plugins for all important payment processors and gateways, from PayPal, over till payment by cash or banktransfer and many more. Booked participants (also guests!) have their own area in Matukio, where they can see, cancel and edit (if you like) their booking and much more!


Your organizers can manage their events and bookings from the Joomla frontend, without the need of backend administrator access. And you can have moderated events, which have to be enabled by an administrator first.


Matukio can automatically generate PDF invoices and tickets based on your own template and corporate design. You can use QR- and Bar-Codes to for example easily check-in and validate bookings at an event with your smartphone! You can also completely customize the outgoing emails with your favorite Joomla editor, including placeholders for booking- and event-information.


You can certificate and grade your participants, including dynamically generated certificates based on your own layout. And you can enable your participants to rate an event afterwards.


You can easily export your bookings and events to CSV or print great booking-, signature- and participant-lists and more. The export items are also based on your own, customizable template. You can import events from ICS, CSV or from different other extension, like Seminar or event-booking!


Matukio Events offers extended statistics with charts and bars, making it easy to keep an overview over your business numbers.


Matukio Events comes with 10 different modules and multiple plugins to advertise for your events and integrate it into your site! Starting with upcoming events, events near you with geo-location, over calendar ones and awesome looking event tiles

Die Erweiterung ist auf eine 1 zu X Beziehung zwischen Veranstalter und Event abgestellt.
Viele Konfigurationen wirken sich global aus
Ease of use
Da es nur eine rudimentäre Anleitung gibt, die Einstellungen aber oft nicht selbsterklärend sind, ist die Nutzung sehr schwierig.
Sehr versteckt über Einstellungen in einem Forum. Ein echtet Ticketsystem ist nicht vorhanden.
Unbrauchbar, da kein strukturierter Ablauf bzw. die Einzelnen Optionen erklärt wird.
Value for money
Für meine Geschmack zu teuer. Für ~140€ pro Jahr muss man eigentlich mehr erwarten können.
I used this to: Einsatz war eigentlich für mehrere unterschiedliche Events (Einzelveranstaltungen und welche mit Zeitslots) gedacht. Das ist aber nicht möglich.

So many issues

Posted on 06 September 2017
Functionality is not bad. It seems a little disjointed at times, my personal preference is to keep the admin styling as standard Joomla.
Ease of use
It takes some getting used to but once you have learnt how to use it it gets easier.
Support is poor, issues are not dealt with rapidly and often not dealt with at all.
There is quite good documentation.
Value for money
I think that Matukio is very overpriced given the poor support.
I used this to: Events booking for a hotel / restaurant.
Matukio offers many functions that simplify and automate the management of an event. The flexible adaptability makes the tool powerfull.
Ease of use
It has the same workflow as many other extensions, but with many options to configure the events for your needs.
Excellent and fast.
No documentation required. The extension is most self-explanatory.
Value for money
We use this tool for our customers and the time saving brings back the expenses for the expansion.
I used this to: We use Matukio for our customers. Most come from the seminar and workshop area. Among them are kindergarten, coaches, coaches and others.
The component has a lot of features and options to configure field, emails and layout.
Ease of use
Due to the large number of features and options it took me a couple of hours to master the basic component capabilities.
I received a full and clear answers to my questions within an hour.
The new version of the documentation is very, very good.
Value for money
Expansion good value for money (considering support).
I used this to: create a small site with booking events and calendar.
Reporting nowhere near powerful enough for what it's meant to be. Made bookings where nothing paid despite settings to the contrary.
Ease of use
Simple enough to use and understand, just lacking in some areas.
Hit & miss. Sometimes good. Other times, non existent. Many questions never answered.
Average - not bad, not great. All the basics covered but anything more complex somewhat lacking.
Value for money
Overall, an expensive and frustrating waste of time - changing to a different product.
I used this to: Paint & Wine Party site. Spent hundreds getting custom mods which improved it no end, but the core functionality, or lack of, killed it for my client. VERY flaky dealing with Authorize,net - could never trust it to report or process transactions correctly. A lot of promise...

Fantastic !

Posted on 04 August 2016
This is the extension i was looking for ! It's just perfect !
Ease of use
Easy to use, enough documentation, useful videos
Couldn't be better ! Yves is very helpful.
Clear and good videos
Value for money
Worth it !
I used this to: Booking for music school

Insanely good software

Posted on 26 April 2016
Is it possible to love an extension? If so, I am hopelessly and deeply in love with Matukio. This is amazing software!
Ease of use
The best part of this software is the GUI and logical flow. I had it up and running in record time.
Yves is amazing. He answers questions and forum posts almost instantly (given the time zone restrictions.)
Solid but could be a bit better. The videos are great though and manage to get everything clarified.
Value for money
I'd almost pay double for this - it's that good. It comes with all the gateways you can imagine and out-of-the-box works so well.
I used this to: I have a non-profit client that does 2-3 dozen events a year. Plus they sponsor other orgs' events. We have always (5+ years) used another event software. And it worked well. However, Matukio takes that several steps beyond and offers features that no other software does.
Everything you need. Can be easily extended to your personal needs
Ease of use
Not so difficult, good help at forum or directly from matukio support.
Of course, you have to read the manuals.
Fast and competent. They understand your problem and have the solution for it.
You find everything you need.
Value for money
Great. It is the best solution we found. It's worth more than double of the current price.
I used this to: We are using Matukio to manage the seminas we offer to our customers.
About 1500 participants per year at more than 10 different seminars at 15 repeating locations.

The best one without hesitation

Posted on 06 September 2015
As I was looking for Event Manager, I had no real knowledge about it. Now, I am delighted to learn Matukio's functionalities as I am working
Ease of use
Before purchasing Matukio, I was skeptic about his power and ease of use. But once again, I was surprise to see how great and easy, it is...
I do experience usually a lots of downs from other support's company but so far what I can say: I get all answers within 24 hours!
Documentation is good enough!
Value for money
Without hesitation... What else I can say, it's great!
I used this to: project and daily work!
Owner's reply: Thanks for the review! Happy to read that you are no longer skeptic toward Matukio's features :)
A lot of functions but certificate and bilingualism were the main ones that make us use this fantastic Component!
Ease of use
Easy to use even if you have tons of settings you can play with.
Excellent support. I had several specific needs and I found few little bugs and Yves was always responding within 24 hours with a solution.
Good text documentation to start and well done Youtube video that explain the basics. Enough to begin with.
Value for money
For the money, I was amazed by the richness of functions and the quality of the support I received. Best Joomla component value!
I used this to: I use this in a bilingual university environment to let our professors to register to our different events we create for them (workshops, keynote lecture, special events, etc.). It's working perfectly and we are very happy with Matukio support.
Owner's reply: Thanks for the great review Pascal. Glad that you guys are using this extension at the university!
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Matukio Events

Last updated:
Jan 01 2025
2 months ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p e
J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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