- Maps & Locations

Zh YandexMap

Zh YandexMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Yandex Maps service. You can also use module and plugin. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * multilingual interface * configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type, Map Type Control, Toolbar, Search Control, Double Click Zoom, Scroll Wheel Zoom, Zoom Control, Scale Control, MiniMap, Traffic Control) * create any routes (use route API) and pat...


By kksou
Maps & Locations
This is an easy-to-use and light-weight plugin that allows you to include one or more driving or walking directions provided by Google Maps right inside your content item or article. If you need to display driving or walking directions to your company, or from one place to another, this is the plugin. If you only want to display a Google Map, use the googleMaps plugin: http://extensions.joomla.o...
JSP Store Locator
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JSP Store Locator

By JSP Team
Maps & Locations
JSP Store Locator for Joomla provides a rich interface to search and display dealer/office locations for a company who owns offices in multiple locations using Google Maps or Bing Maps. JSP Store Locator provides easy to use interface for searching location, zip code, area code and provides Google map to display the locations. The administrator can easily add/edit the locations/offices from back...
Geek Google Map
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Geek Google Map

By JoomlaGeek
Maps & Locations
Geek Googlemap Module allows you to easily integrate Google Maps into your site. It comes with a simple-to-use back-end control panel and various advanced settings to helps you be able to easily customize a map to fit your website. Main Features: - Supports various map types are: Road Map, Satellite Map, Hybrid Map, Terrain Map. - Supports multiple pointers. - Supports get maker list from data fi...
JLex Map Business
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JLex Map Business

By JLexArt
Maps & Locations
The Joomla module used to display branch locations of businesses ( Google Map Business ). + Unlimited Google Map Places: Create multiple locations and classify them into different groups. + Customizing map: Easily turn on/off the functions in the map such as zoom, map type, Google Map streetview... + User Interface Friendly: Add groups and locations more easily with drag and drop operations. + Ful...
Zh BaiduMap

Zh BaiduMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Baidu Maps service. You can also use plugin. The Module will be available in nearest future. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * configurate many map settings * create any paths (use polylines) * set you custom image on placemark * markers can include site reference and image, and HTML code * you can use marker clusterer (markers grouping...
Paid download


By JoomBoost
Maps & Locations
JoomMap is a unique and comprehensive mapping solution for Joomla, you can create advanced map based directories easily. Define the content for each location using CCK functionality and give your users the ability to search and filter using familiar UI elements. ✨ Main Features Compatible with Joomla 3 and Joomla 4/5 Attach many locations to a single map easily Add and display map legends Att...


By JoomlaBamboo
Maps & Locations
Maps2 is a dynamic and intuitive Joomla module for creating google maps. Maps2 features the ability to apply styles, presets, layers and multiple markers via a dynamic and intelligent admin. Displays a google map in a Joomla module Easily style the map using built in presets or create your own Display multiple markers on a page Type in your address and the map is automatically placed at that posi...
WISroGIS mapping
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WISroGIS mapping

By WIS.ro
Maps & Locations
WISroGIS Webris 4 is the only component for GIS-to-Joomla map creation and publishing; it is designed to be installed as a component&plugin for fast map integration in Joomla 3 WISroGIS 4 Webris: the leading GIS interactive map publishing solution for Joomla! WISroGIS offers GIS data publishing and articles geotagging. Enjoy top features of the component: placemarks slideshow on map, new routing...
Zh OpenStreetMap

Zh OpenStreetMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Leaflet library. You can also use module and plugin. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * multilingual interface * configurate many settings (Zoom, Map Type...) * markers can include site reference and image, and HTML code * you can use contact and user information in placemarks * you can use OpenTopoMap layer * you can use plugin to call...


By Marco
Maps & Locations
J!TrackGallery J!TrackGallery is a Joomla GPS Track Gallery component. Our Goal is to provide a non commercial, free, open source, GNU/GPL3 licensed component for Joomla 3.x (with some backward compatibility), which allows to seamlessly upload GPX tracks and display maps and tracks on Joomla based website. The main features are: - Upload and edit GPS tracks (GPX tracks/routes, KML, TCX format)...
Phoca Maps Plugin

Phoca Maps Plugin

By Jan Pavelka
Maps & Locations
Phoca Maps Plugin is a Joomla! plugin. With Phoca Maps Plugin you can display one or more than one Google Map on your site (in the article). You can display the map or only link to selected map. When user click on this link, the map will be displayed in Modal Box window or in standard Popup window. Demo Joomla 4 Component Demo Plugin Demo Demo: Joomla! 3 Component Demo Component Embed Demo...
Code 7 Responsive Information Map

Code 7 Responsive Information Map

By Code 7
Maps & Locations
A responsive module that outputs a google map of a location of your choice and shows optional information relevant to that location that you can customise. Features * Up to 6 customisable information fields * Responsive layout * Directions if available You will need a Google Maps API key to use this module...
Art Store Locator
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Art Store Locator

By Artetics
Maps & Locations
Art Store Locator module allows to show stores on map...
JMG OpenStreetMap DSGVO
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JMG OpenStreetMap DSGVO

Maps & Locations
JMG OpenStreetMap DSGVO brings help to embed OpenStreetMap without breaking GDPR rules. This plugin for Joomla! adds opt-in functionality to existing OpenStreetMap components and iframes. The plugin detects OpenStreetMap code on your website, informs users about privacy and asks for the user's consent....
Location Map

Location Map

By Andrey Kvasnevskiy and Nikolay Salionovych
Maps & Locations
Location Map will show a map for a specified location. It is available in a Joomla 1.0.x and a native 1.5.x version. The module uses the Google Maps API (for which you can request a free key for your website). Version 1.5 makes the display consistent in various browsers and has some XHTML validation improvements. The module has the following parameters: - Google Maps key - Possibility show more o...
JA Map
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JA Map

By JoomlArt
Maps & Locations
JA Google Map Plugin allows users to embed Google Maps, into articles. A step further, it comes with a unique Code Generator, which allows generation of multiple maps with varied configurations and layouts. Features : * Supports various map types viz., | Road Map | Satellite Map | Hybrid Map | Terrain / Physical Map | * Easy backend, descriptions and usage instructions in the tooltips. * Customi...
Kostenlose Deutschland Map

Kostenlose Deutschland Map

By Image Maps
Maps & Locations
"Free map of Germany" offer you the possibility to display an interactive map of Germany on your homepage. In the plugin you can set colors, mouse over actions and many other functions. Features - Maps Plugin - RESPONSIVE DESIGN barrier-free maps - COLOUR MAKE FUN Map or single regions Colouring - LINK REGIONS Link each region to a destination - TOOLTIPS FOR ANY REGION Create Zusatzinfo´s in HTM...