Calendars & Events

Ruxin Countdown
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Ruxin Countdown

By RuxinCode
Calendars & Events
Easily create CountDown widget on your joomla site 12 different themes Possibility to set background image Possibility to adjust the background color Possibility to display the headline Ability to change the texts of days and hours, minutes and seconds Custom color customization Full Responsive...
AA World Live Clock Pro
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AA World Live Clock Pro

By AA Extensions
This module can show live clocks around world. Features it has : ✅ You can add as many as live clocks you want. ✅ You can choose any timezone/country ✅ Change background ✅ Responsive option ✅ Cross browser support. ✅ Simple and Friendly user interface. ✅ Ease to use. ✅ Multi Animation Support ✅ Compatible with all Page Builders. If not, support is available for help. ✅ Works...
VJ Event Tree
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VJ Event Tree

By VJ Tools
VJ Event Tree is a simple module to show events in a nice and ordered tree view. TOP FEATURES Awesome timelines Create awesome timelines in just a few seconds. Custom event icons Customize display of individual events according to your event type and your needs. Unlimited number of events Loads of events to display? No problem, VJ Event Tree can handle all of them. Other Notable Features...
Easy GCalendar PRO
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Easy GCalendar PRO

By Daniel
Calendars & Events
Easy GCalendar PRO Easy Calendar is a fully responsive native Joomla calendar extension based on Google calendar integration. List of included features: 1. Joomla! 4.0+ extension 2. Full responsive 3. Support for Bootstrap 4 & Bootstrap 5 based Templates 4. Multi-language support 5. Multiple calendars on a single page 6. Calendar Month, week, day views 7. Display Tooltips with calendar event det...
JMG Easter Eggs
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JMG Easter Eggs

Easter egg hunt on your website. This component for Joomla! helps you to hide Easter eggs on your homepage....
Flexible Responsive Timelines
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Flexible Responsive Timelines

By Nordmograph
Calendars & Events
Create a nice and responsive jQuery (horizontal or vertical) animated timeline based on static data settings or any values of your Joomla database thanks to a MySQL query wizard or advanced query field or presets. Features: Horizontal or Vertical Layout Responsive: resizes to fit any screen jQuery based Any Joomla data available Event Title, description (with our without HTML), image, url Flexi...
JSW Event
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JSW Event

By JS Webdesign
Manage events & registrations with JSW Event. Create & manage events from frontend & backend Show the event with - description of the event - startdate & time - end date & time - maximum amount of participant - registration possibilities: by email, website, or useraccount (needs jswcrm) - image - with document to download - location (map) & address Version 4.0.20: - Update Framework - New Calenda...
Elfsight Countdown Timer

Elfsight Countdown Timer

By Elfsight
Introduction Create sales-generating timers for your website with Elfsight Countdown Timer. Heat up the atmosphere and create a feeling of scarcity for your items, showing how they get sold out right before the clients’ eyes. Increase urgency for purchase with time ticking down to the finish of the special offer period. Draw attention to your upcoming events and keep your audience eagerly waiti...
JE CountDown
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JE CountDown

By Junk Theme
Easily create a Countdown widget on your Joomla website for informing one's website visitors of an upcoming event with the JE Countdown Extension. JE Countdown displays an animated responsive countdown clock for an event of your decision. This countdown module can be shown Months, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds in the countdown interim. JE Countdown Main Features are Include: Highly customiza...
Scorpion Countdown

Scorpion Countdown

By Scorpion Computers & Software
If you want to keep your website visitors excited about a curtain date, then you could just put a Countdown counter on your website. We made one for you. Although most of the people will use the counter for counting to a certain moment in time we have named this module Scorpion Countdown. Nice to know is however that it can also be used to count up, so that you know how it is since something has...
AA Responsive Classical Clock
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AA Responsive Classical Clock

By AA Extensions
This module can be used for a showing responsive cool looking clock in your website. Features it has : ✅ Shows a Nice Classical Clock ✅ Nice Layout ✅ Fully Responsive ✅ Cross browser support. ✅ Simple and Friendly user interface. ✅ Ease to use. ✅ Compatible with all Page Builders. If not, support is available for help. ✅ Works with any templates. If not support will help. Suppor...
bookingtime appointment

bookingtime appointment

By bookingtime
Calendars & Events
Conveniently integrate bookingtime's online appointment booking into your website...
KVL Date Info

KVL Date Info

By Karel Vlcek
Calendars & Events
This is a module showing some configurable information of the current day. Date and time - you can select a format and you can show it as a module title Name day - people in some countries are used to celebrate a day with their name listed in a calendar like a "small" birthday Public holidays - a special event for celebrating Version 1.1.0...