
Affiliate Tracker for HikaShop
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Affiliate Tracker for HikaShop

By JoomlaThat!
HikaShop extensions
With this add-on, you will be able to start a full Affiliate Program for your HikaShop site. Increase your traffic and your sales in HikaShop, comission sales to your affiliates, track referrals, and pay online. This extension extends the capabilites of HikaShop and Affiliate Tracker to provide you all the tools you need for Affiliate Marketing in HikaShop: Let users become your partners by app...
CW Quick Pages
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CW Quick Pages

By Cory Webb
Content Construction
CW Quick Pages is the quickest way to add a content page in Joomla!. Simply create a CW Quick Pages menu item; add your page content directly in the menu item, and Save. That's all there is to it! This component comes with 3 different page types: page, contact, and event. Each page type is defined and stored as Joomla menu items, so your page and menu data are finally stored in one place. No more...
Spedi Skillset

Spedi Skillset

By SPEDI srl
SPEDI Skillset is a Joomla 3.x module, created with Bootstrap 4, HTML5 and CSS3. You can generate 2 fantastic layouts for your skills. Required: - Bootstrap v4 - font Awesome 4.x or 5 Option - jQuery load - Description text - 2 different layout - Max 4 skill set - background image set - background pattern set - icon and text skill color choose...
JUX Before After
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JUX Before After

By JoomlaUX
Photos & Images
JUX Before /After Image is a simple Joomla extension that beautifully shows the visual changes between two images (Before image and after image) on the same screen. Specifically, the awesome Joomla extension is a complete solution to display both edited images and the image before editing to compare these two versions then visitors can easily identify the differences. JUX Before After extension d...
Stripe Checkout Pro for VirtueMart
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Stripe Checkout Pro for VirtueMart

By NorrNext
VirtueMart extensions
Stripe Checkout plugin for VirtueMart 4 allows you to accept payments with the Stripe payment gateway using Checkout method. You can quickly start accepting payments on a pre-built, Stripe-hosted form that is SCA-ready and supports 3D Secure 2 authentication. This makes accepting credit card payments easier than ever with very little setup and effort. This product is compatible with VirtueMart 4....
Params Backup

Params Backup

By Digigreg
Security Tools
This Joomla backup plugin allows you to save Joomla extension settings: modules, plugins, templates and components configurations. How many times has it happened to modify the settings of a plugin, a module or a template and, after various tests, not being able to go back to the previous configuration? With Params Backup you can save settings of Joomla extension you are editing, and then reload...
OS Calendar
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OS Calendar

By Ossolution Team
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
OS Calendar provides availability calendar feature for properties of OS Property. OS Calendar 6.0 even better, it allows administrator/ agent or owner to be able to setup price for their apartments, hotels, villas, holiday or camp site in their OS Property system. Main features: ★ Online Booking: Book Online: rooms, villas, apartments etc of properties. Detailed availability calendar with booke...
EXT ElastiStack Images

EXT ElastiStack Images

ElastiStack is a little script that let's you navigate through a stack of items by dragging away the first one. It comes with an elastic touch meaning that when dragging the top-most item, the other ones will follow as if they were connected elastically. When reaching a certain distance, the dragged item will release itself and the next item will pop out. Features: Joomla 2.5.x - Joomla...
Category Discount For Virtuemart
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Category Discount For Virtuemart

By virtuemart australia
VirtueMart extensions
Do you want to offer customers discount for each product if his cart has multiple products in the same category, if so, you definitely need this!! Either of the below: 1.Buy N+ products in the same category, give M fixed discount for total bill. 2. Buy N+ products in the same category, give M fixed discount to each of these products. 3.Buy N+ products in the same category, give M percent discou...
Firebase Link - Users
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Firebase Link - Users

By ZOOModsPlus
Miscellaneous Bridges
This plugin will sync your Joomla Users to the Firebase Authentication System....
Lab5 - jPowerTools

Lab5 - jPowerTools

By Lab5
Site Management
This plugin is a bundle of extremely usefull functions and tools, that you typically need on EVERY Joomla! website. Definitely makes your work with Jooma! much easier. jPowerTools is like a swiss army knife: Neat and handy! Maybe one of the most useful extensions or Joomla! Maybe. You decide. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// This Tools can: Übercompressors : - Minify...


By ChatSupport
ChatSupport is a powerful live chat software solution that can be easily added to your Joomla website within minutes. ChatSupport enables you to engage your website visitors through an easy-to-use dedicated dashboard. Offer real-time support and increase sales by answering questions and resolving problems instantly. Customers want to talk to you - make it easy with ChatSupport. ChatSupport ben...
Articles for EasySocial

Articles for EasySocial

By stackideas
EasySocial extensions
This is a Joomla! article plugin which displays author information at the bottom of an article. It also enhances the articles by adding a comment form on normal Joomla articles....
Firebase Link - Content
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Firebase Link - Content

By ZOOModsPlus
Miscellaneous Bridges
This plugin will save your Joomla content to the firebase database in real time. Making it the perfect way to use Joomla as the content manager of your mobile app. NOW INCLUDES FIRESTORE LINK...
JMG Article Slider

JMG Article Slider

Article Preview
This free module shows your Joomla! articles as sliders....
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By Logical-Arts
Access & Security
Joomla >= 4 only Backdoor is the Joomla 4/5 kompatible Version of the famous AdminExile plugin from Michael Richey (RicheyWeb). Backdoor protects your backend / administration part of your site by using URL access keys (query parameters). So, attempts to access the administrator login page will be met with either a redirect to your homepage, a 404 error, or a redirect somewhere else. This is e....
SobiPro Statistics: Content Statistics for SobiPro
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SobiPro Statistics: Content Statistics for SobiPro

By JoomlaThat!
Content Statistics extensions
SobiPro Statistics with any TIMEFRAME. Go beyond the simple "number of hits" feature and add a time variable to your reports and lists. You can make statistics on anything on your SobiPro site. Top viewed/reviews/favoured listings, listing rankings, categories, owners... Complete user activity log streams for admins to know everything: WHO did WHAT and WHEN on SobiPro Make rankings of: -Top view...
BIT Virtuemart Most Popular
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BIT Virtuemart Most Popular

By Barg-IT
VirtueMart extensions
Need an overview of the most popular products of your online shop at a glance? BIT Virtuemart Most Popular lists the best selling/most viewed products in Joomla's control panel. The module - counts the views/clicks of your products - counts the sales of your prdoucts - lists the conversion rates of your prdoucts - handles products with variants (child products) - lists the most...