- Analytics

Visitors Map

Visitors Map

By Nordmograph
This basic module shows your website visitors on a google map. It uses hostip.info API to retrieve visitors approximative coordinates and store it in the database if a cookie says it has not allready been done. In coordination with the map, module can also be used without the map loaded, only to log visitors....
Eorisis Analytics
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Eorisis Analytics

By eorisis
GA4 / Google Tag & Google Tag Manager, Google Consent Mode v2 / GDPR Compliant. Google Analytics 4 & GTM Integration for Joomla. Measure your website traffic and optimize for success. Essential Features - Compatible with Joomla 6, 5, 4, 3. - Cloudflare Compatible. - Unlimited Sites / Domains. - Ready for initial installation or upgrade. - Extended Security. - Written with MVC software design patt...
Relative Metrics

Relative Metrics

By Edijs Petersons
Automatic reports about your website users statistics....
ShowIp JT1

ShowIp JT1

By Joomlatema.net
This module shows visitor's Ip address. Show Ip Module Features: Show Visitors IP Addresses Change background color, Padding, border color etc. Show/Hide Os-Browser Option...


By Matt Thomas
Seamlessly integrates the freegeoip.net public REST API geolocation service with your Joomla website. Once installed and auto-enabled, the plugin will request IP address based geolocation information from your site's visitors and add that information to their Joomla user session. Access that information as follows $session = JFactory::getSession(); $session->get('freegeoip_ip'); Available sessio...
Super Monitoring

Super Monitoring

Monitor your website uptime with www.supermonitoring.com services - and have the reports displayed in your Joomla panel. The extension integrates Super Monitoring responsive interface into Joomla admin panel, enabling you to view reports and configure services without the need to leave your CMS and log in manually to the external application. Super Monitoring service main features: - worldwide m...


By Hans-Guenter Heiserholt
Through the Joomla admin-interface you can easily enter the ID for a defined article and set its hit-counter back to "zero". So that nothing can go wrong, several validities are installed. In addition, a checkbox is integrated, which prevents the database for coming to incorrect operation or unintended actions. The software supports multiple languages ​​by the Joomla standards. The coming so...
Skroutz Analytcis
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Skroutz Analytcis

By Web-expert.gr
The Skroutz Analytics is a service of Skroutz.gr which allows you to have stats on sales and visits, through live statistics gives your website through this extension. The plugin is very simple and requires no configuration. Compatibility: Virtuemart 3.x / 4.x Joomla 3.9.x / 4.x...
Simple Google Analytics

Simple Google Analytics

By Daniele De Santis
Simple Google Analytics is a Joomla! plugin which allows you to easily add Google Analytics tracking code to your Joomla! website. Just enable the plugin and insert your tracking code to start tracking your visitors. It has an option to anonymize IP addresses to help you to comply with European privacy laws. Works with Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3+...
Google Analytics with gtag.js

Google Analytics with gtag.js

By pwouda
GDPR compliant Google Analytics / Google Tag Manager script This simple but usefull plugin adds Google Analytics code to your website, using gtag.js that is recommended by Google (in 2018). It has AVG / GDPR privacy-rules options to be fully compliant with the new European regulation that started 25 may 2018. Release-notes: Version 1.2.1, june 2018: Modified description and labels Version 1....
JS Google Analytics

JS Google Analytics

By Joomlasales.com
Joomla Sales Google Analytics is a plugin built to add Google Analytics tracking code to all of your site's pages with support for various GA features. Joomlasales.com was created to help Joomla webmasters to make better marketing decisions. Even though there is so much that can be done on-site to boost your conversion rate, good marketing decisions all start with good tracking. The fact that you'...


The module "Webgozar" allows you to insert JS-code of popular iranian counter known as Webgozar (www.webgozar.com) on Joomla web pages. Webgozar - a tool to assess site traffic & visitor behavior analysis. With this module you can add other webgozar tools like newsletter & poll to your joomla site too....
JS Google Tag Manager

JS Google Tag Manager

By Joomlasales.com
Joomla Sales Google Tag Manager is a plugin built to add Google Tag Manager Container to all of your site's pages. At Joomlasales.com our mission is to enable Joomla webmasters to make better marketing decisions. Even though marketing can encompass a wide variety of strategies and methodologies, the basis of any good marketing strategy is solid tracking. The fact that you're adding Google Tag Man...
JS Google Content Experiments

JS Google Content Experiments

By Joomlasales.com
JS Google Content Experiments is a module built to help you easily conduct split testing using Google Analytics' Experiments functionality. To get started simply create your experiment in your Google Analytics account. Create multiple articles in your Joomla Article Manager. These articles will be used as the variations in our experiment. JS Google Content Experiments allows up to 5 variations per...
JS Google UTM Tagging

JS Google UTM Tagging

By Joomlasales.com
Generate custom campaign parameters for your advertising URLs from your Joomla Administrator. The JS Google UTM Tagging component is an administrator component to help you with easily adding parameters to URLs you use in custom web-based or email ad campaigns. A custom campaign is any ad campaign not using the AdWords auto-tagging feature. When users click one of the UTM Tagged custom links, the...
Heartbeat for Google Analytics
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Heartbeat for Google Analytics

By EverLive.net
Suppose a visitor lands on a very good page on your website and takes 2 minutes and 43 seconds to read the article. After that he just leaves. This visitor stayed 2 minutes and 13 seconds on your page, but never interacted with it. For Google it is a bounce! And bounced visits are marked 0:00 Time on Site. Not fair, right? Many SEO experts believe that a high bounce rate is a killer for your Goog...
Moonchip Simple Google Analytics
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Moonchip Simple Google Analytics

By Paul Rough
Moonchip Simple Google Analytics https://moonchipextensions.com/all-joomla-extensions/moonchip-simple-google-analytics Simply install and enable Add you Google Analytics tracking ID No more complicated extras just Google analytics Moonchip Simple Google Analytics is a simple plugin that allows you to easily add google analytics to your Joomla! site, there are very few options and its super sim...
Counter for K2

Counter for K2

By Mostafa Shahiri
It's a simple module that counts the number of K2 articles (items) and shows them in front-end. With this module you can show number of articles for today, yesterday, last week (last seven days), last month (last 30 days) and number of all articles (without time restriction). Also you can determine to count articles from some specific K2 categories or it counts only published K2 articles. If yo...