Joomla! Extensions Directory - Extension Specific - Page 522

Extension Specific

Acymailing App for Watchful

Acymailing App for Watchful

By Watchful LLC
Watchful Client extensions
This App works with the Watchful service and checks if there are messages blocked in the queue. If the messages are found to be blocked in the queue for the specified amount of time indicating that the mailing queue has stopped, you will be notified by email and an entry placed in your log files at watchful.net. You can configure the notifications to be sent after messages have been blocked for...
Category Accordion for Virtuemart
Paid download

Category Accordion for Virtuemart

By Jeyam Templates
VirtueMart extensions
Great way to create smooth and responsive Virtuemart Category Accordions. Category Accordion for Virtuemart is an elegant, flexible & user friendly, jQuery based multi-level category accordion module for Virtuemart with various options and easing effects. With the simplified settings and coloring options, you can create varieties of accordions on the fly. Features: Clean and Responsive jQuery...
Chjoom Crosslink

Chjoom Crosslink

By Cloudhoreca Kft.
VirtueMart extensions
The crosslink plugin was created for the Virtuemart webshop with the aim of improving the user experience. It could also upsell other products thanks to the related products placed next to the “Add to Cart” button. It loads in the “addtocart” Virtuemart layout position, but it can be placed to other layout positions as well like “ontop” or “onbot”. The extension is using the chil...
File App for Watchful

File App for Watchful

By Watchful LLC
Watchful Client extensions
This App works with the Watchful service and checks if specified files on your site have changed. If one of the specified files has changed based on the modification date and CheckSUM, you will be notified by email and an entry placed in your log files at watchful.li. You can specify up to 10 files to check by entering the complete pathsfrom the root of the Joomla installation. Simply install th...
dotmailer for RSForm! Pro
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dotmailer for RSForm! Pro

By RSJoomla!
RSForm! Pro Extensions
Create newsletter subscription forms with RSForm!Pro for dotmailer (http://www.dotmailer.com/). With this integration you will be able to create subscription forms, pass users data to your dotmailer account and assign them to the existing lists. In order to make the plugin work, you need: * Joomla! 3.x * Latest version of RSForm!Pro * an active dotmailer account This RSForm!Pro plugin is fr...
Expiration Application for SobiPro
Paid download

Expiration Application for SobiPro

By Sigrid & Radek Suski
SobiPro Extensions
The Expiration Application extends the SobiPro functionality by adding the possibility to send notification emails about upcoming entries expiration dates and giving users the possibility of requesting renewal of their entries. Key Features: sends emails to authors and/or administrators adds 10 additional email triggers to the Notifications App sends up to 2 reminder email messages sends after...
Easy Profile - Articles Tab

Easy Profile - Articles Tab

By JSN Project Company
Easy Profile Extensions
This plugin extends Easy Profile profile page by adding tab with user's articles....
Shopping Cart Extended for VirtueMart

Shopping Cart Extended for VirtueMart

By degoist Media Solutions
VirtueMart extensions
Backend configurable dropdown shopping cart module for VirtueMart This module adds the following functions to your VirtueMart shopping cart: Optional fixed position for cart Display as a button or icon with or without text label Dropdown or dropout list with products in cart Pictures and delete icon in products list Mobile device compatibility Configure the functions and style of the cart in yo...
Vina Category Menu for VirtueMart
Paid download

Vina Category Menu for VirtueMart

By VinaGecko.com
VirtueMart extensions
We are pleased to announce that Vina Category Menu for VirtueMart - a good module for Joomla 3.x and VirtueMart 3.x has released. This module allows you to show all categories of VirtueMart 3.x Component in Vertical or Horizontal menu. You can set the root category and sort category by Category Name or Ordering to display in menu. You also can change color of main menu, sub-menu, link when active...
SJ Extra Slider for Zoo
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SJ Extra Slider for Zoo

By SmartAddons
Zoo extensions
This is a must-have module for those wanting a big slider that can engross the audience with the great impression of wealthy contents inside. SJ Zoo Extra Slider can be customized to be in vertical or horizontal direction to suit your needs. SJ Zoo Extra Slider is not a common articles-shower that only list something over the face. More than that, a lot of parameters can be configured in administ...
SQL App for Watchful

SQL App for Watchful

By Watchful LLC
Watchful Client extensions
This App works with the Watchful service and lets you build simple SQL select query to check for custom values. If a new value has been found, you will be notified by email and an entry placed in your log files at watchful.net. In addition, you can configure the notifications to be notfied based on a reference value, or if no reference value has been supplied the notification will be based on the...
Chart Template for SEBLOD
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Chart Template for SEBLOD

By Octopoos
SEBLOD extensions
Chart Template for SEBLOD transforms your list of content (i.e. data) in to an interactive graph or chart. The Chart template can transform your list of content (i.e. data) into an interactive graph or chart such as a bar chart, pie graph, geo chart and more. View the live demo see the template in action. Output options include: Area Chart Bar Chart Column Chart Combo Chart Donut Chart Geo Cha...
RCA Categories for VirtueMart
Paid download

RCA Categories for VirtueMart

By RcaTheme.com
VirtueMart extensions
This module displays customised random or manually selected VirtueMart Categories with products count. FEATURES: Responsive design Custom background, border and text color chooser to match with your current template. Custom padding, margin and text align to match with your current template's product listing style. Enable show/hide box shadow on hover. Option to set maximum number of categories...
Example App for Watchful

Example App for Watchful

By Watchful LLC
Watchful Client extensions
Use this Sample App as the basis to writing your own apps for the Watchful service....
EXT bxSlider manufacturers for JoomShopping

EXT bxSlider manufacturers for JoomShopping

By Eco-Joom.com
JoomShopping extensions
Module slider manufacturers for online store component JoomShopping based on jQuery plagin BxSlider. Automatically adapts to any device. Features: Joomshopping 3.x - Joomshopping 4.x bxSlider 4+ Automatically adapts to any device Select version jQuery Checking download jQuery Automatic generation of ID Setting the minimum number of manufacturers for the slide Setting the maxim...
CB Export
Paid download

CB Export

By JLV-Solutions
Community Builder extensions
CB Export is a simple users export extensions for Community Builder. You can set multiple filters for the export, then generate a csv or xlsx file containing the data. You can save the filters criteria and type for export so you don't have to set them up the next time you need to export....
RCA Search for HikaShop
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RCA Search for HikaShop

By RcaTheme.com
HikaShop extensions
Display search form with existing HikaShop categories. By using this module, users can search products on your HikaShop extension based shop filter by cagtegory. FEATURES: Responsive design Display search form with existing HikaShop Categories. Customisable search form width, height and colors. Show search results based on your selected HikaShop menu item's configuration....
SJ Categories Slider for JoomShopping
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SJ Categories Slider for JoomShopping

By SmartAddons
JoomShopping extensions
SJ Categories Slider for JoomShopping - an awesome Joomla extension. We developed this module for JoomShopping component, using as a front-end slider, we can use it to show featured categories, with title, description... SJ Categories Slider for JoomShopping module is built responsive layout for any devices. In addition, it comes with 2 themes, 3 navigation button positions and 3 navigation styl...