- K2 extensions

Vina List Slider for K2
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Vina List Slider for K2

By VinaGecko.com
K2 extensions
Vina List Slider for K2 is as best choice and the most eye-catching way to display K2 item on in a responsive slideshow. It will shows tabs on the left/right side that can be clicked on - this changes the slide that displays. This module is ideal for portal websites, where much content needs to be gathered in as less blocks as possible. With many animations supported and have an easy to control th...
SJ Mega K2 News
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SJ Mega K2 News

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
SJ Mega K2 News Module is a great module for K2 Component. The most of sites need this module on the frontpage. Please see the demo site to have a closer look. With 3 themes and a lot of options, i am sure that you will enjoy it. Highlight Features ★ Compatibility: Responsive Layout Fully browsers compatible Multi-Module in the same page Support Multi-Language Support SEO (Search engine o...
SJ Scattered Gallery for K2
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SJ Scattered Gallery for K2

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
SJ Scattered Gallery for K2 - An original Joomla extension for images displaying. With this module, the images will be scattered randomly in a container. When an item is selected, it will move to the middle and the others will shift to the sides with smooth effect. Moreover, the module supports for item's backface which presents such information: created date, author, comment number, short descri...
SJ Categories Accordion for K2
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SJ Categories Accordion for K2

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
SJ K2 Categories Accordion made for K2 Component and inherits all features from famous SJ Categories Accordion - Joomla! Module released before. You can use this module for showing categories with many subjects like travel, hotel, furniture, eating and drinking... This module supports 2 types for showing tabs with image or no image. For articles inside, they can be presented with 3 layouts and ma...
BM Gird Slider For K2
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BM Gird Slider For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
About Extensions: - This is a gallery to show items with many amazing effects when change page and many beautiful effects to show title & desciption when hover on images, module support for K2 component. - Module support 10 effects when change page, images will fly very beautiful, you can't leave your eyes from images when they change. - You can't believe that beside 10 effects for paging, it supp...
Vina Treeview for K2
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Vina Treeview for K2

By VinaGecko.com
K2 extensions
Vina Treeview for K2 is a great module of Joomla 3. It's allows display K2 categories in a tree view, like a file explorer. This is useful for using K2 as business directory or any listing type. This module works great with Joomla 3.2.x and K2 version 2.5.6 or later. You can run multiple Vina Treeview for K2 on a single page with much more options via module parameters. From version v1.1.0 you can...
BM Moon Slider For K2
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BM Moon Slider For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
This module support for K2 component. This module show your items with images and descriptions on two parts (left or right). You can config to show image on left, right or top This module support responsive, it display nice on every device and every screen size. You can get data from categories or from specific items. Module's theme: Image on left, Image on right, Image on top Resize type: SCALE...
Single Item Redirect for K2

Single Item Redirect for K2

By Web-expert.gr
K2 extensions
K2 Single Item Redirect plugin it's a simple tool that prodivdes redirect from K2 category to Item. When you are clicking on category and there is only one item, then the plugin redirects to the item instead on category items view, so with this way user will skip one click. Checks 1) Can Skip Redirect if subcategories exists (Option) 2) Skips Redirect when has 0 items or more than 1 items (Auto...
SJ K2 Scrollbar
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SJ K2 Scrollbar

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
Are you finding a scroll bar module which can work fine with K2 Component? Please try to use this module into your site, I am sure that it is a great module for you. It supports 6 themes and a lot of options, you can easy change to have a nice module for your site. Now, please read the feature list to understand what can the module do: Highlight Features ★ Compatibility: Responsive Layout...
Search for K2
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Search for K2

By Iacopo Guarneri
K2 extensions
Search for K2 is a plugin for k2 very simple and intuitive to use. Search for K2 need to do a search of the articles in the frontend of k2. Once installed, the plugin will have to specify the custom form created in k2, which will be shown in the frontend into the search form. Once you activate the plugin in the frontend we can go into a view of k2 with a list of items, we will see at the top of th...
Map for K2
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Map for K2

By Iacopo Guarneri
K2 extensions
Map for K2 is a handy plugin for k2. In the backend of k2'll have to create two custom field of type text, relative to the city and the other for the address. Just then install the plugin in the backend and show him the names of these two fields. In the frontend if we open a view of k2 with the list of items, where within them will be shown the city and address, we will see next to a map of marker...
Inceptive Hide Tabs for K2

Inceptive Hide Tabs for K2

By Inceptive Design Labs
K2 extensions
Inceptive Hide Tabs for K2 is an easy way to hide some or all of the K2 item tabs, globally or per category....
BM Flip Master For K2
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BM Flip Master For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
BM Flip Master For K2 support to show items's images of K2 component Do you have a Flip for your items's image with K2 component? You are seeing a best choice for you. This module support many params are very useful for you. You can select items from categories or from specific items (You can type items's id that you want to show in 'Add items' param). This module support 3 themes for control ho...
SJ Listing Tabs for K2
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SJ Listing Tabs for K2

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
SJ Listing Tabs for K2 is a stunning Joomla listing tabs extension for K2 component to show your products lively and conveniently. The module displays products according to categories or article fields. It means that you can arrange your categories as tabs or set article's attributes as tabs. SJ Listing Tabs for K2 allows you to set the number of column displaying for each device screen resolutio...
SJ Accordion for K2
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SJ Accordion for K2

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
SJ K2 Accordion will support your K2 component in showing articles with 2 themes and many effects, increasing your website attraction for subjects like travelling places, restaurant booking, furniture showcase... SJ K2 Accordion Joomla extension is made for K2 component. It supports 2 themes for showing articles with image and URL link. Articles of which categories can be chosen from admin panel,...
SJ Responsive Listing for K2
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SJ Responsive Listing for K2

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
SJ Responsive Listing for K2 supports K2 categories in displaying items selectively and natively. Made for K2 component and compatible with Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x, this module is very flexible in creating news pages, or presenting any showcase with images. Powered by bootstrap, SJ Responsive Listing for K2 module will be responsive to any devices. By allowing CSS classes, this module can be styled f...
Inceptive Multiple Extra Field Groups for K2

Inceptive Multiple Extra Field Groups for K2

By Inceptive Design Labs
K2 extensions
Inceptive Multiple Extra Field Groups for K2 is an easy way to assign multiple extra field groups to K2 categories without hacking the K2 core....
Vina Item Tiled for K2
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Vina Item Tiled for K2

By VinaGecko.com
K2 extensions
Vina Item Tiled for K2 is a great module for Joomla 3 to display items of K2 Component in a responsive scroller and you can control number of row, column to display items. This module is based on Jssor jQuery Slider - is announced as one of the best performance sliders. It's very lightweight and looks good on almost all major browsers and devices. It supports responsive design and works well on to...