
Barclaycard ePDQ
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Barclaycard ePDQ

By Online Store
VirtueMart extensions
Processes credit and debit cards transactions for merchants with a Baclaycard ePDQ account. Updates Virtuemart on completion of an order and sends out a confirmation email to both the customer and the merchant. Transactions are processed using Barclaycard's own fully CPI compleant secure server. The merchant does not require their own secure server or SSL certificate....
Address to Coordinates for SEBLOD

Address to Coordinates for SEBLOD

By Octopoos
SEBLOD extensions
Field which queries the Google Maps API and returns latitude and longitude based on a group of location fields. Automatically get lat/long based on a standard address Stores in the database to limit API queries Free the user from looking up their geolocation Use with SEBLOD Maps or other map plugins Address to Coordinates allows you to assign several location fields like street, city, zip code...


By Helios Ciancio
Security Tools
The System - Syslog plugin provides logging by sending RFC 3164 compliant messages to multiple remote syslog servers as well as the logging facility of your web server's operating system. Options Log categories: A comma separated list of log categories to include. Common log categories include but are not limited to: database, databasequery, database-error, deprecated and jerror. If empty, all c...
Online Users for K2
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Online Users for K2

By Mostafa Shahiri
K2 extensions
K2 is a popular Joomla extension that provides many features and capabilities for Joomla users. Avatar image for users is one of these features. Online Users for K2 is a simple Joomla module for displaying the avatars of online users. It uses K2 avatar of each user to show a list of online users. You can easily customize different options of this module. Online Users for K2 provides the capabili...
PW Google Tag Manager
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PW Google Tag Manager

By Panky
The Joomla Creator Plugin inserts Google Tag Manager tracking script code into your website, and then individual tracking codes are already pasted through the GTM web interface....


By Web357
Development Tools
A useful minimal Joomla! extension that helps to find and view the log files with errors right from your Joomla! admin interface. Get access to all your log files from one place. View the latest activity, select logs by date, or view the contents of a full log file. FEATURES Show all log files' contents You can view a list of all Joomla! log files and the content of its file separately with the...
Postcode address lookup for Hikashop
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Postcode address lookup for Hikashop

By brainforgeUK
Shopping Cart
Provides a UK customer with a postcode based address lookup thus improving checkout experience and reducing risk of typing errors. Uses Royal Mail postcode data (updated daily) provided by Simply Postcode™, an account with Simply Postcode™ is required. A limited free trial account is available from them. Configurable plugin parameters include: * Query Limit Reduces misuse by limiting the...
Ol accordion menu
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Ol accordion menu

By olwebdesign
Menu Systems
Show the menu of your choice in accordion style. Menu settings Select Menu Base Item Start Level End Level Show Sub-menu Items - Yes / No General settings Use Custom settings - Yes / No Font Size Color Background color Active and hover Background Background color second layer Border color Load jquey script - Yes / No...
Logo Showcase
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Logo Showcase

By mixwebtemplates
Showcase logos in carousel or wall style. The module comes with many styles to choose what is better for your website. Items Manager Image Name Website Name Website Link Settings Style - Default / Style one / Style two / Style three / Style four / Style five / Style six Blur effect (Yes/ No) RTL (Yes for websites with right to left languages / No) Item distance Version - Standard / Carousel...
Modal system messages

Modal system messages

By The Krotek
Popups & iFrames
This plugin replaces ugly Joomla system messages with modal windows and colorize them depending on the message type. Window design is highly customizable and can be styled even by newcomers. ★ FEATURES ★ Nice clean window layout with easy styling via CSS. Two window themes: classic and modern. Turn dim background on/off. Choose closing method: button, background or both. Put some text at th...
EXT Superfish Categories for K2

EXT Superfish Categories for K2

K2 extensions
Module categories for component K2 based jQuery plugin Superfish. If you disable JavaScript works on CSS. Features: Select version jQuery Checking download jQuery Counter categories Levels categories Style: vertical, horizontal, nav-bar Browser support: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE9+...
BrainTree Payment Gateway for HikaShop
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BrainTree Payment Gateway for HikaShop

By 3by400, Inc
HikaShop extensions
The BrainTree Payment Gateway for HikaShop is the answer to the abandoned cart epidemic caused by Paypal Standard and other payment gateways that redirect customers off site! With the BrainTree Payment Gateway for HikaShop your customers never leave your website! The BrainTree Credit Card Form is seamlessly integrated in your own website during HikaShop's checkout process. Our own clients who use...
gallery thumbnail navigation

gallery thumbnail navigation

By joomhome team
Photos & Images
gallery thumbnail navigation, it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for gallery thumbnail website joomla...
Sermon Distributor

Sermon Distributor

By Llewellyn van der Merwe
You can link a shared folders from Dropbox to the component and use Dropbox as your file host, not to mention the advanced auto builder that gives you the ability to simply load sermons to your website by only adding them to Dropbox....
Moonchip Simple Google Analytics
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Moonchip Simple Google Analytics

By Paul Rough
Moonchip Simple Google Analytics Simply install and enable Add you Google Analytics tracking ID No more complicated extras just Google analytics Moonchip Simple Google Analytics is a simple plugin that allows you to easily add google analytics to your Joomla! site, there are very few options and its super sim...
QA Image Slider

QA Image Slider

By JoomlaQA
Extensions Tools
What is QA Image Slider ? QA Image Slider is always one of the functions required in a website. In addition to making the web interface more beautiful and vivid, images will be the best way to convey the message of the website to visitors. Features - Display image information - Run on modern browsers (including IE10+) - Be compatible with Tablet,......
Ruxin Breadcrumbs
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Ruxin Breadcrumbs

By RuxinCode
Site Navigation
This is a simple and beautiful breadcrumbs module that provides your users with better navigation on your joomla site. - Ability to change all parts colors - RTL Support - Fully Responsive...
WT SEO Meta templates

WT SEO Meta templates

By Sergey Tolkachyov
SEO & Metadata
You can use seo templates in title or meta-descrtiption like: "Buy {PRODUCTNAME} for {PRODUCTPRICE}". This plugin is for using variables in the title and meta-description tags. Allows you to use templates for the title tag and the meta-description tag. Accepts data (including SEO templates ) from additional plugin providers. How it works To work, you install 2 plugins: - Main WT SEO Meta templat...